Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field

You folks that think the "haters" only want to b*tch are unbelievable. The so called "haters" simply want to see, game in and game out, what we saw today. Why is that so difficult to understand? Iowa played, today, the way all Iowa fans want to see them play. It was the first time in a long time, but we all knew it was there...because it had been there before. But when a performance like this is, sometimes, seasons in the making, you cannot discount the critics. Particularly, when very much of what the critics had been saying was accurate.
Criticism is fine. But why the griping today? Iowa played today like "the way all fans want them to play". Yet we have a thread tonight where KF apparently has been hesitant to play Wadley, one of his best players.

The sad part of this is that the so-called "real fans" are the ones stirring this crap up.
So who started this thread?
Here's a legitimate questions: if Wadley could gain over 100 yards on limited carries against Northwestern, how many yards could he have got against Iowa State, Ball State, or Maryland? Games where senior Bullock got carries while Wadley didn't play a down.

He was hurt during the beginning of camp. I don't know how long he was injured, but I am guessing it was enough to hold him back.
Excited about Wadley but need to temper expectations until he plays in a game that is still in question.

3 TDS to 1
0 fumbles to 1

weisman was still the man and his play allowed the opp for Wadley
Good Gawd this is just dumb. One could just as easily ask why the haters can't simply look at this objectively?? Rob Howe does a good job of looking at this objectively in this column


Especially funny is complaining about NOT playing players when a FR 2* kid has just beat out a 4 year contributor/starter in Bullock....

Is it me or, since taking heat for challenging KirkFer on DJK, have Howe's musings been much more "company line"? The "Condemning Coaches Indicts Players" piece, now this one reads like a KirkFer PAC ad.

Here's the deal ... the reason Hawks had such great success today was because they changed. I guess Howe's revelation is that Iowa should have never changed to G.d.G.D. 3 years ago? By changing to his horizontal yac scheme, they now need to change back to the KOK power rushing / play-action scheme, which means no change was needed because KirkFer was right all along? Doesn't that still mean that we need to change away from G.d.G.D. (i.e. fire him, please) in order to change back to not needing to change?
He was hurt during the beginning of camp. I don't know how long he was injured, but I am guessing it was enough to hold him back.

I watched him him at the Kid's Day scrimmage on Aug.16 which is mid-camp?? He played a lot, looked really quick and didn't seem to have any limitations put on him. For what it's worth.

Along with Parker ( who also looked good), good to see we are recruiting more speed in the skilled positions.

Who gets the credit?

Now I hope we best utilize that speed and try not to coach it out of them to best fit our system.
If we were talking about his NFL career that might be relevant...

Says you.

An earlier poster implied Hayden didn't know what he was doing by moving Ronnie to receiver early in his career.

Two points.
The only other option at WR in '82 really was Dave Moritz. Hayden saw the need obviously.
Plus, and more relevant to my post, Hayden saw Ronnie's immense talent in catching the ball.

As evidenced by Ronnie'career stats in the NFL.

2,000 rushing yards vs 6,000 receiving yards. A ton of those while he was in the slot position.

Hayden was a former QB and offensive innovator. And he saw the need and had the desire to get his playmakers on the field.

Try and keep up Scooter.
You folks that think the "haters" only want to b*tch are unbelievable. The so called "haters" simply want to see, game in and game out, what we saw today. Why is that so difficult to understand? Iowa played, today, the way all Iowa fans want to see them play. It was the first time in a long time, but we all knew it was there...because it had been there before. But when a performance like this is, sometimes, seasons in the making, you cannot discount the critics. Particularly, when very much of what the critics had been saying was accurate.

The sad part of this is that the so-called "real fans" are the ones stirring this crap up.

And yet they were conspicuously absent from the game thread... couldn't be bothered to jump in and say positive things about the players and coaches during a very well played game.

No... I think all they want to do is b*tch. They think it makes them look smart... as if they have some superior level of expertise unknown to the coaching staff and other fans.
You are a moron.

We have gone an entire season seeing Bullock play 50% of the game, averaging 2.0 yards per game. Now, only by a stroke of sheer luck, having 3 rbs hurt, does the rest of us get to see what Ferentz has been seeing in practice every day for two years. Wadley can play. Why did he only get his first touches today?

I think Willies leaving was a wakeup call for the staff. We never got to see what he could do...and it would have taken injuries to Martin Manly and Vandeburg for him to have ever got the opportunity to show his stuff.

