Tucker released from University of Iowa

There are quite a few 2010 recruits still out there.
K Williams is one. Now I don't know how that plays into Iowa's hand. I've been wary of Iowa bringing him in because of some past situations he has had, but if Iowa needs a PG to help out - Payne and Williams would be a good duo in the backcourt.

There are other unsigned JUCO PGs out there too.

Or, Iowa uses it for Jake Kelly or another 2011 recruit.

But going JUCO the Kelly route would be like replacing Tucker's schollie in the rotation and wouldn't make it a 2010 heavy class.

I'm not saying there aren't 2010 recruits out ther I'm saying I don't think we look at bringing any more freshman in. A JUCO transfer that fills a roster need is the ONLY thing we would even consider.
There are quite a few 2010 recruits still out there.
K Williams is one. Now I don't know how that plays into Iowa's hand. I've been wary of Iowa bringing him in because of some past situations he has had, but if Iowa needs a PG to help out - Payne and Williams would be a good duo in the backcourt.

There are other unsigned JUCO PGs out there too.

Or, Iowa uses it for Jake Kelly or another 2011 recruit.

But going JUCO the Kelly route would be like replacing Tucker's schollie in the rotation and wouldn't make it a 2010 heavy class.

I think this is a big scholarship for Lick. To kick the dead horse one more time...I think it is crazy to only have one true PG on scholarship. What if Cully gets hurt next year?

As far as blame. Why does somebody always have to be blamed. Plenty has gone wrong with the Lick tenure but not everything is his fault. Not every scholarship works out. If several more players leave this year we have a problem but Tucker and Lick I think both recognized that Tucker moving on was best for everyone. Tucker can get a fresh start somewhere and won't lose playing time because he has his RS and Iowa has the opportunity to bolster depth at PG which is something we need.
I'm torn on what happens with the scholarship.

I really like Cully as PG and feel that with him and the off season for what we currently have and the recruits, we will be sufficent enough to handle the PG position. What I am thinking is that we would be better of to wait to use it until 2011.
If Tucker's scholarship goes to Lil' Lick then...

If Tucker doesn't want to give up the bottle, then I guess it is best that he move on. Lick went out on a limb to help the kid but at some point you have to say enough is enough.
I'm torn on what happens with the scholarship.

I really like Cully as PG and feel that with him and the off season for what we currently have and the recruits, we will be sufficent enough to handle the PG position. What I am thinking is that we would be better of to wait to use it until 2011.

I agree on Cully. The issue is back-up PG. Can Iowa really rely on John at the backup PG role next year? And what if Cully gets hurt or sick? Iowa would be done for.

I think a JUCO PG is needed (just like last spring).
Guys I totally agree...not as big a lick basher as you think. I love his demeanor, I love his "FIT AT IOWA" I however hold him responsible for his recruiting short falls. I hope he secures a play maker with this scholarship regardless of position....a difference maker.
Guys I totally agree...not as big a lick basher as you think. I love his demeanor, I love his "FIT AT IOWA" I however hold him responsible for his recruiting short falls. I hope he secures a play maker with this scholarship regardless of position....a difference maker.

+1. I'm with you. I've always felt he was a good "fit" but you're right he hasn't really done it recruiting which has been the roadblock.

I agree with you 100%.
Small **** Cam
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Guys I totally agree...not as big a lick basher as you think. I love his demeanor, I love his "FIT AT IOWA" I however hold him responsible for his recruiting short falls. I hope he secures a play maker with this scholarship regardless of position....a difference maker.

loess - I'd never categorize you in that group. You've been critical at times, but never ever would I put you in that class.

You just want to see Iowa win - like most of us. And you are a great Hawkeye fan.

I don't know if there is a difference maker out there still that Iowa has a shot at. Maybe they get lucky again like they did with Cully.
No way would Todd give the ride to John

Does John get some sort of discount on tuition for having his father be a university employee, especially one as highly regarded as the MBB coach?

Might be a crazy question, just curious.

Not that Todd has a hard time paying that in-state tuition.
I understand those that think Lick should not offer until 2011, however, the problem is we don't have any depth to begin with for 2010. If Cully goes down or gets sick next season we then depend on Lil' Lick (with experience) or a freshman once again in Brust. I just don't think that in a fourth year of a coach's contract this should even be a problem. The "we are young" excuses are DONE next year folks!! NO MORE!! Not when freshmen and sophomores play 35 minutes a game, every game!! Is this the excuse you will be using every year someone transfers??? This is why you get JUCO players!!

