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  1. DBorwig316

    what do you guys think about the frequency of night games in kinnick?

    In a perfect world, we'd have one home night game a year, and the rest would all be 2:30 kickoffs. Gotta keep the mystique of the night games. All 11am games should be banned. I hate early games.
  2. DBorwig316


    I'll be at Soldier. Gameday can't get here soon enough.
  3. DBorwig316

    What position did you play in high school?

    Center and DT at a 2A school.
  4. DBorwig316

    Montee Ball jumped by 5 guys

    Winner. /thread
  5. DBorwig316

    De'Andre Johnson dismissed

    Penn St doesn't have AIRBHG though.
  6. DBorwig316

    wrestling fans

    Awesome links Pin! Thanks for sharing!
  7. DBorwig316

    Our Own Jon Miller Will Be on 1460KXnO Shortly...

    Well played, Mauer.
  8. DBorwig316

    In honor of Nile

    Winner. /thread
  9. DBorwig316

    Architectural Rendering of Iowa Stadium 1929

    Whar big *** turkey leg guy?
  10. DBorwig316

    Big Al

    Spank wins the day.
  11. DBorwig316

    Most hated B10 coach

    +1,000,000 Dantonio is a giant scumball. Easily my most hated coach. Then you can lump Pelini, Fitzy, and Biels together in the next tier.
  12. DBorwig316

    This Week's Poll: The Most Painful KF Era Losses

    '02 ISU '05 Michigan '09 jNW As with the other poll, I was in attendance for all of these.The ISU and jNW still make me physically ill, and the Michigan game makes my blood boil. Worst officiated game ever.
  13. DBorwig316

    This Week's Poll: Three Favorite Ferentz Era Wins

    2004-Wisco 2008-PSU 2010-Orange Bowl It was tough not to pick Tate to Holloway or Seven got Six, but I was in attendance for the three games mentioned above, so they got my vote.
  14. DBorwig316

    Iowa sends 20% of Iowa recruits to the NFL - Iowa State? 0%

    Kampman had offers from every school under the sun. I remember talking to him at track meets my senior year in high school, and he told us about his recruiting trip to Columbus and being led around by Andy Katzenmoyer. He was tempted to go there, but ultimately chose to stay close to home.
  15. DBorwig316

    Bold Prediction

    100 internet points to you for your usage of The Duke.
  16. DBorwig316 - Twitter Tips: Check out these Hawkeye accounts

    /checks list /doesn't see himself on it /haz a sad
  17. DBorwig316

    cool story brah

    If it wasn't for threads like these, I'd never make it through the offseason. This is high quality entertainment, folks.
  18. DBorwig316

    I Finally Got To Hear My Favorite Song Today

    I'll never understand why people have to be such haters on us Cub fans. We've suffered through 100+ years of futility, and yet people feel the need to kick sand in our faces. You haters can suck a fart out of my ***.
  19. DBorwig316

    New Hawkeye Sport... Hockey?

    If Iowa goes D1 in hockey I'll be the first in line to buy season tickets. It would be so freaking awesome. However, I'm not going to hold my breath on this one. As much as I would love to see it, I just don't see Iowa plunking down the cash for it. I sure hope I'm wrong though.