You watch-McCall will leave!

he was ticketed by campus police for riding on the back of CJ'S MOPED. STRICTLY PROHIBITED ON A 49cc vehicle. happy now?
he was ticketed by campus police for riding on the back of CJ'S MOPED. STRICTLY PROHIBITED ON A 49cc vehicle. happy now?

Our coaching staff needs to open their eyes and change the rules, I spent a month in Thailand and you wouldn't believe what I saw in regards to moped safety... 3 full size adults (about 5'3" 95lbs each) and two babies in a milk crate on front. McCall might have grown up around that being acceptable, you never know..
he was ticketed by campus police for riding on the back of CJ'S MOPED. STRICTLY PROHIBITED ON A 49cc vehicle. happy now?

That is from youtube I personally saw much worse give the kid a break

[ame=]Road Safety Rules? No Rules Here in Thailand, Baby on Motorbike Unsafe! - YouTube[/ame]
i have already pointed out my limitations and why
so deal with it
when i have long post i try very hard to make it easier to read, sometimes it takes me up to 10 minutes to type a post
Spot on and perfectly said. All I will add is Thank You!

I like coker, but he isn't a home run hitter, so to speak.McCall had the speed to take it to the house if he gets to the secondary. We could use McCall so much and he could be a huge help if our coaching staff knew how to utilize our players and their abilities. We should have thrown a fade to McNutt every time he had one on one coverage, because chances are he will come down with it.Vandy is better from shotgun and with a quick pace of play, but we rarely did that.They need to learn to adapt to the talent we have and give our players the best chance to win the game. They don't. They win despite the coaches, not because of them. It's becoming a problem.
You got that right... That most of the blame belongs on these well paid seasoned veterans of the game. They are doing so much wrong, there really isnt anywhere else to go with the blame.

He did, but our 'fans' have to blame someone....and it has to be KF or NEVER could be the play of our team.
Not one person in this thread has said anything of relevance to McCall's life. Let me help you out here since I actually know people who have had contact with him. First, McCall has nowhere to go. Again, NOWHERE to go. He has nothing back home in Illinois. The guy has no father figure in his life, and most people believe his dad is in prison somewhere. Second, McCall stayed at his high school coach's house for his entire senior year. Thats right, he moved into his football coach's house in order to use his computer to catch up on school work. He needed to get all A's his senior year to even graduate and qualify for college football. Third, his high school coach has moved to Cedar Rapids, and is now the coach at Cedar Rapids Prairie. Why does this even matter? Because he has the strongest bond with McCall out of any adult in his life. They still keep in touch all the time. Now tell me, do you really think that McCall will leave the only few things he has in his life, to go play small college football in Illinois where he has nothing?

I'm not saying McCall won't leave. What I'm saying is don't assume just because he didn't get the playing time he wanted that he will leave. Just look at CJF from last year. He stayed, and it's been paying off.

Then lets hope this is where Ferentz, the molder of men and developer of NFL talent, shines and helps the kid out. There has to be some trade off to him falling short on game day decisions.
This guy appears to have a very good skill set, and worked his *** off to get healthy this year, so he could contribute! Captain Ferentz didn't have the balls to put him in the Michigan game, Michigan State game, Minnesota game, but when he finally did play him at Purdue, it was very poor timing. Then he gave up on him for the remainder of the Purdue game.

I have a reliable source that says this kid loves KF. and he did this cause this kid has a future why ruin it in his first year!?
Or the coach can build a two running back system to offset the defense. But that is probably too risky when he can run his one back into the ground.

I will not be surprised if McCall leaves. I wonder how many players leave because they are just dissatisfied with how this team is run and (or) how they are used. Perhaps it is the same on all teams? I would not be surprised to see some other kids leave and (or) some kids back out of their commitments. Iowa is not an up and coming program anymore...and Iowa is stagnant right now, any sizzle Iowa had has long cooled off. Does loyalty to players prevent kids from getting a fair chance? For instance, does anyone think that a backup QB will really have a chance to beat out Vandenberg? All the coaches have to say is that Vandenberg has experience (so did Jake Christensen and it took incredibly bad pay for a year and 1/2 before the coaches even looked at replacing him).

Iowa could have put in a lot of different players yesterday, including a backup QB. Iowa was so far outclassed and outplayed yesterday that it really would not have mattered. Does it matter if Iowa gets shutout and beat by 20 points by an average team, or if Iowa gets beat by 30 or 35?

Perhaps if Vandenberg had a thought that he might lose his job, he would play better? If he can't play better or is just doing a lousy job, play someone else, why recruit them if you don't plan to use them? We all know that this staff will not play underclassmen unless he absolutely has no other choice.

