VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

I wouldn't say that. The CIT was set up to award mid-majors, which is why it has never had any major conference teams in it.

Semantics really, the teams in the CBI are generally better than those in the CIT. That's really all I am saying.
if it's money, why did Lick schedule a trip to europe, with what 5 or 6 guys(the rest bailed out on team?you cant tell me this was better than another home game and Gatens getting some type of post-season. If we lost money thats was a FREE trip for Lick and his family!!
I've given several, and you guys have chosen to ignore them.

1. The program will lose money and gain no exposure playing in the CBI.
2. The level of competition in the CBI is bad. I don't think it will help the team in the future to leave the best league in the country and then play a bunch of 100+ RPI mid-majors or BCS teams with losing records.
3. Anything short of a victory in the tournament would be an embarrassing failure for a team trying to build a winning mentality.
4. In addition to not helping us develop for next season, it will also not help recruiting (hell, it could hurt it).
5. And finally, it is embarrassing for the fans.

Well this deserves a Ghost like response...

You guys do realize that Basketball teams are allowed to practice all year long, right?

Let's pretend for a minute this is true. A practice where you are preparing to play an opponent will always be more meaningful than some guys just showing up to work out and work on a few things.

But ghost, you really need to give this up. Your analogies are awful and the pic responses are getting weak.
He can't.

Instead Ghost prefers to put up cute pics in an attempt to avoid confrontation/substance.

There is nothing bad in Iowa taking a CBI bid.


I'm still searching high and low for where I read the big ten thing. It's bugging the crap out of me.
you sound like you changing sex to a woman

No way, ghosts team consists of looking at pictures of men wearing jorts. Since most of the men appear gay I do not think an operation is required.

But I was being sarcastic anyway, change the batteries on your meter bro!

I'm still searching high and low for where I read the big ten thing. It's bugging the crap out of me.

Why is the athletic department broke or something? I am sure the extra money they will collect from raising football tickets will cover the cost.
Why is the athletic department broke or something? I am sure the extra money they will collect from raising football tickets will cover the cost.

Are broke people the only ones financially responsible? Seems backwards.

But there has to be a reason(s) numerous teams turn down CBI bids. Right?
Are broke people the only ones financially responsible? Seems backwards.

I am pretty sure whatever the costs are to enter this tournament is more than made up in ticket & concession sales. I find it hard to believe the cost of playing in one of these tournaments is outrageous. It is probably enough money to cover the cost to running a tournament like this so that all TV revenue is profit. But I am guessing here, these organizations may be non profit for all I know.

But there has to be a reason(s) numerous teams turn down CBI bids. Right?

Are there schools that have turned down an invite? If I am not mistaken teams submit an application way before the season is over in order to play in these tournaments. It seems like I remember Coach Fran applying last year, ofc Iowa was not selected to play.

Again I see absolutely no downside for a team like Iowa playing in a tournament like this. It isn't like these tournaments are going to be full of Chicago States or Northern Illinois. There is good competition in these tournaments that will be good for Iowa to play against. Now if Iowa was coming off 5 straight NCAA bids then perhaps I can see why you take a pass, I doubt the players would be motivated to play in the tournament. Kind of like the year Ricky Davis played for Iowa and they missed the NCAA tournament after winning 20 games. I was at that NIT first round game (1 of about 6000 fans) and the players were not motivated to play in it at all. That will not be the case with this team, they will embrace whatever postseason tournament they get invited to.

I'm still searching high and low for where I read the big ten thing. It's bugging the crap out of me.

I'm still searching high and low for you to define the word analogy for me. It's bugging the crap out of me how people on this forum feel the need to insult other Hawkeye fans to make themselves feel superior. Hate to break it to you Frank but you aren't that clever but just rude.
I'm still searching high and low for you to define the word analogy for me. It's bugging the crap out of me how people on this forum feel the need to insult other Hawkeye fans to make themselves feel superior. Hate to break it to you Frank but you aren't that clever but just rude.

You called someone's post one of the dumbest that not insulting?

Do you know what a hypocrite is?

I'm still searching high and low for where I read the big ten thing. It's bugging the crap out of me.
I believe the rate is somewhere around $50,000 to host a CBI game. That's peanuts. Especially considering they can easily make that at the gate. Let's say Iowa only sell 10,000 tickets to the game at $10 a pop. That's $100,000 right there, not including parking and concession sales. If they sold 12,500 at $15, that's almost $200K.

Iowa wouldn't lose money hosting a CBI game.

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