Worst ISU team since.....?

what do you think KF will say? CPR said that, i doubt KF will disagree with their coach.
I'm just repeating what Ferentz said at the presser.
Asked if this was the best Paul R coached team at ISU, he said yes. He could have said he didn't know or something along those lines... he's VERY good at not answering questions he doesn't' want to answer, very good at that.
Not saying I rely on Deace's opinions, but he leans towards ISU. Interesting to hear him throw them to the wolves after 1 week. I have heard the injury/suspension excuse used. To be honest, I simply don't know enough about ISU's players to form an opinion if I buy that or not. I know KO is good and has been on a bum ankle. Is it going to be any better on Sat? Maybe a little, but definitely not back to normal. If ISU's O and D lines are as half as bad as advertised, it should be a long day for the clowns.
think about that iowa team, what it had and didn't have. QB, RB, WR, OL specifically.

think about this iowa team, what is has comparatively.

I agree the Iowa team had a lot of holes, especially offensively, but it still should have pants that Cyclone team. They were terrible. Crazy stuff can happen though.

Here's my point. If we have a data point that shows ISU losing to UNI coupled with beating the Hawks, I don't think we can extrapolate that a close ISU win over UNI means we will beat the **** out of them.
I have a tough time saying ISU is bad after 1 game. I am sure there are going to be adjustments made from week 1 to week 2 and nobody knows just how good UNI is. I remember the last time Iowa played UNI they did not look like a team that would go on to win the Orange Bowl. We all know ISU will turn it on against Iowa and give it their all.
Not saying I rely on Deace's opinions, but he leans towards ISU. Interesting to hear him throw them to the wolves after 1 week. I have heard the injury/suspension excuse used. To be honest, I simply don't know enough about ISU's players to form an opinion if I buy that or not. I know KO is good and has been on a bum ankle. Is it going to be any better on Sat? Maybe a little, but definitely not back to normal. If ISU's O and D lines are as half as bad as advertised, it should be a long day for the clowns.

Media sensationalism. Plain and simple. Got to say something that will get people to listen. He could be right, but he's just throwing **** around and seeing what happens at this point.
I'm just repeating what Ferentz said at the presser.
Asked if this was the best Paul R coached team at ISU, he said yes. He could have said he didn't know or something along those lines... he's VERY good at not answering questions he doesn't' want to answer, very good at that.

what did he say about Tennessee Tech? Did he avoid those questions?
Also, don't forget about the 2009 game in which we played without many core starters and looked like hot garbage against UNI. Tough to predict too much from a small sample that had many the anomoly of player suspensions and injuries.
Not saying I rely on Deace's opinions, but he leans towards ISU. Interesting to hear him throw them to the wolves after 1 week. I have heard the injury/suspension excuse used. To be honest, I simply don't know enough about ISU's players to form an opinion if I buy that or not. I know KO is good and has been on a bum ankle. Is it going to be any better on Sat? Maybe a little, but definitely not back to normal. If ISU's O and D lines are as half as bad as advertised, it should be a long day for the clowns.

he does like to bait ia fan into false security. has a history on his show for doing same. but i think he was just being honest.

he got his bum ankle at the uni game, i believe. if that is correct, hard to recover and play effectively in one week.
I know nothing about Iowa State this year. And really dont know a whole helluva a lot about Iowa either after that game in the hurricane last weekend. I guess we'll see how it shakes out on Saturday. I think Iowa should control the LOS, but from all accounts it sounds like they have a mobile qb and I know Iowa struggled last week finishing plays against that type of qb.
Media sensationalism. Plain and simple. Got to say something that will get people to listen. He could be right, but he's just throwing **** around and seeing what happens at this point.

Its not like he is 180 degrees off from many other opinions. 70% of the people who saw the game have said it was not pretty. The rest of the world did not have the pleasure of watching it. Should be interesting. I think we either win by 25+ or lose in one of those bizarre, everything goes wrong games like 2005 and 2007. Those games still give me nightmares.
I expect ISU to play a lot better on Saturday, so I am nervous about the game, but if you think that ISU didn't play bottom level football against UNI, then you don't know much about football. Jantz missed receivers by yards not feet. He tried to throw across his body back to the middle of the field twice and was intercepted twice. I know they will be stronger on the O-line, but they were beaten up front badly by an FCS team. If it weren't for Jake Knott making 700 tackles, it could have gotten ugly. Don't forget that the Clones were helped by some awful UNI penalties. It was an ugly ugly football game. Iowa has played some of those in the past, and I'm not afraid to admit it. So don't fool yourself, admit they sucked and move on.

They did suck...for the first 50 or so minutes. Also, don't forget that ISU was -4 in the turnover stat line. ISU played a bad game, but still pulled it out at the end. That's why I don't understand why some people are saying that ISU didn't deserve the win?
let's have some confidence here! i posted this earlier - but very applicable to this thread! ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE_0cHeZcQ0]1800 Tequila - MEN - YouTube[/ame]
Northern Iowa is a darn fine team. It's not like Iowa hasn't been involved in close games with UNI.

