Poll Question: Do we really want ND in the B10

Do we want ND in the B10

  • Yes, the juice is worth the squeeze

    Votes: 30 48.4%
  • No, let them go the way of Army and Navy.

    Votes: 32 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
It's kind of been understood that fans would want ND in the B10, and that them being here would be a good thing. With recent developments regarding NBC altering thier TV timeouts to accomidate ND's new no huddle offense, and the potential that ND would ask for a bigger peice of the PIE to join, the question becomes: Do we really want ND in the B10?
Only on an equal basis. Nebraska made the right choice. Everyone in the Big 10 stands equally. If they can handle that then bring them in.
No. They will make demands disproportionate with reality, as always.
ND would be better suited to the ACC or the Ivy League. Small schools, overpriced, mediocre athletes, glory days were back when people wore coonskin coats, straw hats, and ties to football games.
My position has always been GFY, neutered lame; you made your selfish little bed, now go lie in it.
ND is for ND.

I doubt they would be a "team" player in the Big Ten conference. The Big Ten does not need another "Texas" dictating what's best for ND to the rest of the conference.

Let them go their separate way.
If they came in, they would have to do it as equals (which is what has kept them out so far), so yes, I would want them in.

Also, look at this miserable division experience we are faced with, that would be a simple East/West with Notre Dame in the conference:

East: PSU, UM, OSU
West: Nebraska, ND, Iowa/Wisc

I'm hoping if they screw up the divisions that further expansion will allow us to redo the divisions.
They think the only people worthy of them.....are themselves. I say let em go. They wont realize the mistake they made until the super conferences form and they are left on the outside begging to the B10 to let them in. At that point the B10 should really put the hurt on them with concessions to be made if they are allowed in.
I'm not going to vote either way until we see how the current expansion/realignment shakes out. I agree with some of the pros and cons to the ND debate. I'm happy with the way things are for now but reserve the right to vote at a later day. Just call me an independent on this one (just like ND?!?!?:p)
Yes, neck and neck in the voting...Like it or not, ND, OSU, UM, Neb, PSU would make the Big Ten the big fish for years and years to come.
If i had my way the big ten would stay at 12 teams. Since it wont I think Notre dame is the #1 candidate to bring in. Assuming Texas is out.
I used to think it would be great to have ND in the Big Ten. It is logical and would raise the profile of the conference. I have changed my mind because I (almost) always root for Big Ten teams in OOC games and I never want to feel obligated to root for ND. Wouldn't kill me either way but I voted no.
I used to think it would be great to have ND in the Big Ten. It is logical and would raise the profile of the conference. I have changed my mind because I (almost) always root for Big Ten teams in OOC games and I never want to feel obligated to root for ND. Wouldn't kill me either way but I voted no.

I won't root for Nebraska or ND OOC.

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