Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

The more i think about this, the more ridiculous it gets. If you tried to poke someone in the eye at full game speed, you would be more likely to jam your finger than hit your target. Trying to take out an eye is one of the worst things a person can do to someone without a weapon. It's crazy that anyone actually thinks Woody is capable of that.
The more i think about this, the more ridiculous it gets. If you tried to poke someone in the eye at full game speed, you would be more likely to jam your finger than hit your target. Trying to take out an eye is one of the worst things a person can do to someone without a weapon. It's crazy that anyone actually thinks Woody is capable of that.
Are there Unicorns in your world? Double rainbows? You've never seen a college athlete attempt to injure another college athlete? Did you miss the OSU LB choking Wisconsin's Jim Sorgi, on national TV? Did you miss the Mich St player that grabbed Denard Robinson's face mask and tried to twist his head around like an owl, at the bottom of the pile? Why should Adam Woodbury get the benefit of the doubt? He grabs the opposing players arm during jump balls = cheating. He's poked 3 players in the eyes in 2 weeks. I'm sorry but "He's a Hawkeye" isn't a good enough reason for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Both Around the Horn and Pardon the Interruption had the Woodbury eye-poke and Fran presser as topics today. Michael Wilbon really let Woody and Fran have it, calling Fran a bully and a jerk and suggesting opponents should use an enforcer to put Woody on the floor.

Whether you think the Woody/Fran stuff is a big deal or not, Iowa is certainly not receiving positive press.

Bob Ryan. Tony Kornholer. Michael Willburn. What a bunch of clowns. Failed sports writers get shows to toss bombs, see what hits.

They can all kiss my ass. Good for Fran.
Are there Unicorns in your world? Double rainbows? You've never seen a college athlete attempt to injure another college athlete? Did you miss the OSU LB choking Wisconsin's Jim Sorgi, on national TV? Did you miss the Mich St player that grabbed Denard Robinson's face mask and tried to twist his head around like an owl, at the bottom of the pile? Why should Adam Woodbury get the benefit of the doubt? He grabs the opposing players arm during jump balls = cheating. He's poked 3 players in the eyes in 2 weeks. I'm sorry but "He's a Hawkeye" isn't a good enough reason for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I just feel like going for eyes are different. like i said, that's as bad as it gets in sports if you ask me. Everything else would just hurt or maybe injure you for awhile.

Going for an eye could take someone's vision for the rest of their life. No way in hell Woody is the type of person to do that during a game that we are winning big. It's a moot point anyway because there is no way Woody has the ability to do it on purpose.
Are there Unicorns in your world? Double rainbows? You've never seen a college athlete attempt to injure another college athlete? Did you miss the OSU LB choking Wisconsin's Jim Sorgi, on national TV? Did you miss the Mich St player that grabbed Denard Robinson's face mask and tried to twist his head around like an owl, at the bottom of the pile? Why should Adam Woodbury get the benefit of the doubt? He grabs the opposing players arm during jump balls = cheating. He's poked 3 players in the eyes in 2 weeks. I'm sorry but "He's a Hawkeye" isn't a good enough reason for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Aren't you the guy who said you've never seen a basketball player poked in the eye before?
Are there Unicorns in your world? Double rainbows? You've never seen a college athlete attempt to injure another college athlete? Did you miss the OSU LB choking Wisconsin's Jim Sorgi, on national TV? Did you miss the Mich St player that grabbed Denard Robinson's face mask and tried to twist his head around like an owl, at the bottom of the pile? Why should Adam Woodbury get the benefit of the doubt? He grabs the opposing players arm during jump balls = cheating. He's poked 3 players in the eyes in 2 weeks. I'm sorry but "He's a Hawkeye" isn't a good enough reason for me to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I'm so curious who was dumb enough to thumbs up this post.
Aren't you the guy who said you've never seen a basketball player poked in the eye before?
Not in that fashion, I haven't. I asked several of my basketball playing friends and family about it today and each and every one of them thought it was intentional. The afternoon radio show with Brommelcamp had a poll and 53% of the voters thought Woodbury should be suspended. I didn't hear the end of the show, so that number might have changed but I'm clearly not the only person that thinks this way.
Not in that fashion, I haven't. I asked several of my basketball playing friends and family about it today and each and every one of them thought it was intentional. The afternoon radio show with Brommelcamp had a poll and 53% of the voters thought Woodbury should be suspended. I didn't hear the end of the show, so that number might have changed but I'm clearly not the only person that thinks this way.