That time is now to stop playing favorites and deferring to upper classmen for playing time on this team. Teams all over the country are starting talented freshmen who beat out older guys. We ned to do the same.
IaHawk unwittingly makes my point. Of course no one on the outside was calling for people like Wadley to play in September and October. Because no one on the outside had ever seen what he can do on the field. The whole point of this thread is that the head coach has the tendency to have tunnel vision with playing time. He predetermines who is going to play. Once that decision is made, it's written in ink. Ferentz decided that Rudock was his man 18 months ago and he is not going to budge. It doesn't matter whether CJ has since surpassed him or not. The choice was made. Tommy Gaul seems to be one of our top 2 or 3 OL, but he wouldn't have played a down this year if it weren't for injury.

Unfortunately, Ferentz's tunnel vision tendencies have a chilling effect on underclassmen playing time. Wadley wasn't in the mix in September because Ferentz picked Bullock and Weisman to be the man LAST YEAR. Did Canzeri surpass Bullock long ago? Of course, but Bullock was tapped and all the talent in the world won't change that.

Willies and Wadley are just the latest obvious examples of more talented underclassmen riding the pine in favor of underperforming players who are favored by Ferentz. It happened to Brad Banks. Remember Jorden Bernstein? He didn't start until his sr. year and made it known that it wasn't right. Remember Herb Grigsby starting each game despite being the worst WR on the squad? There are probably 5 backups on this team deserving of seeing the field (by being at least equal to a guy who plays every down) that will not sniff the field this year, and it needs to be addressed.

And were you on here calling for Wadley to be playing in September and October? My guess would be no. No one said he wasn't academically eligible. He was having academic issues. You are just going out of your way to try and find something to complain about KF.
IaHawk unwittingly makes my point. Of course no one on the outside was calling for people like Wadley to play in September and October. Because no one on the outside had ever seen what he can do on the field. The whole point of this thread is that the head coach has the tendency to have tunnel vision with playing time. He predetermines who is going to play. Once that decision is made, it's written in ink. Ferentz decided that Rudock was his man 18 months ago and he is not going to budge. It doesn't matter whether CJ has since surpassed him or not. The choice was made. Tommy Gaul seems to be one of our top 2 or 3 OL, but he wouldn't have played a down this year if it weren't for injury.

Unfortunately, Ferentz's tunnel vision tendencies have a chilling effect on underclassmen playing time. Wadley wasn't in the mix in September because Ferentz picked Bullock and Weisman to be the man LAST YEAR. Did Canzeri surpass Bullock long ago? Of course, but Bullock was tapped and all the talent in the world won't change that.

Willies and Wadley are just the latest obvious examples of more talented underclassmen riding the pine in favor of underperforming players who are favored by Ferentz. It happened to Brad Banks. Remember Jorden Bernstein? He didn't start until his sr. year and made it known that it wasn't right. Remember Herb Grigsby starting each game despite being the worst WR on the squad? There are probably 5 backups on this team deserving of seeing the field (by being at least equal to a guy who plays every down) that will not sniff the field this year, and it needs to be addressed.

Good Gawd you are dumb. The sheer fact that Wadley is playing over a Sr. blows your whole premise to freaking bits. How do you not see this? I can only hope that you aren't this incompetent in the court room.


......these guys all give you a thumbs down.......
The thing is that there was nothing different about today, except the team performed better. There wasn't a different scheme, this is what Iowa has wanted to do all year long. They wanted to pound the ball with MW, and do a change of pace with Canzeri, and then pass the ball effectively enough to keep the D honest. Welp Canzeri is hurt and so Wadley stepped up, but schematically this is exactly what Iowa has WANTED to do all year, but it is the first time they have EXECUTED it.

I'm not sure what you expected after 2 weeks of the bashing of all things Iowa. I didn't see you complaining that the "haters" were out in force after the pathetic performance vs Maryland.....you shouldn't complain that the "apologist" are out in force after the good play in the jNW game.

so iowa was trying to pound the ball against Maryland by calling zero run play in the 4th quarter?

The offense has been a directionless mess all year, trying to do different stuff every game.
Says you.

An earlier poster implied Hayden didn't know what he was doing by moving Ronnie to receiver early in his career.

No... that's not what he implied, at all. You're the one who needs a little remedial training in reading comprehension.