My god, Vandenberg threw 6 ints this year...6! in his first year starting..23tds and 6ints...i will take that every year...people who think he is bad need to take a step back and look at the body of work..ignorant
My god, Vandenberg threw 6 ints this year...6! in his first year starting..23tds and 6ints...i will take that every year...people who think he is bad need to take a step back and look at the body of work..ignorant
I think for many posters the true gripe with JVB isn't really how bad he is but moreso how good he really could be.
I know it is for me.He does many good things but he has some crap to get straightened out so he isn't eff'n up on the obvious easy things everyone sees.
I really think it is much the same with KF.
He has given us alot to be proud of but he needs to look in the G** D*** mirror and do some soul searching for what he can change to make himself better. He too has much more ability than what he has shown IF he can bring it out in himself.
Ferentz admitted he just couldn't find the right time in Michigan game - close game. My understanding is that he had the flu and was unavailable for the Michigan State game. Put him in at Purdue and he fumbles. Ferentz did not burn his redshirt - he had no redshirt available. Once medically cleared with games left, no medical redshirt possibility. Not the easiest choice to toss a young kid to the wolves right after breaking his ankle. I respect Ferentz's caution in that regard. The whole McCall legend thing is funny - kid got 60 yards against a crappy Division 2 team - WOW! Take over all-big ten back Coker's spot as soon as he's cleared to play....amazing. If the kid's a man, he pays his dues, works his butt off like everybody else on the team and comes back stronger & wiser next year. He came to Iowa on a 4 or 5 year scholarship with the primary focus being get a degree and graduate from college. Very few people play pro football and I'm not convinced he's the next Walter Payton can't miss prospect. He's already found out how injuries derail plans...glad he is able to keep playing.
My god, Vandenberg threw 6 ints this year...6! in his first year starting..23tds and 6ints...i will take that every year...people who think he is bad need to take a step back and look at the body of work..ignorant

Vandenberg is one of those guys with good stats...better than Stanzi. However, Stanzi was able so secure an important stat...wins.

A couple of years ago, Stanzi threw a lot of pick-6's. By the same token, he was able to march teams down the field to win games.

Vandy was awful in games at PSU and Neb. He played one good game on the road, and that was Purdue.

I hope he has a better year next year.
I will not be surprised if McCall leaves. I wonder how many players leave because they are just dissatisfied with how this team is run and (or) how they are used. Perhaps it is the same on all teams? I would not be surprised to see some other kids leave and (or) some kids back out of their commitments. Iowa is not an up and coming program anymore...and Iowa is stagnant right now, any sizzle Iowa had has long cooled off.

Yes it is that way all over the country. As far as sizzle, goes, just look at how many players we send to the NFL. A lot of freshmen have player over the last three years and it hasn’t all been because of necessity. The staffs’ philosophy is that upperclassmen know the system better and are less likely to make in-game mistakes than freshmen. That only stands to reason.

Does loyalty to players prevent kids from getting a fair chance? For instance, does anyone think that a backup QB will really have a chance to beat out Vandenberg? All the coaches have to say is that Vandenberg has experience (so did Jake Christensen and it took incredibly bad pay for a year and 1/2 before the coaches even looked at replacing him).

That is a complete bunch of BS. JC’s first year as a starter was average, and the coaching staff opened up competition the start of the next year because they expected more from him.

As far as the bolded portion, that is one of the dumbest comments I have ever read. You’re always complaining about what kind of message the staff is sending to underclassmen and recruits, yet you don’t seem to see how incredibly stupid that message is. “Hey guys, come in here and throw for almost 3000 yards and 23 TDs to 6 interceptions and your job STILL isn’t safe. Here at Iowa, you have to be the second coming of Chuck Long to keep from looking over your shoulder from one season to the next.â€

I Iowa could have put in a lot of different players yesterday, including a backup QB. Iowa was so far outclassed and outplayed yesterday that it really would not have mattered. Does it matter if Iowa gets shutout and beat by 20 points by an average team, or if Iowa gets beat by 30 or 35?

It is guys like you that complain that the coaches give up too easily before the end of the half in games and now you’re complaining that the staff DIDN’T give up and put in their back-ups in the second half of the Nebraska game. What utter BS. It was bad enough watching that game, but it would have been worse to see them throw in the towel. Does it matter what the score was? Yes. We fared better against Nebraska than the “far superior†MSU team did. How would you know how many different players they played in the game anyway? We’re you complaining that you had better things to do than watch the second half of that game?
If you look at the QB's of the KF era:

You have on one side:


The other:


which column do you put JVB in - for me it's easy He goes in the first.

Reminds me A LOT of Kyle McCann.