28% of Americans think the Bible is literally true word for word. People responding to polls can be very uneducated and react with emotion instead of logic.

The incident was reviewed by the officials on replay and Woody received a Flagrant 1. If the refs thought it was severe enough or excessive or intentional then they would have called it a Flagrant 2 and ejected him. How can you support suspending a player on a flagrant 1 especially after the player who was harmed said he thought it was completely accidental.

When I saw the play live I was fuming at Woodbury and assumed it was intentional, however I've since watched the clip probably 100 times in a row, especially this one:


It looks to me like Trimble was driving and was doing a jump stop about to go up with the ball when he got poked in the eye. It looks like Woody stuck his hand out to block the path of the ball on the way up and then Woody moves his hand to the right side of Trimble because he's FOLLOWING THE BALL WITH HIS HAND LIKE HES SUPPOSED TO. If you look at Woody's eyes it doesn't look like he's even looking at Trimble's face at all, he's looking at the ball. If Woody's head was up and he was staring Trimble right in the face it would be pretty damning, but he's not

So if you think he did it intentionally, that means you think Woodbury can, WITHOUT LOOKING, reach out with his fingers and intentionally poke the eye of an elite guard flying at him at real time on a dribble drive. I am also a Nigerian prince and need to borrow your bank account to transfer money to myself, and I also own a unicorn
Not in that fashion, I haven't. I asked several of my basketball playing friends and family about it today and each and every one of them thought it was intentional. The afternoon radio show with Brommelcamp had a poll and 53% of the voters thought Woodbury should be suspended. I didn't hear the end of the show, so that number might have changed but I'm clearly not the only person that thinks this way.

You should set something up where you have to try to hit a moving target as small as an eye with the tip of your finger. You and every single person you talk to clearly have no idea how hard it is to do. If Woody would have hit one of them the wrong way he might have jammed a finger. What a stupid way to try to get someone. You should really just actually think about it for awhile with an open mind. There are a million reasons that point to it not being intentional. There are 2 reasons to think it was. Slow motion replay and how frequently it happened.
Not in that fashion, I haven't. I asked several of my basketball playing friends and family about it today and each and every one of them thought it was intentional. The afternoon radio show with Brommelcamp had a poll and 53% of the voters thought Woodbury should be suspended. I didn't hear the end of the show, so that number might have changed but I'm clearly not the only person that thinks this way.

I don't think this surprises anyone. Most of my Cyclone friends feel the same way.
I agree with Mike Hlas. Woody needs to do whatever is necessary to NOT have this happen again. And, just as importantly, these "pokes" have been purely accidental. In no way, given the speed of the game, and given posters' views that Woody is not very coordinated, it is possible for him to have done the eye poke thing on purpose. Logic, guys, logic. Don't even try to argue that he does it on purpose: You are making yourselves look stupid. Sorry to be so blunt, but I just can't put it any other way. No offense intended.
The same places every other kid did. Are you asking me if I played college basketball? No, I didn't. Basketball was probably my third best sport. Maybe 4th best. Was I good enough to play college basketball? No. My outside shot wasn't good enough. I was good enough to defend D-1 guards, however, as I did it many times. I was a good athlete. Whether you guys believe it or not, matters little to me. I'm saying that basketball players don't have the problems that The Crippler seems to be having. I make that claim from my own experience, which spans about 15 years worth of playing basketball, on and off. And I make that claim because you can search Youtube for HOURS and not find the same player, on any level, do what The Crippler has done 3 times now. I'd like someone to show me video proof of another player doing it twice. Any level. NCAA, High school, NBA, Euro, etc.