As an Iowa State fan already pointed out ... ISU had a lot of starters or significant contributors out. Here's a sampling ...

- Darks (starting WR)
- Hicks (starting OG)
- Osmele - played some but has a dinged ankle (starting LT)
- "Dutch" Rumpelhamer - played a few snaps but not much (starting DT)
- Maggitt - played a quarter and now is out for the year (starting DE)
- Taufoou (in competition for starting LB spot)
- Laing (2nd string DT)

And, in addition to the above, they have a few other contributers who are dinged. Here are a few examples:

- Reynolds (starting WR) - broken toe
- Benton (starting SS) - stinger

Anyhow, Iowa will face a different ISU team this Saturday. I certainly hope that our guys are up to the challenge. I suspect that they are!
Worst ISU team ever?!?! Come on Hawk-fan-forum-posters...

From what little I've been able to see and hear...yes...ISU struggled against UNI on Saturday. And yes...that DOES mean SOMEthing.

UNI is a good team. (emphasis on "team"). Look the Hawks in 2009 with UNI. What about Meeechigan losing to App State, then beating Florida in a bowl game? Va Tech losing to James Madison than winning the ACC (granted the ACC is not a great conference)? Little-to-none meaning should be put on the opening weekend - Hawks included.

ISU will get players back and get some things figured out this week. For those of you that think that Iowa will just cram the ball down Iowa State's throat...this is NOT a video game. They will come up with some stops in our backfield, and their OL will look better and move the ball against our DL. They're on scholarship too.

Other than last year, the only blow-out wins by Iowa have been because of turnovers. If all things are equal, the final score will be very close to what Vegas has.
Its not like he is 180 degrees off from many other opinions. 70% of the people who saw the game have said it was not pretty. The rest of the world did not have the pleasure of watching it. Should be interesting. I think we either win by 25+ or lose in one of those bizarre, everything goes wrong games like 2005 and 2007. Those games still give me nightmares.

Like I said, he could be right. But there is very little to go off of based on one weird game. Right now it's just stir something up and see what happens.

I agree with you about the outcomes.
You're an idiot if you think that just because ISU struggled to put UNI away, we will be walking away with this one. This is probably one game where all the stats from the week(s) before don't matter. Is ISU going to go from an apparently struggling team to a powerhouse in one week? Maybe not. But I can see this game being a lot closer than we want, and I can even see the odd series of events leading to an ISU upset. It's happened before, and it will likely happen again. Maybe not on Saturday, but it's possible.

If Iowa plays up to its potential, there is no reason it can't beat this ISU team handily, even with the Cyclones at full strength. But that means no stupid mistakes, no injuries, etc.
UNI is a good team. (emphasis on "team"). Look the Hawks in 2009 with UNI. What about Meeechigan losing to App State, then beating Florida in a bowl game? Va Tech losing to James Madison than winning the ACC (granted the ACC is not a great conference)? Little-to-none meaning should be put on the opening weekend - Hawks included.

ISU will get players back and get some things figured out this week. For those of you that think that Iowa will just cram the ball down Iowa State's throat...this is NOT a video game. They will come up with some stops in our backfield, and their OL will look better and move the ball against our DL. They're on scholarship too.

The problem with a little bit of your logic there is that there's no way that Michigan beats Florida on the 2nd week of the season. It took the entire journey of that season for them to get to a point where they'd beat Florida.

Like yourself, I think that Iowa State is capable of playing the Hawkeyes close. I expect a very hard fought game. The problem is that it is a big game ... and Iowa is better than UNI. If Iowa is able to continue to get pressure on Jantz ... is he still going to be responsible for some turnovers? I think that there's a good chance that he will. And what was that that you said about the impact of turnovers?
The problem with a little bit of your logic there is that there's no way that Michigan beats Florida on the 2nd week of the season. It took the entire journey of that season for them to get to a point where they'd beat Florida.

Like yourself, I think that Iowa State is capable of playing the Hawkeyes close. I expect a very hard fought game. The problem is that it is a big game ... and Iowa is better than UNI. If Iowa is able to continue to get pressure on Jantz ... is he still going to be responsible for some turnovers? I think that there's a good chance that he will. And what was that that you said about the impact of turnovers?

I think that is a key. I hope it happens, and we get to set up some lovely interception returns (like last week, and against Mizzou, and..).

That, and ball control. If we run the ball well and hang onto it, we'll be fine. However, the history of this series indicates that we should be prepared for anything...
think about that iowa team, what it had and didn't have. QB, RB, WR, OL specifically.

think about this iowa team, what is has comparatively.

The running backs in '07 with seniors Albert Young, Damien Sims and Tom Busch at FB is superior to the Iowa backfied we have now.

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