Woodbury to announce tomorrow

If history has shown us anything it's that O'l Roy is a pretty consistent closer when it comes to getting recruits.

It sucks, but don't be surprised to see Adam Woodbury wearing blue next year.

Yeah that is one thing that has me worried....Roy knows how to get who he wants.
Yeah, I don't know anything. But just DON'T think the timing works in Iowa's favor, unless Roy pushed a button and forced Adam's hand.
Crap, the Dochterman article was brutal. Can't wait for Iowa to stop producing kids Roy wants. So sick of seeing Iowa basketba coaches fawning over RoyBoy.

Dude sounded like Fran was some desperate hood rat while Roy is the freaking prom queen.
Yeah, I don't know anything. But just DON'T think the timing works in Iowa's favor, unless Roy pushed a button and forced Adam's hand.

Maybe old Roy gave him more conditional news when it comes to actually playing when he gets there. Like "Sure you can play if this guy leaves early and we don't get any of our other bigs we are recruiting."

I am not saying Roy is dumb but he does not want to give up his Iowa pipeline so I don't know how dedicated he is to this recruit. Iowa may have more to offer him.
he seems to be a very level headed kid and it wouldn't make sense to schedule an official visit and cancel it to go to another school. you would think he would have waited to make his announcement until after his visit if he was still unsure. It would seem to be a bit disrespectful to the Iowa staff to pull such a move. He has had a long process why not just wait a few more days if that would be the case.
For all of your sakes', you better hope Skype won't be involved. Although that would be the ultimate misdirection if Fran were on the other end!
he seems to be a very level headed kid and it wouldn't make sense to schedule an official visit and cancel it to go to another school. you would think he would have waited to make his announcement until after his visit if he was still unsure. It would seem to be a bit disrespectful to the Iowa staff to pull such a move. He has had a long process why not just wait a few more days if that would be the case.

If he cancelled the visit, it would be obvious where he was going. Plus, this visit was scheduled a long time ago. We've known for weeks that Woodbury was coming to the Pitt game. It's not like he scheduled it when Fran visited with him last week.
I get that, but why announce prior to the visit. why not after instead of going through the process of cancelling it.
I am not too worried about Iowa landing Woodbury.

And I am not surprised in the least bit that Paige told Doc that he's all good.

That being said, I heard something last week re: Paige that I found interesting, but not enough to quote anyone...I sort of filed it away...then today all signs point to Woodbury choosing Iowa. This sort of lines up with what I heard last week...I think there are those close to Marcus who would like to see him go to Iowa. I think that Gesell and Woodbury will certainly put a bug in his ear. I think it's a long way to signing day, figuratively ;)

All of this, and someone else I know very well in the same line of work I am in, has heard the same things, from different people from where I heard it.

I am NOT saying Paige is going to Iowa; chances are he still winds up at UNC...its hard to back out.

However, I would also no be blindsided and dumbstruck if he has a change of heart between now and mid November and I believe some will be chipping away at the wall Roy has built there...mostly because I think the door has been left open, if only a sliver.

In the battle between the rock and water, water always wins..not because it's stronger, but through sheer persistence ;)
One more thing re: Paige....if Woodbury does commit to Iowa tomorrow, the next week or so of buzz around that is going to be all around Marcus..ppl will be coming up to him, in his ear, on the phone, etc...the 'romanticized' thoughts of playing with your friends will be strongest then...after that period, I would think the chances of him changing his mind goes down...but I think the hullaballoo tomorrow and the next several days will be a few hammer swings at the rock ;)
I have no idea who Adam might choose and I have a hard time seeing anything in the tea leaves. He just met with both coaches the last few days. The only thing the timing makes me think is that these in home visits were enough for Adam to make his final decision.
Adam is a Hawkeye. He and his family have too much respect for Iowa to announce a Saturday visit before accepting Roy's offer. He will go down in history as the recruit that brought the Hawkeyes back to respectability, under the able guidance of Fran and crew. We will be a legitimate top 25 recruiting class and we are not finished yet. Now we are starting to get the attention.

Roy's desperate move is beyond pathetic and despicable.
I really don't understand all of the hate for Roy. It's one thing if you just don't like him or the way he coaches. But, to not like him because of the way he recruits is ridiculous. It's the former coaches from Iowa and ISU that are to blame for NOT landing these in-state recruits and not building up the wall around the state.

I really hope Fran lands Adam and makes Marcus at least do a double-take.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want Adam Woodbury to be a Hawkeye. Really I do...honestly.

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