Koeppel accident - fault?


Justin VanLaere
Has only heard who was at fault? Did Josh go through a green left turn arrow or did the truck drive turn left on a solid green without seeing Josh? Is there even a left turn arrow on that street?

Not that it matters, just curious.

If there isn't a left turn arrow, it's about time they put one in.
Thanks all.

For you Iowa Cityans, any reason there shouldn't be a left-turn arrow there?

There is a left turn arrow initially when the light turns green but after about 5-10 seconds it just goes to green both ways. From the vid it looks like to me they were both cruising along with a green and the truck just missed him, maybe it was the sun, maybe hes just old. I dont know, im not a doctor.
Car insurance claims adjuster here. From what I saw on the video, I believe both Josh and the other driver had green lights that had turned yellow. Both the other driver and Josh tried to beat the red light and drove through the intersection at the same time. If you notice only a few seconds after the accident, the green arrow allowing southbound traffic to turn left from Gilbert St. onto Burlington eastbound turns green. This leads me to believe that both parties had a yellow light, however, it is the other driver's greater duty to yield the right of way to on-coming traffic since he was turning left, which obviously he did not. Other driver is obviously the at-fault party. Hope he is insured and thank God Josh was not hurt.
Car insurance claims adjuster here. From what I saw on the video, I believe both Josh and the other driver had green lights that had turned yellow. Both the other driver and Josh tried to beat the red light and drove through the intersection at the same time. If you notice only a few seconds after the accident, the green arrow allowing southbound traffic to turn left from Gilbert St. onto Burlington eastbound turns green. This leads me to believe that both parties had a yellow light, however, it is the other driver's greater duty to yield the right of way to on-coming traffic since he was turning left, which obviously he did not. Other driver is obviously the at-fault party. Hope he is insured and thank God Josh was not hurt.

Your post peaked my interest. I went back and looked at the video. From point of impact until the green arrow there is 13 seconds. Add another second to get them each back to just entering the intersection, and you've got 14 seconds from entry into the intersection until the arrow turns green. Even assuming 1 second of all red for all directions, there would still have to be 13 seconds of yellow light just at the point of entering the intersection, not to mention another couple of seconds before each got to the intersection so both could see the yellow light and make a conscious decision to enter the intersection on a yellow. Yellow lights are rarely (if ever) 13-15 seconds long. My best estimate is that the lights were green for both east and west on Burlington, and the driver of the p/u just didn't see Josh. My take on it. No charge for the reconstruction services.
Car insurance claims adjuster here. From what I saw on the video, I believe both Josh and the other driver had green lights that had turned yellow. Both the other driver and Josh tried to beat the red light and drove through the intersection at the same time. If you notice only a few seconds after the accident, the green arrow allowing southbound traffic to turn left from Gilbert St. onto Burlington eastbound turns green. This leads me to believe that both parties had a yellow light, however, it is the other driver's greater duty to yield the right of way to on-coming traffic since he was turning left, which obviously he did not. Other driver is obviously the at-fault party. Hope he is insured and thank God Josh was not hurt.

I'm sorry, I don't see the green arrow show up 8 seconds after the crash.
There is a left turn arrow, but it expires after about 10 seconds and just remains solid green.

Those Burlington intersections are a nightmare around dawn and dusk. I've almost been run down (twice) for the same reason. Hard to blame the guy, but he was still at fault.
$100 bucks is all it costs to run someone over. There are a few people out there I would pay that to run over. May have to think about that next time.

HAHAHAHA! Yeah, $100 bucks isn't too bad, but depending on the extent of injuries and if your insurance policy limits are more than the amount of the bodily injury/wrongful death settlement, then it's not too much to worry about. But if you really want to avoid all those cosst altogether, just scrape the body off the road and bury it somewhere and don't tell a soul. Save you some cash!
Your post peaked my interest. I went back and looked at the video. From point of impact until the green arrow there is 13 seconds. Add another second to get them each back to just entering the intersection, and you've got 14 seconds from entry into the intersection until the arrow turns green. Even assuming 1 second of all red for all directions, there would still have to be 13 seconds of yellow light just at the point of entering the intersection, not to mention another couple of seconds before each got to the intersection so both could see the yellow light and make a conscious decision to enter the intersection on a yellow. Yellow lights are rarely (if ever) 13-15 seconds long. My best estimate is that the lights were green for both east and west on Burlington, and the driver of the p/u just didn't see Josh. My take on it. No charge for the reconstruction services.

Took another look at it, yeah it is 13 seconds until that light changed, and that would be a long yellow light, so both lights were definately green. That's straight up negligence to yield the right of way. Green doesn't always mean go!

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