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  1. Jeebus

    I am overanalyzing this?

    It's not that you're overanalyzing, it's that you're over-caring. If Ruddock wants to be here he'll be here and if he doesn't want to be here then it's better for all parties if he isn't.
  2. Jeebus

    Possible oversight on reason for 7-5 Season

    You still look like the ASSHAT because you missed the point again. I know what I said. You're inability to focus on the point of the statement instead of the petty details makes you look stupid. I'll rephrase it so you don't get stuck on that part like Rain-man; You seem to have...
  3. Jeebus

    Possible oversight on reason for 7-5 Season

    Listen assshat, You missed the point. Are you contending that Iowa could NEVER make the NC game? I would think the fact that they've NEARLY made it twice this decade proves that assertion false. I would think that 4 top ten finishes this decade would ALSO prove that assertion false. To...
  4. Jeebus

    Possible oversight on reason for 7-5 Season

    Pathetic. You seem to have forgotten that Iowa was one Seneca Wallace run away from the NC game in 02. You also seem to forget that Iowa was a twisted ankle away from going 10 and 0 just last year against one of the most difficult schedules in the country! You certainly need a little...
  5. Jeebus

    Minnesota hires Jerry Kill

    Maturi actually did something right.
  6. Jeebus

    Early BCS lines

    Vegas just wants equal money on both sides. I think this line indicates a national lack of respect for the big 10.
  7. Jeebus

    Starting at right guard for the bowl game?

    I'm not worried. I think Bofelli and Orne could both play well at guard. I think Koeppel played due to seniority more than anything. Vandervelde even mentioned that Casey MacMillan was a stud on the scout team for whatever that is worth.
  8. Jeebus

    For those of you Wisky (Bielema) haters....

    I don't understand why someone would want our conference to look bad. Personally, a perfect bowl season would be all the big 10 schools winning and all the SEC schools losing.
  9. Jeebus

    Starting at right guard for the bowl game?

    One of the reporters addressed the corners but it seems nobody knows what is wrong with Gettis and/or MacMillan? Will these guys be ready for the bowl game?
  10. Jeebus

    The Big Ten Should have its championship game outside every year!

    There is a reason that Big 10 teams haven't traditionally played after Thanksgiving. It's called inclement weather. It hurts travel and attendance. Personally I don't want the team with the best portable heaters, hand warmers, cleats, and long underwear to win the championship game. I...
  11. Jeebus

    The Big Ten Should have its championship game outside every year!

    The NC game or the Rose Bowl is never going to be played in freezing weather so playing the Big 10 championship game in cold weather is of no help in prepping for that game. In fact, it may be a hindrance and should be avoided.
  12. Jeebus

    Nicholas (Nico) Law confirms commitment

    Understand and appreciate your points, but after some of the tweets that have made press this year, I would be willing to bet that more coaches will follow Kirk's lead on this.
  13. Jeebus

    Nicholas (Nico) Law confirms commitment

    Fair enough but you sound like someone who still lives with their parents.
  14. Jeebus

    What if Leach Goes to Minny?

    I'm with a lot of you guys. I can't believe that nobody has hired Leach. If you can succeed in Lubbock you can succeed almost anywhere.
  15. Jeebus

    Excited for bowl, but let's look at next year

    Don't forget about Dom Alvis. He will be a stud.
  16. Jeebus

    Nicholas (Nico) Law confirms commitment

    THE HORROR! :eek: This is good news.
  17. Jeebus

    Cyrus narrows list to 5.

    Somebody get Cy's Dad on the phone and ask if we can give him a couple hundy to help persuade him to become a hawk...The NCAA doesn't mind.
  18. Jeebus

    Attention Ferentz doubters

    Excellent post. To the last point; I think it would be interesting to have a poll of season ticket holders as to whether they would fire the coach. I would bet that VERY FEW of said holders would want KF gone.
  19. Jeebus

    Iowa offense 2001-2010

    I'm neither a KOK lover or hater. There have been open receivers on many a failed pass plays this's not Ken's job to put the ball on them. He got them open, it's the players job to hit them.
  20. Jeebus

    No IPTV live broadcast?

    No, not an hour delay. A 73 hour delay as in Monday. It sucks. Oh, and one more thing, if you want to watch it on the web it will cost you.