Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field


shows how little you really know...bullock hasn't played 50% all yr. he basically has played on the 3rd downs and sparingly in other downs. Kmm will probably go down as the most productive WR in Iowa history, so why should willies play in front of him. Vandeberg and kmm and smith all have catches of over 30 yds today.

Coaches es play the players they believe give them the best chance to win...anyone who doesn't believe that is not that smart as it is their job on the line at this level if they lose. Plus position coaches usually have a lot of say in who plays. I find it funny when people think the head coach makes all personnel decisions. The people with the players the most typically make those decisions.

No. Ferentz job is not on the line.

Normally coaches do have to go all out to win because their jobs are on the line, Kirk with all the money he's guaranteed, can essentially do whatever he pleases. So there goes that argument.

As far as Willies, trying to justify his lack of playing time makes you look foolish.

While Iowa has plenty of nice receivers they don't have anyone on this team as physically talented at catching the ball as Willies.

The lack of playing time was a big mistake.
Good thing KF wasn't coaching Ronnie Harmon back in the day or Ronnie Harmon never would have been Ronnie Harmon.

And good thing KF wasn't coaching back in the mid 90s or Tavian Banks wouldn't have been Tavian Banks.......oh, wait a minute.......

What, Fry played Shaw over Banks and Banks didn't get a starting role until after Shaw left and Banks became a senior? Talk about leaving your better players on the bench........ :)
Ok, come back down to Earth some of you. Yes Wadley looks like he has a lot of potential and he turned potential into good productivity today.

I thought Wadley showed he can really pick up his feet to avoid tackles, he can make a quick cut in the hole, has above avg speed , and for his size showed some really good power. All really good stuff.

But he has to show that over the long haul while being durable, not fumble, catch the ball , and block the blitzer.

I a not like Dolph saying he is an "emerging star" but he showed great promise.
Grade issues? lol It is the middle of the semester. Somehow, "grade issues" that kept Wadley from sniffing the field all season long are cleared up 6 weeks before final exams? Players don't suddenly become academically eligible mid season. Good try to make sense of Ferentz, but even the biggest homer has to admit that if Wadley can gain over 100 yards in his first ever game, he probably could have been utilized earlier this season when we were averaging 2 yards per carry. Ferentz was merely trying to cover his *** on keeping a deserving guy on the bench until he was absolutely forced into action. What else could he say? Wadley "didn't look good in practice" and that's why he didn't play? That's the excuse Kurt came up with after CJ debuted in a major way earlier this season due to Jake's injury.

Let me guess, Willies was having grade problems too? CJ too?

Do you understand how to calculate an average? They do that with grades. Google it. Freshman have to learn the playbook too.
Here's a legitimate questions: if Wadley could gain over 100 yards on limited carries against Northwestern, how many yards could he have got against Iowa State, Ball State, or Maryland? Games where senior Bullock got carries while Wadley didn't play a down.
Here's a legitimate questions: if Wadley could gain over 100 yards on limited carries against Northwestern, how many yards could he have got against Iowa State, Ball State, or Maryland? Games where senior Bullock got carries while Wadley didn't play a down.
Looked to me like NW had basically given up after the 1st quarter. Wadley played well, but it's one freakin game.

Here's a question for you. Wadley's fumble today was pretty much meanngless. Could you say the same thing about a fumble in the ISU or Maryland game? If Wadley saw action against ISU and fumbled, KF would have been criticized for playing him.
That right there was just a cold dagger to the heart... well played!


Do you think Harmon made his money in the NFL by running the ball or catching the ball?

I will give you a clue. Ronnie had over 6,000 career receiving yards.

Hayden scratched where it itched. Remember? He new Ronnie had a unique skill set. He averaged over 22 yds/per catch as a sophomore.

BUT he wasn't inflexible. He ultimately let him play where he wanted. Ronnie was a playmaker and Hayden knew the importance of having that guy on the field and in his offense.
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Good thing KF wasn't coaching Ronnie Harmon back in the day or Ronnie Harmon never would have been Ronnie Harmon.

