The same places every other kid did. Are you asking me if I played college basketball? No, I didn't. Basketball was probably my third best sport. Maybe 4th best. Was I good enough to play college basketball? No. My outside shot wasn't good enough. I was good enough to defend D-1 guards, however, as I did it many times. I was a good athlete. Whether you guys believe it or not, matters little to me. I'm saying that basketball players don't have the problems that The Crippler seems to be having. I make that claim from my own experience, which spans about 15 years worth of playing basketball, on and off. And I make that claim because you can search Youtube for HOURS and not find the same player, on any level, do what The Crippler has done 3 times now. I'd like someone to show me video proof of another player doing it twice. Any level. NCAA, High school, NBA, Euro, etc.