Most hated B10 coach

I didn't see Bret Bielema anywhere in the article.
Logan D. from Saginaw, Mich., writes: The most hated coach in the B1G, or who should be the most hated coach, is without a doubt Bret Bielema. The guy just radiates egotism. All you need to do is type his name into Google followed by "is" and you will know exactly what he's like from the suggested words. As a Michigan State fan, I'm not sure if I have ever been angrier with a coach than I was at the end of last year's Big Ten Championship game. After Wisconsin's punter made his Oscar-worthy dive to seal the game, I don't know if I've ever seen a coach as outwardly exuberant as Bret was in that moment. You would have thought his team just scored a touchdown on the most miraculous play in history. I don't know another coach that would be as excited over seeing a yellow flag in the backfield. Plus, not that the guy is in need of an ego-boost whatsoever, but what compels you to put up 70 on Austin Peay and 83 on Indiana? We get it. You can score a lot of points against bad teams.
Logan D. from Saginaw, Mich., writes: The most hated coach in the B1G, or who should be the most hated coach, is without a doubt Bret Bielema. The guy just radiates egotism. All you need to do is type his name into Google followed by "is" and you will know exactly what he's like from the suggested words. As a Michigan State fan, I'm not sure if I have ever been angrier with a coach than I was at the end of last year's Big Ten Championship game. After Wisconsin's punter made his Oscar-worthy dive to seal the game, I don't know if I've ever seen a coach as outwardly exuberant as Bret was in that moment. You would have thought his team just scored a touchdown on the most miraculous play in history. I don't know another coach that would be as excited over seeing a yellow flag in the backfield. Plus, not that the guy is in need of an ego-boost whatsoever, but what compels you to put up 70 on Austin Peay and 83 on Indiana? We get it. You can score a lot of points against bad teams.

I love it when sparty gets mad.....they suck.
My vote goes for Dantonio. Bielema is arrogant, but Dantonio is just a scumbag. I'm still po'd about last year's game with all of the fake injuries. That was a pathetic display that he should be ashamed about.
Bo Pelini tried to kill Harry Potter and stuff Steve Buscemi in a woodchipper.
Well done.


Easy on bielma-he has a tiger hawk tattoo. Dantonio is by far the worst

The fact that he has a tiger hawk tattoo and continues to behave in such a dooshy way makes it worse IMO.

Whose the worst in the Big Ten? It was joePa and tressel - they were/are serious low lifes but they're gone now so that leaves Burt and Dano for most people but for me it's whoever we're playing next week.

Just kidding. It's Dantonio - fuk that guy.
Dantonio and Bulimia are a clear 1-2.

I dislike Fitz, but he doesn't belong in there because he's always fighting a handicap coaching at NWestern, so he has to be a little edgy.

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