Wadley: More Proof That Ferentz Doesn't Put the Best Players On the Field

FCAS - if you can justify Wadley not playing at all this season based on the fact that he fumbled the ball one time (an unforgivable sin, apparently), shouldn't Jake be benched for the season after throwing a pick 6? What about everyone else on the team who has fumbled?

Why are there so many homers who can't simply look at this objectively and wonder why we have seen so much sr. Damon Bullock and sr. Mark Weisman and zero Wadley this season? Are they that much better? Are redshirt freshmen running backs not prepared to play college football? Last I checked, redshirt freshmen are winning Heisman trophies at other schools these days on teams with upperclassmen backups.
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.
Let me give you a hypothetical. A player is struggling in some of his classes. A couple of professers tell the academic liaison that this player is heading for trouble. The coach (maybe even the position coach) tells the player that there will be no game action until he starts to get things in order. Possible?
Yeah, If KF was the coach back then, he probably would have given Harmon only 7 carries as a freshman and then moved him to WR.

Actually Kirk was the OL coach when Ronnie Harmon was at Iowa. And he probably wanted him running straight ahead more than dancing around as it's harder for the line to hold blocks while the running back is dancing around.
So you think Kirk was lying, right? You think that he said grades just for CYA? You don't think that he gets reports from profs and TAs for all the players at least weekly? (If you don't think this, then you don't understand college sports.) And it stands to reason then that you don't think a kid could raise his grades over a time frame of a few weeks... especially when he knows he needs to get the grades to see the field? Wow... you really are full of hate for Kirk.

I wonder if ole Roy was keeping track of his players' progress in North Carolina?
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.

GPA may not change, but there's also current performance and ongoing communication with professors. That does weigh in.

It's moot though, cause it's all speculation on our part...grades? Injury? Knowing Assignments, practice reps, etc....we don't know.

Wadley played Today, and played great, let's enjoy it.
FCAS - if you can justify Wadley not playing at all this season based on the fact that he fumbled the ball one time (an unforgivable sin, apparently), shouldn't Jake be benched for the season after throwing a pick 6? What about everyone else on the team who has fumbled?

Why are there so many homers who can't simply look at this objectively and wonder why we have seen so much sr. Damon Bullock and sr. Mark Weisman and zero Wadley this season? Are they that much better? Are redshirt freshmen running backs not prepared to play college football? Last I checked, redshirt freshmen are winning Heisman trophies at other schools these days on teams with upperclassmen backups.

Cripes on a crutch man. You know what...your absolutely right. You should let some people know Kirk should be fired for not playing his talent soon enough. Seriously, get this done ASAP, before more players leave....we'll never survive if the talent leaves.
FCAS - if you can justify Wadley not playing at all this season based on the fact that he fumbled the ball one time (an unforgivable sin, apparently), shouldn't Jake be benched for the season after throwing a pick 6? What about everyone else on the team who has fumbled?
I did not mean to imply that a player should be banished for a fumble. If that's how my post was interpeted, sorry.

What I DID mean to imply was that if Wadley had played in the ISU or Maryland game and fumbled (when possessions were critical), then a lot of posters probably would have blamed KF for playing him. As I've posted in other threads, I'm far from satisfied with our coach. But at the same time I think there is too much of an effort to blame him for everything.

There are only so many carries for running backs in a game. I really don't understand why Bullock still gets carries. But if Canzieri had not been hurt, I really think he would have performed just as well as Wadley did in this game. And then this thread would not exist at all.
FCAS - if you can justify Wadley not playing at all this season based on the fact that he fumbled the ball one time (an unforgivable sin, apparently), shouldn't Jake be benched for the season after throwing a pick 6? What about everyone else on the team who has fumbled?

Why are there so many homers who can't simply look at this objectively and wonder why we have seen so much sr. Damon Bullock and sr. Mark Weisman and zero Wadley this season? Are they that much better? Are redshirt freshmen running backs not prepared to play college football? Last I checked, redshirt freshmen are winning Heisman trophies at other schools these days on teams with upperclassmen backups.

Please try to understand that the majority of our freshman would not even start as seniors at some of the schools with freshman heisman candidates so please put the drink down. Have you ever considered that some of these young players might suck at practice? Maybe they fumble, miss blocking assignments or simply dont do their homework that the upperclassmen are doing? But you probably think that he's breaking off 80 yard TD runs every carry in practice and the coaches just don't care though right?
Without the injuries I don't think Wadley would have a carry all year. Nothing against Wadley. He had a great game, but Kirk has his pecking order and he sticksto it. Should he play, maybe but some of the injured running backs probably would have done pretty well. Our 0-line looked good today.
Here's a legitimate questions: if Wadley could gain over 100 yards on limited carries against Northwestern, how many yards could he have got against Iowa State, Ball State, or Maryland? Games where senior Bullock got carries while Wadley didn't play a down.

An actual lawyer would find nothing legitimate about that question... at all.

I believe the response would be... Objection, your honor... calls for speculation.

Not even a nice try.
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.

1. Wrong. I went to college. Granted it was over 30 years ago, but I even graduated in four years. I did well enough to teach HS for 14 years.
2. While I don't know football eligibility, I fully understand basketball eligibility as I was on the college BB team.
3. Yes, Iowa is based on a semester system. Do you think that if a kid started dropping off in the GPA due to the reports he was getting that the coach wouldn't withhold playing time? (Mine did) While we were all eligible, some were barely getting by and Coach Levick sent the message that made sure they weren't to "just get by" but to excel in the classroom.
4. I don't know about you, but my grades varied during the semester as to how much studying I put in; if I let it slide, my scores dropped. Maybe not enough to be ineligible but enough for Coach to get on me about it.
5. While the only grades that get figured in to your GPA are the ones that are at the end of the semester, if your grades dip early the coaches WILL know and do what they can to make sure they don't dip further.
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.

