cool story brah

If it wasn't for threads like these, I'd never make it through the offseason. This is high quality entertainment, folks.
If it wasn't for threads like these, I'd never make it through the offseason. This is high quality entertainment, folks.

Ditto. Don't post a bunch but Vin, Duff, 11, and Ghost can row out some good stuff....

rj is fighting a battle he can't win...

lol 2x's on one thread......rare....
Calling ****** bags out, yeah that's being an arrogant ****** bag normal for you?

Just a heads up, you are NOT winning this internet message board fight, brah. You are losing, and not losing gracefully at all. Just stop. Or keep going, because it's pretty damn funny watching you get pwnd. :D
Now normally I'd agree with you that using 1 insulting word time and time again. But when it fits it fits huh? I could switch it up and go with tools for you if it makes you feel better? Now if you don't know that that means, ask your trophy wife. She knows all about tools. Poor thing has to be married to one AND use one when your Viagra bottle turns up empty
Now normally I'd agree with you that using 1 insulting word time and time again. But when it fits it fits huh? I could switch it up and go with tools for you if it makes you feel better? Now if you don't know that that means, ask your trophy wife. She knows all about tools. Poor thing has to be married to one AND use one when your Viagra bottle turns up empty


Now normally I'd agree with you that using 1 insulting word time and time again. But when it fits it fits huh? I could switch it up and go with tools for you if it makes you feel better? Now if you don't know that that means, ask your trophy wife. She knows all about tools. Poor thing has to be married to one AND use one when your Viagra bottle turns up empty

It does make me feel better.

What concerns me is that you think I have a trophy wife at the age of 27. What am I supposed to look forward to when I am in my 30's? Driving a hearse making $45k with 2 illegitimate kids? My life looks to take a huge dump in the next few years. Better drink up.
what in the hell happened to this thread.......i was having fun thinking back about the good 'ole days in IC and the this?!
TWO KIDS?!?!? Crap, your wife promised me she was on the pill! That will teach me to trust an ex stripper.... Shoulda put one on her chest like I wanted to in the first place
TWO KIDS?!?!? Crap, your wife promised me she was on the pill! That will teach me to trust an ex stripper.... Shoulda put one on her chest like I wanted to in the first place

I'm not sure you are understanding - which doesn't surprise me - that I do not have any kids as of now (that I know of). It was a futuristic outlook on what my life will be life if I follow the rjb way of living.

So you are telling me that you wanted to put one on a stripper's chest, but didn't? So she wouldn't let you? How ugly do you have to be to not even get to blow it on a stripper's chest? You shoulda spent that 1/10th of your salary on a better stripper, dewd. Pathetic.
what in the hell happened to this thread.......i was having fun thinking back about the good 'ole days in IC and the this?!


I was getting all nostalgic going down memory lane .......then it became a richard measuring contest.

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