I have personally missed my annual month long winter trip to Florida, had my June Canada fishing trip, an annual trip with my son’s and grandsons, cancelled. Second trip to Canada in July in doubt. I get sick to my stomach when I contemplate the possibility of not using my two season tickets for football and basketball in 2020. I have not been in a store or at a social gathering in nearly three months. No Library Board, Lions Club, or Faith UMC. I have had one visit with one of my sons and two grandsons. They were essentially all working from home, so I was comfortable with that. I am retired, 74 years young, and having the time of my life after a rewarding career of over forty years. 3 happily married kids, 7 wonderful grand kids. I am certainly not rich, but I have a steady income and have positioned myself over the years for a good retirement. Yes, due to my age and one underlying condition, I am being, maybe, overly cautious. But I have been through tougher times. It makes me so very sad that people are losing their jobs, their health insurance, even their homes or businesses. I have none of those worries personally, so my sadness about what I have given up is minor compared to the challenges faced by many others. Please stay safe, be considerate of others, and find some kind acts to help those in need. I just felt a need, after so many bitter exchanges, to share some personal thoughts. Maybe you will be encouraged to do the same.