VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

10:33 pm. You seem to have the forum clock set to Greenwich Mean time.

Click on My C panel at the top, then edit options on the right, scroll down, and you can change the time setting.
Eeeezzzzeee, swirlin. Lower the roof.

I will. And first time it's my turn to get up for little Kirk or Hayden Jr. at 2 am, I'll be sure to read the latest Ghost vs. Stormin' value of the CBI debate thread aloud. It'll almost be like Ghost and Stormin' are in the nursery with me, godparents if you will, helping get the little one back to sleep.

It's a soothing thought. I imagine both of them arguing in their best baby voices, in somewhat hushed tones, as rain gently caresses the window of the nursery on a damp Seattle night.
How can you think the CBI is a respectable destination for a team like Iowa when you can't even get the bloody time right?

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