Iowa offense 2001-2010

cuz they hold their coaches ACCOUNTABLE for their failures at certain schools, not accept failure as Iowa does. If anybody can say with a straight face that the team didn't flat out QUIT in the minny game then they didn't watch the game.
I'm neither a KOK lover or hater.

There have been open receivers on many a failed pass plays this's not Ken's job to put the ball on them. He got them open, it's the players job to hit them.
You know, I still don't get it. A "higher octane" offense doesn't automatically guarantee any kind of record.
It might be fine to make the offense more flamboyant but that doesn't translate to more wins and loses.
Case in point: 2007-2009 Arizona Cardinals and the change for the Hawkeyes from 2009 to 2010.
Besides, a "higher octane" offense leads to more giveaways.

A "stinger defense" does guarantee a better record. Case in point: 2009 Alabama and 2009 Iowa.

What's a team's record on offense and defense? This is much more pertinent.
What's a team's record on offense and defense

What the hell does this even MEAN? :confused:

But I'm so glad everybody is so happy with our "high octane" offense that could only score 2 touchdowns each against teams that allowed 34, 33, and 27.7 points a game this year. :rolleyes:

And for anybody who points out that we scored 29 points a game this year vs 23 points a game: we actually put up some points against the bad teams on a consistent basis in the *first half* of this year, unlike last year.
I'm neither a KOK lover or hater.

There have been open receivers on many a failed pass plays this's not Ken's job to put the ball on them. He got them open, it's the players job to hit them.

Agreed. And if the Offense had a problem just this year then your point would be well taken. However, when the Offense is just flat-out TERRIBLE year in and year out then the problem is systemic and not with individual players. Whether it is a bad scheme (Wisconsin proved the scheme works just fine) or it is the coaching staff that is implementing the scheme.

We know the scheme can work, and as Wisconsin showed it can work very well. Therefore the problem must be those implementing the scheme. KOK must go because of his extended incompetence over the last several years.
I'm neither a KOK lover or hater.

There have been open receivers on many a failed pass plays this's not Ken's job to put the ball on them. He got them open, it's the players job to hit them.

Could be coaching when you consistently fail to recruit a championship level QB that can make the throw in the first place? In twelve years we only get one legitimate QB?
Could be coaching when you consistently fail to recruit a championship level QB that can make the throw in the first place? In twelve years we only get one legitimate QB?

Or, we could well be recruiting talented QBs but we do not have a skilled QB coach who can develop that talent and translate it to production on the field or at the position. Yet another reason why KOK (who is also the QB coach as well as OC) must go. He cannot do EITHER of his jobs with any degree of competency.

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