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    Still Outback Bowl??

    12:30 p.m. on New Year's Day is a lot more appealing to me than 9:00 p.m. on a Tuesday night.
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    Looks like Robinson is back this week!

    Coker had at least a couple carries inside the red zone and got stuffed. Also, on a couple of the drives, it looked like he was completely out of gas by the time they reached the red zone. With Robinson in there, I think there would have been at least a couple more run attempts.
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    Two Deeps--LB

    A little confused by Tarp's absence on the two-deeps considering he played on Saturday. Did he get hurt during the game or are they just being cautious with him?
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    Let them score

    If Clayborn makes the sack on Tolzein instead of just missing him this isnt even talked about. Was this the play just prior to the fake punt or was it later in the drive? I know one of the Iowa defenders was closing in on Tolzien just before he completed his miracle pass.
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    Carimi Beat Clayborn? Or other way around?

    I don't think that one dominated the other but I admittedly did not do a great job of watching their matchup every play from the stands. It looked like Carimi did a good job run blocking on some plays. And Clayborn had some good pass rushes. But I don't think either of them completely owned...
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    Wisky's Unheralded Big Play

    Completely agree with the OP. This play made the fake punt a possibility. Not much you can do but tip your cap to Tolzien. An Iowa defender was closing in and Tolzien was able to not only throw a pass but complete a pass. Just a great play on his part. Sometimes the ball bounces your way...
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    Most Obscure Stat Predictions for Saturday

    Clayborn breaks through the line as Tolzien drops back to pass and the two meet head-on. Their helmets interlock upon impact. In an amazing demonstration of balance, they both stay on their feet. Clayborn wrestles the ball from Tolzien and secures it in his right arm. Clayborn wraps his left...
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    Leaked video of D-Rob's post game speech

    Great stuff. The Iowa State line really got me.
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    Did Les Miles make a deal with the Devil?

    I think you misinterpreted my post. What I meant was Miles was lucky that the pass down the middle was so open. Had they not gained 30 yards on that play, they may not have had time to drive down the field and have a decent shot at the end zone. Yes, they could have still kicked a field goal...
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    Did Les Miles make a deal with the Devil?

    LSU is very lucky they got that long reception on the first play following the fake FG. Why Miles did not call a timeout until :35 seconds left made no sense. He let 30 seconds tick off the clock and the result was 1st and 10 at the 35-40 with :30 seconds left when he could have had 1:00 left...
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    Favorite Fullback

    Glad I'm not the only one who remembers him. For whatever reason, his name never seems to come up in conversations about Hawkeye teams/players of the past. He was a very good ball carrier.
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    Next Year's Team - bye week boredom

    Starting lineup looks pretty decent. Whereas some injuries can be absorbed this year (QB, WR, DL), not so sure about that next year. It will be interesting to see who fills out the two deeps.
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    We have 4 potential 1st round picks

    Ferentz? Really? Even if he improves to become the best center in the country he probably would not be a first round pick. How many centers get drafted in the first round? Come on.
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    Mossbrucker hurt?

    I have no direct knowledge of this, but reading between the lines I think the blocked extra point was the final straw. It sounded like the kickers were inconsistent in practice from the spring through fall camp. After that, KF probably just chose to give the new guy a shot at it.
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    More on RB situation

    Most people would point to two plays: (1) failing to get a first down on a critical third down conversion against Pitt(?) in 2008 by trying to side step a defender instead of just going forward; and (2) the fumble (and overall unimpressive performance) against UNI in 2009. I am not saying it is...
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    More on RB situation

    I think people's opinion of Brownlee is different from their opinion of Paki for two reasons: (1) Brownlee had never played before he was thrown into the mix in 2004 and (2) most importantly, Iowa won when Brownlee played. Brownlee was not very effective running the ball. He carried the ball...
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    Every September Hawks Have a Bad Game

    Even elite teams lose games. USC lost to horrible Washington and Stanford teams in past years. I understand that it is frustrating to lose early in the year, but I would rather lose to a top-tier PAC 10 team on the road in September than lose a conference game in October/November to a team in...
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    Toughts from Saturday

    Anyone who complains about Davis not playing needs to watch his blocking. And then watch McNutt and DJK on the long runs by Robinson...noticeable difference. McNutt blocked a DB with his left hand for about 30 yards on the 75-yard run.
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    22 Year Old Kirkwood Student Owns Gary Barta

    Is is true that you cannot play drinking games in the university lots anymore? I had not seen that anywhere. If so, that is completely ridiculous.
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    I think Purdue may surprise some people this year and I expect them to continue to get better. They easily could have been a bowl team last year (not that it takes much to be a bowl team anymore). I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a scheduled win. Plus, it's not like Iowa has dominated them...