Will We Have Football in the Fall?

Will we have a football season this fall?

  • Season Cancelled

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • Games played with no fans

    Votes: 12 17.1%
  • Games played with some fans

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • Games played as normal

    Votes: 12 17.1%

  • Total voters
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That is okay by me. But quit posting opinion articles about the taboo subject if you dont want opinions.

Again, I love this site. But his reasoning on this whole topic is all over the place. He doesnt want opinions, yet gives them. He doesnt want speculation, yet speculates.

What is the rule of law? Is it personal freedom or safety for the site? Seems like the arguments that have been happening on several threads.

What I am posting on these message boards and what you have been posting on these boards are not the same.

Writing a column on a topic does not mean it opens up the boards for people to start telling people what is going to happen with the virus.

You're posting the same information repeatedly in multiple threads, like the photo of a pandemic that happened over 100 years ago or the Ozark party. You have an agenda whether or not you want to admit it.

I've been moderating message boards since '03. I've explained in other posts that there are gray areas and I do my best to see everything but I don't. You stick out like a sore thumb.

I've had two recruiting updates I've been trying to write since this morning, but because I'm dealing with people wanting to argue about their rights on a freaking message board to discuss HAWKEYE SPORTS, I haven't been able to write them.
What I am posting on these message boards and what you have been posting on these boards are not the same.

Writing a column on a topic does not mean it opens up the boards for people to start telling people what is going to happen with the virus.

You're posting the same information repeatedly in multiple threads, like the photo of a pandemic that happened over 100 years ago or the Ozark party. You have an agenda whether or not you want to admit it.

I've been moderating message boards since '03. I've explained in other posts that there are gray areas and I do my best to see everything but I don't. You stick out like a sore thumb.

I've had two recruiting updates I've been trying to write since this morning, but because I'm dealing with people wanting to argue about their rights on a freaking message board to discuss HAWKEYE SPORTS, I haven't been able to write them.

I appreciate your consideration of my posts. But what I have been writing is in response to what has been written. People are saying this a joke and we should populate Kinnick and go one with life as normal. I have been responding with historical facts and CDC recommendations. Yet Im the bad guy.

I do not see what the issue is with the chicken who says the sky is falling more than the idiot who says nothing is wrong go back to normal. This virus affects us all. Maybe its a liberal gamble. Maybe its a disease that will kill another 150k in our country in the next couple months. But it is our reality. It is what is is. Shutting down conversations, esp. when IT does affect Iowa athletics is silly. No one has mentioned trump or biden or jergenson. This is not a political issue, it is personal to some and personal to all, just in different to all just in differen flavors.

If the stupidity of the Lake of the Ozarks proves to cause no problems, I will praise you as Moses. But if that shit show causes another wave in St Louis county and beyond, I will not say I told you so, I just hope you realize this is a little more than the flu.

Go ahead and write your articles. I am not being an asshole. Your reaction to me is your business, I have just been showing what the reality COULD be. History does repeat itself regardless of what you think. And this whole shut show will play out as it does.

No reason to argue that it wont.
“The virus can be transmitted even among those young and healthy who aren’t experiencing symptoms. When they then carry the virus and transmit it to a more vulnerable person, this is when we tend to see the long-lasting and tragic impact of these decisions that are being made,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Just sayin'
“The virus can be transmitted even among those young and healthy who aren’t experiencing symptoms. When they then carry the virus and transmit it to a more vulnerable person, this is when we tend to see the long-lasting and tragic impact of these decisions that are being made,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Just sayin'
Provocative. Literally no one on here thought this until you posted it. Hard hitting stuff.

To quote Jon Miller, former moderator of this site "There are lines. Lines that matter. Don't cross them. Color inside the lines." Rob is trying to write a piece about recruiting and he has made it emphatically clear that he wants this thread to be limited to stuff having to do with college football. Please respect his request.
Provocative. Literally no one on here thought this until you posted it. Hard hitting stuff.

To quote Jon Miller, former moderator of this site "There are lines. Lines that matter. Don't cross them. Color inside the lines." Rob is trying to write a piece about recruiting and he has made it emphatically clear that he wants this thread to be limited to stuff having to do with college football. Please respect his request.

So the title of thread is 'will we have college football in the Fall?"

Yet we want no evidence that shows that we may not think it will happen.. We only want to toe the line. and be Politically correct, which President Truman said is "Like trying to pick up dog shot from its clean end"?

Please. This thread begs for opinions. Regardless of what your opinion is. I have not seen no mention of Trump or Biden or GOP or Dems. If you are afraid of other peoples opinions, block them, ban them or stop the posting of such threads.

My lord, look at the poll options, you really dont think those options would not inspire a heated debate about what will happen.

Man, I wish I lived in your world of unicorns and leprechauns.
I appreciate your consideration of my posts. But what I have been writing is in response to what has been written. People are saying this a joke and we should populate Kinnick and go one with life as normal. I have been responding with historical facts and CDC recommendations. Yet Im the bad guy.

I do not see what the issue is with the chicken who says the sky is falling more than the idiot who says nothing is wrong go back to normal. This virus affects us all. Maybe its a liberal gamble. Maybe its a disease that will kill another 150k in our country in the next couple months. But it is our reality. It is what is is. Shutting down conversations, esp. when IT does affect Iowa athletics is silly. No one has mentioned trump or biden or jergenson. This is not a political issue, it is personal to some and personal to all, just in different to all just in differen flavors.

If the stupidity of the Lake of the Ozarks proves to cause no problems, I will praise you as Moses. But if that shit show causes another wave in St Louis county and beyond, I will not say I told you so, I just hope you realize this is a little more than the flu.

Go ahead and write your articles. I am not being an asshole. Your reaction to me is your business, I have just been showing what the reality COULD be. History does repeat itself regardless of what you think. And this whole shut show will play out as it does.

No reason to argue that it wont.

Dude, I had this same discussion with PC Hawk this morning. He is one of the people with an opposite of yours. I asked him to stop and he understood.

You're looking to argue with people who don't share your opinion on the virus. Take it somewhere else. I've asked nicely.

If you can't grasp what I'm asking and respect the rules of the board, you have to go. Sorry.
Dude, I had this same discussion with PC Hawk this morning. He is one of the people with an opposite of yours. I asked him to stop and he understood.

You're looking to argue with people who don't share your opinion on the virus. Take it somewhere else. I've asked nicely.

If you can't grasp what I'm asking and respect the rules of the board, you have to go. Sorry.

Nice job Rob! I think people sometimes confuse a message board you privately own with the Comments section of some news article. Keep up the good work!
I've got PC on one side of the virus opinion saying I'm playing favorites.

I've Motiger on the other side of the virus opinion accusing me of the same thing.

It's the freakin twilight zone.
Dude, I had this same discussion with PC Hawk this morning. He is one of the people with an opposite of yours. I asked him to stop and he understood.

You're looking to argue with people who don't share your opinion on the virus. Take it somewhere else. I've asked nicely.

If you can't grasp what I'm asking and respect the rules of the board, you have to go. Sorry.
BAN HIM! DO IT!!!! You asked him to kindly STFU and he didn't.
I have a very close friend who has spent decades as a counselor and is one of the best people I know. Here is a question he often asks:

“Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?”
I have a very close friend who has spent decades as a counselor and is one of the best people I know. Here is a question he often asks:

“Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?”
Said to every man by every marriage counselor in the history of marriage counseling...
Being right about sports or other entertainment is one thing.

Being right about life and death is another.
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