And good thing KF wasn't coaching back in the mid 90s or Tavian Banks wouldn't have been Tavian Banks.......oh, wait a minute.......

What, Fry played Shaw over Banks and Banks didn't get a starting role until after Shaw left and Banks became a senior? Talk about leaving your better players on the bench........ :)

As it has been pointed out before, pretty stupid of Hayden to play Banks behind the career rushing leader.

Do you think Harmon made his money in the NFL by running the ball or catching the ball?

I will give you a clue. Ronnie had over 6,000 career receiving yards.

Hayden scratched where it itched. Remember? He new Ronnie had a unique skill set. He averaged over 22 yds/per catch as a sophomore.

BUT he wasn't inflexible. He ultimately let him play where he wanted. Ronnie was a playmaker and Hayden knew the importance of having that guy on the field and in his offense.
Thanks for the history lesson. None of us ever "new" that about Harmon.

So how does this relate to Wadley again? Well, Wadley now has more carries in his first game than Harmon did in his entire 1st year.
And once again this fan base sees a young freshman come in and play well against a below average team and all of the sudden he is Ronnie Harmon. The only question that I had today was why wasn't this kid at least returning punts and that was answered when he fumbled. Our freshman are not Barry Sanders...Oh wait he didn't start until his third year what a waste of talent.
And once again this fan base sees a young freshman come in and play well against a below average team and all of the sudden he is Ronnie Harmon. The only question that I had today was why wasn't this kid at least returning punts and that was answered when he fumbled. Our freshman are not Barry Sanders...Oh wait he didn't start until his third year what a waste of talent.

I never said he was Ronnie Harmon.

He is not Ronnie Harmon.

Repeat, he is not Ronnie Harmon.

He is Akrum Wadley and I am very happy for him and the entire team and coaching staff.

Let's keep it rolling with this "new" offense. :)
You know this Ronnie Harmon history lesson does bring up an interesting point. If I remember correctly, Ronnie was not very happy at all about being moved to wide receiver. But he stuck with it and was rewarded in his last 2 years. Now a WR has a little bit of adversity (in the first half of his first playing year) and he quits.
Grade issues? lol It is the middle of the semester. Somehow, "grade issues" that kept Wadley from sniffing the field all season long are cleared up 6 weeks before final exams? Players don't suddenly become academically eligible mid season. Good try to make sense of Ferentz, but even the biggest homer has to admit that if Wadley can gain over 100 yards in his first ever game, he probably could have been utilized earlier this season when we were averaging 2 yards per carry. Ferentz was merely trying to cover his *** on keeping a deserving guy on the bench until he was absolutely forced into action. What else could he say? Wadley "didn't look good in practice" and that's why he didn't play? That's the excuse Kurt came up with after CJ debuted in a major way earlier this season due to Jake's injury.

Let me guess, Willies was having grade problems too? CJ too?

So you think Kirk was lying, right? You think that he said grades just for CYA? You don't think that he gets reports from profs and TAs for all the players at least weekly? (If you don't think this, then you don't understand college sports.) And it stands to reason then that you don't think a kid could raise his grades over a time frame of a few weeks... especially when he knows he needs to get the grades to see the field? Wow... you really are full of hate for Kirk.
And it stands to reason then that you don't think a kid could raise his grades over a time frame of a few weeks...
It's been more than 30 years ago for me, but I certainly remember several instances of having to "rally" late in the semester.
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.
You know this Ronnie Harmon history lesson does bring up an interesting point. If I remember correctly, Ronnie was not very happy at all about being moved to wide receiver. But he stuck with it and was rewarded in his last 2 years. Now a WR has a little bit of adversity (in the first half of his first playing year) and he quits.

Good point. Ronnie was playing more though. Don't believe we had the depth we have now. For what it's worth.

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