Video Montage of the UNI - Iowa Fouls

You are saying you are happy a kid (who you think is bad) is playing for Iowa instead of UNI. For a Hawkeye fan, that seems a little backwards. Oh, wait.

let me get this are recommending that i talk about UNI hoops here, and iowa hoops over there?
let me get this are recommending that i talk about UNI hoops here, and iowa hoops over there?

Let me get this straight, you want ****** players to pick Iowa and good players to pick UNI? Talking basketball is one thing. Sucking up to UNI fans over there and acting to be a Hawk fan over here is entirely different.
let me get this are recommending that i talk about UNI hoops here, and iowa hoops over there?

No, you talk UNI hoops both places. You're not a "neutral fan" when you say you are worried about an how well an Iowa player will match up with a UNI player. Then saying you're glad May didn't go to UNI b/c he isn't good at basketball. Then after the game you claim the refs were fine on HN and defend the free throw disparity til you're blue in the face. Does this not ring a bell?
9YRPLAN...That is not how all MVC games are officiated...not at all actually.

The free throw stats can be thrown out the door. Typically the more aggressive team that pounds the ball inside is going to have a free throw advantage over a team that prefers to shoot 3's and rarely goes into the post on offense. It was the extreme opposite last night. I'm not sure how you can watch the game or watch that video and not think there were a lot of bs calls. You say it's poor defense by Iowa...I disagree. What about all the offensive calls....what about all the off-the-ball fouls....

Iowa was getting whistled like crazy on both ends of the floor and everywhere in between. You are a poser.
those might be BS calls to iowa fans that dont watch MVC hoops, but they are aregular occurrence in that league.

i know it sucks, and its ruining college hoops, but thats the reality.

If you can't even admit that the VAST MAJORITY of those calls were complete bs than you're either blind or a complete UNI homer, or both. Officiating was pathetic; there's no denying that.
its called logically explaining the disparity. iowa left 3 FTA on the table.

plus most of the calls people are ******** about (charges) dont even result in free throws.

UNI also shot 8 free throws after the under-4 timeout when iowa started fouling.

sorry dudes, things werent that bad. our team just crumbled when faced when a little adversity.

The fact that you don't shoot free throws after charges makes the free throw difference even worse, not better. If UNI would have shot free throws after charges they would have shot way more free throws making the difference even higher
LOL. you realize that every there hates me because i am an iowa fan, correct?

i have degrees from both schools. 4th generation hawkeye...grew up 5 miles from UNI campus.

Imagine how we all feel about you here because you are an "Iowa fan".
this is hilarious.

i choose my language based on which board i post on. UNI fans dont want to hear about iowa, and vice versa.

the fact is that i didnt care who won and i watched the game as an unbiased observer with 2 hawk buddies and 2 panthers buddies. i have already said that the manner of officiating favored UNI's defensive style.
well, i am a UNI fan and an Iowa fan. i am not posing as either. ive been on both boards for a long *** time.

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