Video proof on youtube would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, I am not sure what internet you use, but I found the following when you do a simple google search of eye pokes in basketball:








As a side note, I have no idea how to post a picture without a link. My bad!
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You should set something up where you have to try to hit a moving target as small as an eye with the tip of your finger. You and every single person you talk to clearly have no idea how hard it is to do. If Woody would have hit one of them the wrong way he might have jammed a finger. What a stupid way to try to get someone. You should really just actually think about it for awhile with an open mind. There are a million reasons that point to it not being intentional. There are 2 reasons to think it was. Slow motion replay and how frequently it happened.
Yeah, I can do it easily. But I've been trained to, so it wouldn't be a fair test. If 3 times in 2 weeks is some kind of accidental fluke, how many of his teammates have been poked in the eye by The Crippler during practice? Has anyone heard of an incident where Gabe, White or Uthoff have been poked in the eye? I haven't.
Yeah, I can do it easily. But I've been trained to, so it wouldn't be a fair test. If 3 times in 2 weeks is some kind of accidental fluke, how many of his teammates have been poked in the eye by The Crippler during practice? Has anyone heard of an incident where Gabe, White or Uthoff have been poked in the eye? I haven't.

So you're a baller and a martial arts expert to boot? Whoa??? And for someone not criticizing Woody other than the eye pokes, it makes me wonder what your intent is by continually calling him the Crippler? Is that a compliment or am I just missing something? I don't think any of the three are handicapped for life due to Woody's inadvertent eye pokes? White got knocked in the face by a hard foul last night. It turned out to be the ball that hit him, but that foul was more intentional than Woody's. I have seen Gabe scratch the shizz out of some dudes face just this year. It happens. Has Woody done it to them in practice? Who knows?
Video proof on youtube would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, I am not sure what internet you use, but I found the following when you do a simple google search of eye pokes in basketball:

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...1jZVKjbHI2HNva5hKAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CEoQMygWMBY Dirty! Eject player.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/...Adlwn1qECucE9ISVurPdYd7yCA-oLnWJ6sxGRFLWMRbgV Makes contact with the ball. Not applicable.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...1jZVKjbHI2HNva5hKAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CF4QMygnMCc Hand within 1 foot of ball but borderline dirty.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...1jZVKjbHI2HNva5hKAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CGoQMygyMDI Ball within 6 inches of players hand trying to reach around.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...1jZVKjbHI2HNva5hKAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CHEQMyg4MDg Arm extended within 1 foot of ball.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...jZVKjbHI2HNva5hKAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CJsBEDMoXDBc Player attempting to reach behind his body to make a play. THATS poor technique!

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...HtG8qkgwTVo4PoBw&tbm=isch&ved=0CBgQMygOMA44ZA Ball within 6 inches of multiple hands, obviously a loose ball or loose rebound situation.

That's what you came up with? Still frames where there is clearly a basketball in the immediate hand area?
So you're a baller and a martial arts expert to boot? Whoa??? And for someone not criticizing Woody other than the eye pokes, it makes me wonder what your intent is by continually calling him the Crippler? Is that a compliment or am I just missing something? I don't think any of the three are handicapped for life due to Woody's inadvertent eye pokes? White got knocked in the face by a hard foul last night. It turned out to be the ball that hit him, but that foul was more intentional than Woody's. I have seen Gabe scratch the shizz out of some dudes face just this year. It happens. Has Woody done it to them in practice? Who knows?
Not a martial arts expert but an Iowa JR Olympics, Silver and Golden gloves title holder.
I started calling him The Crippler after this last eye poke. Seemed fitting.
White getting hard fouled was likely retaliation for The Crippler's antics.
Yeah, I can do it easily. But I've been trained to, so it wouldn't be a fair test. If 3 times in 2 weeks is some kind of accidental fluke, how many of his teammates have been poked in the eye by The Crippler during practice? Has anyone heard of an incident where Gabe, White or Uthoff have been poked in the eye? I haven't.
