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  1. B

    If Iowa beats Tenn. will it erase the 5 losses?

    A win would allow me to excuse it taking a miracle to come back and beat Ball State in the final minutes. Too much of the rest of the season was inexcusable.
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    What did Wisconsin run into?????

    Does Gary Anderson have heart problems? His nose is purple.
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    I don't think you'll find many who care much. If there was ever a year that Kirk Ferentz didn't deserve to go to a bowl, it's this one. Out-coached by the likes of Paul Rhoads, Randy Edsall and Bopa Leenie.
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    Barta "without question.....

    Gary Barta is a yes man and an empty suit. He's pose-smile-and say all the right things guy. Until Sally Mason realizes this, he'll remain as comfortable as Kirk Ferentz.
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    On defense, need a huge improvement at safety

    Boyle from Dowling looks like the next Sean Considine to me. Smart, confident, athletic, a gamer. He just looks like a free safety. He'll be too good to keep off the field, but he'll have to wait too long for his chance at QB as long as KF and Rudock are here.
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    Pelini fired

    They want stability, consistency, a big name with a National Championship, and most of all, someone who acts like Tim Osborne on the sidelines. Tressel provides all of the above.
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    Pelini fired

    They'll go after Tressel with Frost as OC.
  8. B

    How to annoy smug Husker fans today1

    1. When it's quiet, stand up and yell 'So in-bred!' and see how many yell Go-Big-Red! 2. Ask if it's true that Imani Cross can really do 368,000 chin-ups. When they say 'why yes, absolutely', say 'then why isn't he running on his hands?' 3. Stand up and sing the 'Tom Kelly's Bowling Pro...
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    Iowa Nebraska Predictions

    Hasn't Nebraska out-recruited us the last few years? I just don't see us keeping up with their athletes on offense if they don't turn it over (especially if Bell plays). We've struggled with the zone read and Armstrong could kill us with it, no matter who they play at RB. Don't forget they...
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    To compare ISU and Wisky games-where is the disconnect

    1. Iowa usually plays to the level of their competition 2. The Iowa State Pembrick Jummerly factor. They play against Iowa like their lives depend on it. They hate us more than we hate them.
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    Pelini's last game

    Or you can yell 'So in-bred!' and see how many respond with 'Go Big Red!'
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    Pelini's last game

    I can see Iowa winning this game if Army Tomstrong doesn't play well. Otherwise, he could do to us what C.J. Brown and Tanner McEvoy did to us with that chicken sh!t Happy Clap zone read thing. As for Pelini, I hope he loses and keeps his job. He's like Tony Romo. Wins a bunch of games, but...
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    Boyle will be our next Sean Considine.
  14. B

    Cornholers Being Blown out by Sconsin today

    The vaunted Blackshirts are a part of NCAA history tonight and I'm loving every second of it.
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    name the date we enter the Top 25

    Sometime after we become the best team in the state.
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    Morehouse's musings

    Anyone count how many times Gary Dolphindeed said 'indeed' on the show tonight?
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    Things I know....

    I disagree that my nephew who's on the team and has worked his *** off for the last 3 years is 'stale rotted flesh'.
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    Remember the plane messages?

    My favorite memories of my first trips to Kinnick as a kid in the late 70's and early 80's: 'Read the Big Peach' airplane sign (for those of you too young to remember, the DM Register sports section used to be printed on peach colored paper and was called The Big Peach). The Scottish...
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    I was at the Indiana game and sat behind the Iowa bench with my dad. After one of CJ's runs where he took a pretty good hit on the east sideline, I noticed him not looking comfortable on the sideline when our defense was on the field. He was standing upright with his hands on his hips and kept...
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    Why not Dan Gable for AD

    Actually, John Bender said it in Breakfast Club. the way, does Barry Mannilow know that you raid his wardrobe?