I'd say wait until 2011 as well but unfortunately next season isn't this season and we have already gone through a lack of guard depth and in a do or die season in 2011 for Lick, NOT filling this position would be a critical problem and if the team fails to succeed next season, this will be the area in which people will point wasn't taken care of and may end in Lick's final blow.
I'm ****** at both parties. I'm ****** at AT for getting arrested twice and letting the team down. I'm ****** at Lick for jerking around AT. Either the kid has met the criteria set down for him or he hasn't. In this case he met the criteria and was led to believe that there was a possibility that he would get some PT but never saw the floor. We had plenty of opportunity over the past 2 games for him to get on the floor and he didn't.

I know most of you want to ignore this but we have now had Peterson, Freeman, Palmer and Tucker shown the door either through direct conversations (Freeman, Palmer, Angle) or playing time (Palmer, Peterson, Angle & Tucker). Angle stuck around in spite of being shown the door. If this happens once I can get it, you've got a bad apple. If it happens twice it seems to be a problem but five times is an epidemic. How long do you think it will take Andy Griffith to finally have his players in Mayberry?
I'm ****** at both parties. I'm ****** at AT for getting arrested twice and letting the team down. I'm ****** at Lick for jerking around AT. Either the kid has met the criteria set down for him or he hasn't. In this case he met the criteria and was led to believe that there was a possibility that he would get some PT but never saw the floor. We had plenty of opportunity over the past 2 games for him to get on the floor and he didn't.

I know most of you want to ignore this but we have now had Peterson, Freeman, Palmer and Tucker shown the door either through direct conversations (Freeman, Palmer, Angle) or playing time (Palmer, Peterson, Angle & Tucker). Angle stuck around in spite of being shown the door. If this happens once I can get it, you've got a bad apple. If it happens twice it seems to be a problem but five times is an epidemic. How long do you think it will take Andy Griffith to finally have his players in Mayberry?

Maybe one of the criteria was to function as an engaged and enthusiatic team member during games........... in which case he didn't meet the criteria. I'm guessing if he had met the criteria set down for him he would have been on the floor...........
From people that were at the game the other night, Tucker would do a "fake get up and half pull off his warm up" every time Lickliter walked down the bench. Does that sound like a guy who was really contrite and wanting to do whatever it takes to get back with the team?
SummerDream cam
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From people that were at the game the other night, Tucker would do a "fake get up and half pull off his warm up" every time Lickliter walked down the bench. Does that sound like a guy who was really contrite and wanting to do whatever it takes to get back with the team?

No it sounds like a kid that knew he wasn't going to see any game experience and he was mocking him. Call it what you want, he met every criteria that was put in front of him and still didn't play. The writing was on the wall, I didn't think he was going to announce his leaving until the end of the season but we are at the time when scholarships and recruiting start to get taken up and he decided to jump before all of the good opportunities were gone.
I'm ****** at both parties. I'm ****** at AT for getting arrested twice and letting the team down. I'm ****** at Lick for jerking around AT. Either the kid has met the criteria set down for him or he hasn't. In this case he met the criteria and was led to believe that there was a possibility that he would get some PT but never saw the floor. We had plenty of opportunity over the past 2 games for him to get on the floor and he didn't.

Unless you are privy to some inside information most of what you are saying here seems to be comming out of your rear end. We have absolutly zero knowledge about what Todd did or didn't say to AT. He very publicly told us from day one that there was no firm date for AT playing bball again, he said he was good to rejoin the team and he did, he said he was going to start dressing and travelling and he did. Again as many people have said don't think that just because he hasn't been clear publicly that he hasnt been clear with AT privately.

My personal take is this. AT has shown from a basketball standpoing he cannot be relied upon to help this team long term. Lick would have been foolish to devote and more time and energy toward him until he proves he can. He has a roster full of players that have shown dedication to the team. He needs to spend his time and energy with them as they have proven they are commited for the long haul.
No it sounds like a kid that knew he wasn't going to see any game experience and he was mocking him. Call it what you want, he met every criteria that was put in front of him and still didn't play. The writing was on the wall, I didn't think he was going to announce his leaving until the end of the season but we are at the time when scholarships and recruiting start to get taken up and he decided to jump before all of the good opportunities were gone.

This one isn't on Lick and trust me that hurts for me to say. This one is on Tucker, f'n up a great opportunity. I was shocked when Lick said he might even get a chance to suit up this year after his second arrest.