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  1. billdozer15

    Koeppel accident - fault?

    $100 bucks is all it costs to run someone over. There are a few people out there I would pay that to run over. May have to think about that next time.
  2. billdozer15

    Division trophy names

    Maybe the Hayes trophy could be a statue of him punching a player in the face. :D
  3. billdozer15

    KF comments on Wegher situation tonight

    Actually, if he was hurt he would still be participating in rehab and film study and doing things that would help him improve his game which in turn would be contributing to the team. Currently it doesnt sound like he is even doing that. Also, I called it a month ago that he wouldnt be...
  4. billdozer15

    Division trophy names

    I say sell the naming rights. We have gotten over the idea this is about anything but money. So lets just whore the whole thing out. Verizon and Apple Prudential and Target I dont care what it is as long as we are raking in huge dough and using the money to make outlandish expansions to our...
  5. billdozer15

    Nebraska's Schedule is Brutal

    This is kinda my thinking. NU will be coming in with a very big and experienced O/D Lines. We will lose a playmaker at WR and couple playmaker CB's but for the most part we will bring in a very experienced core of players and likely will have a 2nd year QB. I dont know that much can be said for...
  6. billdozer15

    Move Iowa/Nebbie to Black Friday

    This game better be played Black Friday. We have always played Black Friday. Its great to be the stand alone game, while some people work that day there are a hefty amount that do not and alot of people take vacation that day. It has never been an issue in the past so i dont know why playing...
  7. billdozer15

    Big Ten Network Special Tomorrow Night

    Maybe they are announcing the addition of more schools????
  8. billdozer15

    Hawks vs Clowns Tix

    Good Lord. Its like I walked into a daycare center. All the whining and crying in here is giving me a headache. Wait till you see the price of tickets to the NU/Iowa games, it will likely make the ISU prices look like small peanuts.
  9. billdozer15

    O'Keefe's first call on Saturday

    HB pass from Wegher to Stanzi..........
  10. billdozer15

    Big Ten Network Special Tomorrow Night

    Actually I heard Iowa was going to be an independent within the B10. Your schedule will consist of playing the hardest teams from both divisions every year. It will be a floating schedule determined on a weekly basis in which you play the highest ranked team that you havent previously played...
  11. billdozer15

    Poll Question: Do we really want ND in the B10

    They think the only people worthy of them.....are themselves. I say let em go. They wont realize the mistake they made until the super conferences form and they are left on the outside begging to the B10 to let them in. At that point the B10 should really put the hurt on them with concessions to...
  12. billdozer15

    MY FINAL (yes, FINAL) Big Ten Division Prediction

    I see Michigan State having a pretty rough go of it as well.
  13. billdozer15

    I don't think Iowa will play both MN & Wisconsin

    I think i figured out what they are going to do. I am sure everyone else thinks they have it too, but this seems to make pretty good sense. East Mich, MSU, Iowa, Neb, NW, Ill West OSU, PSU, Minn, WI, Ind, Purdue Protected rivals Mich/OSU, MSU/PSU, Iowa/Minn, NU/WI, NW/Ind, Ill/Purd I...
  14. billdozer15

    Final 20% of the divisional split

    Assuming the first 4 teams of each division are correct. I believe they will place the remaining teams due to geography. Meaning Option 1 is more likely.
  15. billdozer15

    About future: A thought that intrigues me

    2012.......that is a loooooooonnnnnngggggg way away. This is assuming no carrier ending injuries, carreer ending suspensions, transfers etc....Too many variables to even be having this conversation, but I guess that is what these boards are for. :)
  16. billdozer15

    Who gets their way in alignment: Wisconsin or Iowa?

    One thing is for certain. Jamie Pollard is praying NU/UI get split into different divisions and dont play eachother annually.
  17. billdozer15

    Do you think Delaney & Big 10 are just throwing trial baloons to measure response?

    Re: Do you think Delaney & Big 10 are just throwing trial baloons to measure response Agreed. Something that P.O.'s the fans likely will not be a money maker. I dont know many people who will purchase a good or service that makes them angry.
  18. billdozer15

    Who gets their way in alignment: Wisconsin or Iowa?

    Not to be rude, but you obviously werent alive when the B12 thought the same thing. The NU/OU rivalry was one of the greatest in college football. It was as big as UM/OSU. Then they killed it and now its just another game when they play every two years. Hopefuylly the B10 will learn from this...
  19. billdozer15

    Who gets their way in alignment: Wisconsin or Iowa?

    Its ok, it'll just make the rivalry that much better. It'll be a love/hate thing. Love us because we were able to solidify the rivalry but hate us because we were the ones that got it done. LOL. I just cant imagine the B10 screwing up a budding border rivalry. There is only a small portion of...
  20. billdozer15

    Who gets their way in alignment: Wisconsin or Iowa?

    Jon can say **** off on the radio but blocks it on his website.....Wierd.