I'm not gonna lie, it amuses me how many people here use the word 'clown' as a derogatory term.
HAHA I posted your quote at 10:05 and you edit your post at 10:06. Seems to me you forgot that you are on HN not CF.

Oh, I get it. HN is where only the classy, educated people post and CF is where the sad and depressed post. Fun.
We've had the clonezone for 4 years and have had other games where it was only shown online.

So in other words, you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not a clue

and i'll wear that like a badge of honor when it comes to all things clownie. BTW, i am familiar with the clown zone - i've laughed at it for several years now. my point being why doesn't follard do both - why does mediacom showing the game and clownzone showing the game have to be exclusive? i think seats is your answer.

keep bragging up your clown zone so you clown nerds can huddle around a computer instead of having a game broadcast over a tv network that anyone could watch other than ISU grads and Stewo (he must be the only non-alum clown fan??)

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