
Ugh. That was underwhelming.....:eek::mad:

Yes it is. I would have rather we got Wisconsin or Penn State.(as a protected rivalry) But with the other tough games on the schedule it becomes a minor anoyance. Nebraska last game of the year! That is going to be a great game. A heck of a lot better than Minnesota at the end of the year.
Why are you guys ******** about a PU v Iowa rivalry? For the love of God, it's about winning the conference and making BCS games. We play Michigan, Michigan St and Nebraska EVERY year. We also play Minny which is a huge rivalry and NW hasn't exactly been a whipping boy for us over the past decade...why in the he!! would we want to play fOSU, PSU or Wisky EVERY year as a rivalry? The game is going to sellout, it's going to be exciting and it's not that bad for us in the bigger picture.

The new schedule is going to be hard enough playing 8 conference games why worry about making it harder by adding Wisky or Illinois?
Looking at the schedules with Nebby as the last game of the year for Iowa I feel better about this. As others have pointed out, I like Iowa's chances year-in and year-out against PU than many other conference teams so I guess this ain't half bad.
At least it's a scheduled win every year.

I think Purdue may surprise some people this year and I expect them to continue to get better. They easily could have been a bowl team last year (not that it takes much to be a bowl team anymore). I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a scheduled win. Plus, it's not like Iowa has dominated them in recent history. Iowa has gotten some very fortuitous bounces against Purdue in the last decade and got quite the lashing in West Lafayette in 2007.
Look at it this way, would you rather play Purdue, or Ohio State, Penn State, or Wisconsin? Purdue may not be sexy, but Iowa is going to have a tough enough road in their division.
Purdue is 45-33-3 against Iowa.

The record is 3-5 since 2000.

AJ Edds and Jewel Hampton come from Indiana

Purdue is an hour away from Indianapolis

The 2002, 2004, and 2008 games were great, with the 2002 game possibly being the most exciting home game for Iowa in the 2000's.

Now, that being said, Purdue is an opportunity to have a foothold in a state where we have found great talent. It should not be considered a rivalry as much as an annual game.

Iowa's rivalry games will be Nebby and Minny. Everyone is complaining that Iowa got Purdue as a protected rival. Think of it more as Iowa was willing to not have a key cross conference rival in order to get Nebby as an instant classic end of season rivalry.

Definitely worth it.
Why are you guys ******** about a PU v Iowa rivalry? For the love of God, it's about winning the conference and making BCS games. We play Michigan, Michigan St and Nebraska EVERY year. We also play Minny which is a huge rivalry and NW hasn't exactly been a whipping boy for us over the past decade...why in the he!! would we want to play fOSU, PSU or Wisky EVERY year as a rivalry? The game is going to sellout, it's going to be exciting and it's not that bad for us in the bigger picture.

The new schedule is going to be hard enough playing 8 conference games why worry about making it harder by adding Wisky or Illinois?

To clarify, I'm very happy with the alignment, but I find the loss of the UW game a bummer. I live in Madison, and know that this game is a HUGE game every year for both teams. I've been to so many UW-Iowa games over the years and many of them have been epic. Iowa is one game over .500 in that series. To top it off, Bucky fans loathe Iowa. Maybe it's a better rivalry from the Madison perspective (versus the Iowa one). I dunno.

It's also a three hour trip from Madison to IC. Purdue is a great trip, and a great game, but it's just...different.
Couple of things:

From the outset of Big Ten expansion, I have feared that it would result in us losing Wisconsin as a rivalry game, which in the shorthand it certainly has...and I think that is too bad...would definitely prefer to play Wisc. to Minn....however....

It is important to keep in mind that we most likely are only losing them for two years, as 2015 is the target to get to nine conf. games...in which case I bet they add another protected crossover game...which will lead us to Wisc and playing them every year. As is currently, we lose them for '11/'12 but pick them back up for '13/'14, and moving into 2015 will lock them up as protected...so I think all will work out in long run.

Short term...Purdue vs. Wisconsin potentially could be better for winning hopes (titles etc.) Not to mention, I actually think Purdue matches up relatively well for a new rivalry. They strike me a lot like Michigan St. in the sense that I feel like we always have good battles and hard fought games with them. Once they rebound from coaching transition, I think you will see a return to the 2002/2003/2004 types of games that will be a real challenge. The color schemes match up, and although we are a notch above their current prestige I think the programs have quite a few similarities, count me pleasantly suprised with this crossover:)
What, did they get to the end of the planning and realize they had two teams left over to create a "protected" rivalry? Purdue? I'd rather kiss my sister. Call me unimpressed.

Yeah. Barta admitted as much.

I like playing Purdue. I'm not chafed at all.
It is Purdue because every other team rival makes scene. Mich - Ohio St. Ill - Northwestern. Penn st - Neb. Mich st - Indiana. Iowa got stuck with Purdue. It's not all bad, it should be another win.
Trading Wisconsin for Nebraska?

Yes, I do believe I'll take that deal.

For sure, I'd take that deal any day of the week.

I was just hoping to continue our budding rivalry with the Nittany Kittys. It was really starting to blossom into a nice little hatefest. But, in the end, I'm definately happy with the way things settled out for us. We get Nebraska at the end of every year in a game that, in most years, will decide the winner of our division.

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