If UNI wins I will not post on this site again, if ISU wins you dont post here anymore, deal?

HAHA, so let me get this straight. You win, you continue to post, if I win, you remake a name and continue to post. Sounds like a bet a clown would make.
Wont lose either. According to ESPN they are starting 3-0. You got UNI this week?

LOL. Also according to ESPN, Tebow is the NFL's best QB, Yankees and Red Sox are the only 2 MLB teams that play games anymore, Plaxico Burress is the best WR evvvaaar! Oh and if Miami was an SEC team, or had their own network ie, LHN, they wouldn't deserve the death penalty, but they do, because they aren't an SEC team.

Seriously though, if you think ISU will win 7 games, I'm sorry that you do not understand college football. Yes, ISU is much better than previous teams they've had, but they will not win 7 games this year.
HAHA, so let me get this straight. You win, you continue to post, if I win, you remake a name and continue to post. Sounds like a bet a clown would make.
I will hold firm, I wont remake a name, why do I care if I post on HN? Just do it for casual conversation. Hell Jon can block my IP address if ISU loses.
u r a real idiot i love the troll factor on HN it's like a CLOWN magnet

Wont lose either. According to ESPN they are starting 3-0. You got UNI this week?

So you're blanketing ESPN just because their Big 12 homer...I mean blogger picked ISU to win their first three? 10 to 1 odds very few people at the mothership believe Ubben.
And Hawk fans could have all of the credit. Actaully, no. I don't want ISU getting sued like Southern Miss. Bad idea.

Why would you get sued? Last I checked there are no other sports teams out there with Clowns as a mascot. That whole demographic is waiting to be tapped.:D
Why would you get sued? Last I checked there are no other sports teams out there with Clowns as a mascot. That whole demographic is waiting to be tapped.:D


Hey Imported, I'm pretty sure that you have JP's number on speed dial, can I get that from you? Thanks!
and i'll wear that like a badge of honor when it comes to all things clownie. BTW, i am familiar with the clown zone - i've laughed at it for several years now. my point being why doesn't follard do both - why does mediacom showing the game and clownzone showing the game have to be exclusive? i think seats is your answer.

keep bragging up your clown zone so you clown nerds can huddle around a computer instead of having a game broadcast over a tv network that anyone could watch other than ISU grads and Stewo (he must be the only non-alum clown fan??)

Who is bragging? Nobody. I'd rather have the BTN but unfortunately we don't. And so Clonezone brings us the 2 games a year not televised. It's a lot better than how it use to be when barely any ISU games were on TV
Who is bragging? Nobody. I'd rather have the BTN but unfortunately we don't. And so Clonezone brings us the 2 games a year not televised. It's a lot better than how it use to be when barely any ISU games were on TV
Will only bring one game this year and going forward, a non con game.
Who is bragging? Nobody. I'd rather have the BTN but unfortunately we don't. And so Clonezone brings us the 2 games a year not televised. It's a lot better than how it use to be when barely any ISU games were on TV

On a serious note I think the main point is that ISU could easily give the rights to the game over to Mediacom and the general masses that have cable could watch the game. Instead they are going to basically hold their non-ticket holding fans hostage and make them pay extra to watch the game. I personally think it's a corny move on Pollard's part.
I will hold firm, I wont remake a name, why do I care if I post on HN? Just do it for casual conversation. Hell Jon can block my IP address if ISU loses.

LOL ok so then heres the deal. If UNI wins you dont post here. If ISU wins I cant make a name for CF. deal?
LOL ok so then heres the deal. If UNI wins you dont post here. If ISU wins I cant make a name for CF. deal?
And the wheels fall off. I could care less if you have CF membership. You dont sound very confident in prediction?
And the wheels fall off. I could care less if you have CF membership. You dont sound very confident in prediction?

I told you it would be a close game but whats the benefit in me taking this bet? you come over here "just for convo". I come here because I am a hawk fan and this is HN. Plus you have already bet a couple other people their posting rights on HN that ISU will win 7 games. So honestly whats the point in betting for one game? So if you dont want to bet, then thats fine. You still have to hold up your end of the bet with the others you made bets with.
On a serious note I think the main point is that ISU could easily give the rights to the game over to Mediacom and the general masses that have cable could watch the game. Instead they are going to basically hold their non-ticket holding fans hostage and make them pay extra to watch the game. I personally think it's a corny move on Pollard's part.

What percentage of people in Iowa have mediacom? And than how many are ISU fans? And than out of those people, how many are not at the game? After you get through that, it isn't a big #. There are more ISU fans outside the state at that point that fans in the state, not at the game, that have mediacom.

ISUer, Do you realize that you **** all over every thread that you're in? Do you notice that every one you're in turns in to you trying to bet someone your HN login?

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