For a guy who plays a lawyer on the internet you sure have a difficult time staying on point. Please point out any post where anyone said the kid was ineligible. Can a kid be having trouble with grades without being ineligible? Could that possibly be a concern for a coach who actually cares about his kids getting an education? Could you be more obtuse if you tried?

Do you think Harmon made his money in the NFL by running the ball or catching the ball?

I will give you a clue. Ronnie had over 6,000 career receiving yards.

Hayden scratched where it itched. Remember? He new Ronnie had a unique skill set. He averaged over 22 yds/per catch as a sophomore.

BUT he wasn't inflexible. He ultimately let him play where he wanted. Ronnie was a playmaker and Hayden knew the importance of having that guy on the field and in his offense.

If we were talking about his NFL career that might be relevant...
1. Wrong. I went to college. Granted it was over 30 years ago, but I even graduated in four years. I did well enough to teach HS for 14 years.
2. While I don't know football eligibility, I fully understand basketball eligibility as I was on the college BB team.
3. Yes, Iowa is based on a semester system. Do you think that if a kid started dropping off in the GPA due to the reports he was getting that the coach wouldn't withhold playing time? (Mine did) While we were all eligible, some were barely getting by and Coach Levick sent the message that made sure they weren't to "just get by" but to excel in the classroom.
4. I don't know about you, but my grades varied during the semester as to how much studying I put in; if I let it slide, my scores dropped. Maybe not enough to be ineligible but enough for Coach to get on me about it.
5. While the only grades that get figured in to your GPA are the ones that are at the end of the semester, if your grades dip early the coaches WILL know and do what they can to make sure they don't dip further.

Knight fought the law...and Knight won.
Knight - did you go to college, by chance? My guess is you did not. Do you understand football eligibility? My guess is you do not. The University of Iowa is based on a semester system. Eligibility is determined by grade point average, which is tabulated after each semester. A guy who is eligible on November 1 was eligible on October 1 and September 1. Wadley has been eligible, based on his grades, each and every game this season. He did not suddenly raise his gpa and get playing time. His gpa is the exact same now as it was when we played UNI.

And were you on here calling for Wadley to be playing in September and October? My guess would be no. No one said he wasn't academically eligible. He was having academic issues. You are just going out of your way to try and find something to complain about KF.
3. Yes, Iowa is based on a semester system. Do you think that if a kid started dropping off in the GPA due to the reports he was getting that the coach wouldn't withhold playing time? (Mine did) While we were all eligible, some were barely getting by and Coach Levick sent the message that made sure they weren't to "just get by" but to excel in the classroom.
THE Buzz Levick? That's pretty cool. Spent some time at his B-ball camp a very long time ago.
FCAS - if you can justify Wadley not playing at all this season based on the fact that he fumbled the ball one time (an unforgivable sin, apparently), shouldn't Jake be benched for the season after throwing a pick 6? What about everyone else on the team who has fumbled?

Why are there so many homers who can't simply look at this objectively and wonder why we have seen so much sr. Damon Bullock and sr. Mark Weisman and zero Wadley this season? Are they that much better? Are redshirt freshmen running backs not prepared to play college football? Last I checked, redshirt freshmen are winning Heisman trophies at other schools these days on teams with upperclassmen backups.

Good Gawd this is just dumb. One could just as easily ask why the haters can't simply look at this objectively?? Rob Howe does a good job of looking at this objectively in this column


Especially funny is complaining about NOT playing players when a FR 2* kid has just beat out a 4 year contributor/starter in Bullock....
Good Gawd this is just dumb. One could just as easily ask why the haters can't simply look at this objectively?? Rob Howe does a good job of looking at this objectively in this column


Especially funny is complaining about NOT playing players when a FR 2* kid has just beat out a 4 year contributor/starter in Bullock....

You folks that think the "haters" only want to b*tch are unbelievable. The so called "haters" simply want to see, game in and game out, what we saw today. Why is that so difficult to understand? Iowa played, today, the way all Iowa fans want to see them play. It was the first time in a long time, but we all knew it was there...because it had been there before. But when a performance like this is, sometimes, seasons in the making, you cannot discount the critics. Particularly, when very much of what the critics had been saying was accurate.

The sad part of this is that the so-called "real fans" are the ones stirring this crap up.
You folks that think the "haters" only want to b*tch are unbelievable. The so called "haters" simply want to see, game in and game out, what we saw today. Why is that so difficult to understand? Iowa played, today, the way all Iowa fans want to see them play. It was the first time in a long time, but we all knew it was there...because it had been there before. But when a performance like this is, sometimes, seasons in the making, you cannot discount the critics. Particularly, when very much of what the critics had been saying was accurate.

The sad part of this is that the so-called "real fans" are the ones stirring this crap up.

The thing is that there was nothing different about today, except the team performed better. There wasn't a different scheme, this is what Iowa has wanted to do all year long. They wanted to pound the ball with MW, and do a change of pace with Canzeri, and then pass the ball effectively enough to keep the D honest. Welp Canzeri is hurt and so Wadley stepped up, but schematically this is exactly what Iowa has WANTED to do all year, but it is the first time they have EXECUTED it.

I'm not sure what you expected after 2 weeks of the bashing of all things Iowa. I didn't see you complaining that the "haters" were out in force after the pathetic performance vs Maryland.....you shouldn't complain that the "apologist" are out in force after the good play in the jNW game.

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