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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Wrong. He went to the ground. So yes it was SG's penalty. Same reason Jared Allen can no longer go to his knee to do his rope 'em thing after he gets a sack.
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Were the Jets in the prevent D while the Pats were in the red zone as well? Brady threw back to back strikes for TDs. Welker dropped his but Branch held on. I'll say it again, they recover that onside kick and manage to score a TD and no one is on this site talking about how awesome Greene's TD...
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Offended is not the word I'd use. But I will not back off that is was a really dumb thing for Shonn for do. And it nearly came back to bite him. If the Pats recover that onside kick around the 50 with 30 seconds left I don't give it great odds they score a TD, but it's certainly not out of the...
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    To those of you who had no problem with Greene's celebration and subsequent penalty for it, Would you feel the same way had Brady and the Pats completed the improbable 14 pt comeback? I doubt it. There would be threads on the football boards talking about how dumb Greene was doing for it. I'll...
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Well it's pretty clear you're swayed by Greene playing for NY. Which is fine. The Rex Ryan shtick has worn on me these past two seasons.
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    I think it was pretty clear sexy rexy did not find anything wrong with it. Which makes him just about as dumb. Too bad NE couldn't grab one of those onside kicks and serve up some poetic justice.
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Doesn't change that is was still a really dumb thing to do.
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    VIDEO: Shonn Greene's Excessive Celebration Penalty

    Did you watch the rest of that game? Pats went down in scored in about 1 min and kicked another onside with :30 sec left. They get that onside (like they nearly did the kick prior to that) and I wouldn't have counted Brady out at all. As much as its great to see a former Hawkeye doing work in...
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    Be Prepared: Sunday could get ugly for Hawkeye Hoops

    I agree with this. The best coaching on the planet still isn't going to make the Iowa guards any quicker or make the post players any taller. Effort only takes you so far in big time college basketball. I still believe the Hawks will upset some people this year in Carver, but when good teams are...
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    Top 10 most under rated Hawkeye Bball players in history

    Great calls on these guys. Fantastic defensive players. Murray obviously as well but I think most Big10 followers know that.
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    Basketball Mailbag - send me some questions

    What are your thoughts on Devyn Marble's handles? I could be remembering this incorrectly but I thought some people were big on his ability to handle the rock for a guy his size. So far I haven't been overly impressed, in the open court anyway. Thoughts?
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    Shaun Prater has started a Twitter account

    +1. Nicely done
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    Anyone watching Purdue/Northwestern?

    One of the ESPN game announcers said something about Shurna earlier than I didn't catch all of. He said something like Shurna can become only the 2nd player in NCAA history with... this is the part I'm fuzzy about and needed some help with. I think it was like 1000 pts (which he already has), x...
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    Gus Johnson calling the game

    I love how the Big 10 promo just a few moments ago was strictly Gus Johnson calls. Fantastic
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    Does everybody here no what "fairweather fan" means?

    This. Criticizing your team does not mean you're being a hater or being a fairweather fan, or any of that garbage. It means you see flaws and room for improvement. Great win last night, but without a huge mistake from Gabbert, are we celebrating a victory or wallowing in sorrow from another...
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    Thing that Impressed me.

    I agree on the no-call as well. Chaney turned his helmet to the side at the last split second to avoid a true helmet to helmet. It wasn't as bad as it looked. If he hadn't been able to turn his head I believe it would have been flagged, not to mention Chaney would probably have been seriously...