VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

I hope to God that a basketball program would never make any kind of decision based on the level of mockery received on a message board.

Still waiting for you to provide a reason why it would be bad for the team to play in the CBI.

Yes, my entire point is that I am afraid of being mocked on a message board...


Also, I have posted several reason why it is bad. You refuse to accept any of them. Not my problem.
If Iowa St. or Nebraska, or Illinois, or any of our rivals were playing in the CBI, we would make fun of them.
So what? If I played on the team, being "made fun of" would rank extremely low on the list of things I cared about.
Let the young players get experience in the PTL instead of wasting their time playing the fifth place team from the Atlantic 10.
Can't believe I missed this. It's not worth arguing with someone who thinks that experience gained in the PTL compares with these tournament games.
My pride? I am not worried about my pride. Hell, I predicted the team would lose their last 6 games before the Penn St. game, so I am not worried about pride. Obviously I am not a guy with unrealistic expectations.

I don't care how bad things were before, I don't care how dark the ages were. This isn't about having too much pride, this is about hanging onto a scrap of pride. There is no pride in going to the CBI. If Iowa St. or Nebraska, or Illinois, or any of our rivals were playing in the CBI, we would make fun of them.

I have no interest in being a punchline.

Pull yourself.
Yes, my entire point is that I am afraid of being mocked on a message board...


Also, I have posted several reason why it is bad. You refuse to accept any of them. Not my problem.

You really haven't given reasons why it is bad.

You have given reasons you don't like the idea and pointed out that success in the CBI does not necessarily equate to success the following season.

The only thing I recall you bringing up that falls under the catagory of 'bad' is that participants are mocked. The main evidence you provide for this is that you would mock other schools if they were to participate.
You really haven't given reasons why it is bad.

You have given reasons you don't like the idea and pointed out that success in the CBI does not necessarily equate to success the following season.

The only thing I recall you bringing up that falls under the catagory of 'bad' is that participants are mocked. The main evidence you provide for this is that you would mock other schools if they were to participate.

He can't.

Instead Ghost prefers to put up cute pics in an attempt to avoid confrontation/substance.

There is nothing bad in Iowa taking a CBI bid.
He can't.

Instead Ghost prefers to put up cute pics in an attempt to avoid confrontation/substance.

There is nothing bad in Iowa taking a CBI bid.

It is a cute pic (the eye rolling one). Perhaps I should know who it is but I don't, kind of wish I did.
He can't.

Instead Ghost prefers to put up cute pics in an attempt to avoid confrontation/substance.

There is nothing bad in Iowa taking a CBI bid.

I've given several, and you guys have chosen to ignore them.

1. The program will lose money and gain no exposure playing in the CBI.
2. The level of competition in the CBI is bad. I don't think it will help the team in the future to leave the best league in the country and then play a bunch of 100+ RPI mid-majors or BCS teams with losing records.
3. Anything short of a victory in the tournament would be an embarrassing failure for a team trying to build a winning mentality.
4. In addition to not helping us develop for next season, it will also not help recruiting (hell, it could hurt it).
5. And finally, it is embarrassing for the fans.
Can't wait for:

1) acceptance of CBI bid
2) run to the final
3) loss in the final
4) everyone saying that we are too good for this tournament anyway, the team that beat us got "lucky" and that we are still better than them because we just "lowered" ourselves to help the CBI out.
I've given several, and you guys have chosen to ignore them.

1. The program will lose money and gain no exposure playing in the CBI.
2. The level of competition in the CBI is bad. I don't think it will help the team in the future to leave the best league in the country and then play a bunch of 100+ RPI mid-majors or BCS teams with losing records.
3. Anything short of a victory in the tournament would be an embarrassing failure for a team trying to build a winning mentality.
4. In addition to not helping us develop for next season, it will also not help recruiting (hell, it could hurt it).
5. And finally, it is embarrassing for the fans.

Which is worse:

Coach to recruit: "Iowa is so bad, they missed the tournament and had to play in the CBI."
Coach to recruit:"Iowa is so bad, they didn't make any of the tournaments, not even CBI."
I've given several, and you guys have chosen to ignore them.

1. The program will lose money and gain no exposure playing in the CBI.
2. The level of competition in the CBI is bad. I don't think it will help the team in the future to leave the best league in the country and then play a bunch of 100+ RPI mid-majors or BCS teams with losing records.
3. Anything short of a victory in the tournament would be an embarrassing failure for a team trying to build a winning mentality.
4. In addition to not helping us develop for next season, it will also not help recruiting (hell, it could hurt it).
5. And finally, it is embarrassing for the fans.

1. Lose money? Maybe, I don't know exactly how this tourney is set up. If the school is willing to do it then I have no problem with it.
No exposure? Not much but I don't see how this qualifies as bad.
2. That is who we are as well. Playing competition on a par with us is not bad.
3. Losing in round one would be bad, losing in round two less so. Anything beyond that would not be that big a deal.
4. More games and more practices would help develop for next season. More practice time is often given as a reason going to a bowl game is beneficial. Why would it be different for basketball?
Hurt recruiting? I just don't see it. Might not help but I can't see it hurting.
5. I don't think think you can speak for all fans. You would be embarrassed, but not everybody would be.
Which is worse:

Coach to recruit: "Iowa is so bad, they missed the tournament and had to play in the CBI."
Coach to recruit:"Iowa is so bad, they didn't make any of the tournaments, not even CBI."

How about: Iowa has such a proud basketball tradition, and our expectations for the future are so high, that we turned down competition that will not help us reach our goals.
You guys do realize that Basketball teams are allowed to practice all year long, right?

First of all that is not true in terms of the team and coaches all together.

Second, to the extent that they are allowed, there is a difference between practicing and practicing for an upcoming opponent. We talking about practice.
I've given several, and you guys have chosen to ignore them.

1. The program will lose money and gain no exposure playing in the CBI.
Losing money is possibly a good argument, but aren't most bowl games money losers?

2. The level of competition in the CBI is bad. I don't think it will help the team in the future to leave the best league in the country and then play a bunch of 100+ RPI mid-majors or BCS teams with losing records.
Everyone understands that there is a significant dropoff in the competition. Some of us, however, still believe it can be a useful teaching environment.

3. Anything short of a victory in the tournament would be an embarrassing failure for a team trying to build a winning mentality.
This team lost to Campbell. One more loss is not going to have any adverse impact. Staying at home while other teams are playing builds a winning mentality?

4. In addition to not helping us develop for next season, it will also not help recruiting (hell, it could hurt it).
I can't see how this would hurt recruiting.

5. And finally, it is embarrassing for the fans.
Who cares.

I'll give you credit for responding, and I can maybe buy into the "lost money" argument. The rest of your reasons are stupid.
How about: Iowa has such a proud basketball tradition, and our expectations for the future are so high, that we turned down competition that will not help us reach our goals.

No no. I'm totally on your side Ghost. But, hard to fight the man on this one. They already gave in and let us accept bowls other than the Rose Bowl.

If we wouldn't have accepted all those damn Sun Bowls, it would have been us an not Ohio State dominating the last decade.
First of all that is not true in terms of the team and coaches all together.

Second, to the extent that they are allowed, there is a difference between practicing and practicing for an upcoming opponent. We talking about practice.

Basketball players are allowed to spend 8 hours a week on team basketball activities and two hours a week with a coach in groups of any size.
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