The post was clearly sarcasm... go look again.
IaHawk unwittingly makes my point. Of course no one on the outside was calling for people like Wadley to play in September and October. Because no one on the outside had ever seen what he can do on the field. The whole point of this thread is that the head coach has the tendency to have tunnel vision with playing time. He predetermines who is going to play. Once that decision is made, it's written in ink. Ferentz decided that Rudock was his man 18 months ago and he is not going to budge. It doesn't matter whether CJ has since surpassed him or not. The choice was made. Tommy Gaul seems to be one of our top 2 or 3 OL, but he wouldn't have played a down this year if it weren't for injury.

Unfortunately, Ferentz's tunnel vision tendencies have a chilling effect on underclassmen playing time. Wadley wasn't in the mix in September because Ferentz picked Bullock and Weisman to be the man LAST YEAR. Did Canzeri surpass Bullock long ago? Of course, but Bullock was tapped and all the talent in the world won't change that.

Willies and Wadley are just the latest obvious examples of more talented underclassmen riding the pine in favor of underperforming players who are favored by Ferentz. It happened to Brad Banks. Remember Jorden Bernstein? He didn't start until his sr. year and made it known that it wasn't right. Remember Herb Grigsby starting each game despite being the worst WR on the squad? There are probably 5 backups on this team deserving of seeing the field (by being at least equal to a guy who plays every down) that will not sniff the field this year, and it needs to be addressed.

And you again miss the point. The coaches obviously saw things, maybe like ball security, along with the fact that it has been said there were academic issues for Wadley. You as an outsider would not know these things, yet after one good performance you now want to go back two months. Just admit your hate for KF and how you will look for and create something to ***** about. And if Canzeri is healthy next week and gets the reps on offense then what? I'm pretty sure you wanted Canzeri to be getting the bulk of the reps early in the season.
And you again miss the point. The coaches obviously saw things, maybe like ball security, along with the fact that it has been said there were academic issues for Wadley. You as an outsider would not know these things, yet after one good performance you now want to go back two months. Just admit your hate for KF and how you will look for and create something to ***** about. And if Canzeri is healthy next week and gets the reps on offense then what? I'm pretty sure you wanted Canzeri to be getting the bulk of the reps early in the season.

Let's try and clear up the academic issues Ok? Yesterday on the radio I heard KF tell Dolph he was having academic or maybe it was classroom issues last spring. I heard nothing about this fall. I personally witnessed him heavily involved in the Aug.16 open scrimmage.

If anyone heard KF explicitly say he was having issues this fall then lets hear it. Otherwise you are being disingenuous by perpetuating a falsehood which is unfair to Akrum. Maybe he has worked really hard to correct those deficiencies.
Let's try and clear up the academic issues Ok? Yesterday on the radio I heard KF tell Dolph he was having academic or maybe it was classroom issues last spring. I heard nothing about this fall. I personally witnessed him heavily involved in the Aug.16 open scrimmage.

If anyone heard KF explicitly say he was having issues this fall then lets hear it. Otherwise you are being disingenuous by perpetuating a falsehood which is unfair to Akrum. Maybe he has worked really hard to correct those deficiencies.

Looks like the academic issues were in the spring (2nd semester last year).


Ferentz stuck with Wadley after a third-quarter fumble. He stuck with the Newark, N.J., native through some academic troubles, too, which he referenced on Wednesday night's weekly radio show.
"When I was in high school, it was kind of easy. Adjusting to college was hard," Wadley said Saturday. "I fell behind first semester. Second semester, I picked it up and realized what opportunity I've got playing here, it doesn't come around every day."
I have to trust the coaching staff is playing its best players. They see these kids day in and day out. Wadley had a great game and it will only help him for the future.

Next man in. He got his shot and he made the most of it.
1. Wrong. I went to college. Granted it was over 30 years ago, but I even graduated in four years. I did well enough to teach HS for 14 years.
2. While I don't know football eligibility, I fully understand basketball eligibility as I was on the college BB team.
3. Yes, Iowa is based on a semester system. Do you think that if a kid started dropping off in the GPA due to the reports he was getting that the coach wouldn't withhold playing time? (Mine did) While we were all eligible, some were barely getting by and Coach Levick sent the message that made sure they weren't to "just get by" but to excel in the classroom.
4. I don't know about you, but my grades varied during the semester as to how much studying I put in; if I let it slide, my scores dropped. Maybe not enough to be ineligible but enough for Coach to get on me about it.
5. While the only grades that get figured in to your GPA are the ones that are at the end of the semester, if your grades dip early the coaches WILL know and do what they can to make sure they don't dip further.

Clearly you are educated as I'm deducing you went to the Harvard of the Midwest like I did.

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