Architectural Rendering of Iowa Stadium 1929

I have read accounts of early games. They had problems keeping the crowds on the sidewalks and the rest of grounds was bare dirt. With the large crowds it had a tendancy to turn to muck. Women complained of losing their shoes and getting their clothing dirty. If you look at old pictures you see everyone was dressed up to go to the game. I believe that tradition only changed in the late 60's and early 70's.

Iowa's teams had done well right after WWI and on through the 20s, first with with first Howard Jones. That era may well be the roots of football's popularity in Iowa. There was some sort of fiasko right before the Great Depression. The thirties were very lean years for Iowa football up until the Nile Kinnick lead team in 1939. They had a lot of trouble paying off the stadium during the depression.
Pretty cool to think today's version in a lot of ways looks much the same...the UofI has done a good job preserving the stadium during rennovations/upgrades.
I went through all the pictures too. They were great. What were these for? Seems like the focus was on women and women's sports at Iowa.
Was Iowa City located in the Himalayas back in the 20's? I feel like that is something my Grandmother would have mentioned, but that picture was clearly taken in a high altitude mountain pass.

Preparing for the first fly over.
Was Iowa City located in the Himalayas back in the 20's? I feel like that is something my Grandmother would have mentioned, but that picture was clearly taken in a high altitude mountain pass.

There was a photo of the stadium with rolling hills all around. They must of done a lot of terra forming to get it as flat as it is now, right around there.

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