Tucker released from University of Iowa

Why is this so hard to believe? I believe it. He wants to play, Lick isn't letting him (with good reason), so he asked and received a release. Too bad, I thought he had a lot of potential. I remember last year thinking that he might become our all time 3 point leader before he left (or close to it). Instead, bad decisions on his part led to a waste of talent. Unfortunately this is a trend with Iowa basketball.
That seems to be a little backward, doesn't it?

Say Tucker is planning on transferring to UNI, but he hasn't contacted them and they haven't contacted him in any way. He's going to ask for his release, get it, and then call up to Cedar Falls? And then they're going to accept him and give him a schollie?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that the above scenario makes no sense at all, but at the same is exactly what you're describing. Couldn't a player get burned in that scenario if the school they want to go to tells them to get lost?

That's the rule. As I said, players often make some initial inquiry through an intermediary--but I think even that is done "off the record." The rule is there to prevent tampering, and it's a good rule--for the programs who don't want scumbag coaches trying to cherrypick their rosters.
Waiting to play again.

Hes only been back with the team for 3 weeks and hes tired of waiting?? It makes no sense. He had to know it would take some time and if he didnt want to wait he wouldve transferred at semester. Im calling BS on this rumor
I should add--I believe Iowa has been affected by this rule (or violations of it) on both sides of the transaction in the past.
I'll believe it when it happens. I'm still waiting for Pittsburg to join the Big10, and for Jake Kelly to join the team. I'm not saying it won't happen, Tucker leaving, I'm just saying I'll wait to here it from the university.
Waiting to play again.
I knew the answer Freddy. lol. Just saying that he owes the coaches and players a lot more than just walking away again. The team has done just fine with out him, he could stick it out the same way every memeber of the team has stuck with him through his mistakes.
I'll believe it when it happens. I'm still waiting for Pittsburg to join the Big10, and for Jake Kelly to join the team. I'm not saying it won't happen, Tucker leaving, I'm just saying I'll wait to here it from the university.

What, you didn't enjoy that Iowa/Boise State Fiesta Bowl matchup?
Did anyone watch the Lickliter post game interview on Big Ten Network. I am not going to quote it. However, out of the blue he said something about really liking his rotation and does not see that changing. I was not watching real closely. I was curious if he was hinting Anthony was not going to see any playing time in the near future.
I'll believe it when it happens. I'm still waiting for Pittsburg to join the Big10, and for Jake Kelly to join the team.

I'm still waiting for Drew Tate's broken leg and Bulaga's infected tattoo to heal. Amazing how well those guys played through those injuries.
Long time reader of hawkeye nation ... first time poster.

Found out from family member (who is close friends with someone very close to situation) tonight that Anthony Tucker was granted his release from the university of Iowa.

... so in other words he will not be seeing the floor anytime soon.
I've several serious problems with this (as of now) rumor.
First, it is posted hours after Tucker dressed for the NW game, only a few days after he accompanied the team to Ohio State. To say the least, this indicates an extremely short time period for Tucker to have made his request, gotten an audience, someone to leak the story, then have it get to someone to post on the internet.
Secondly, it makes no sense...unless Tucker is withdrawing immediately from school, giving up this semester's work, abandoning a full college scholarship now to go home---to do what?
Particularly, the phrase asking to be "released" from his scholarship is nonsensical. Athletic schollies, by NCAA rules) are for each academic year. One Year only. Renewable at the discretion of the school granting the schollie. If Tucker wants to leave, he has no reason to "request that he be released". All he has to do is pack up & go. Doesn't need permission to do that. The difference is if he stays in school, whether he plays or not, he has a full schollie for this academic year--and, maybe, some prospect of Lickliter offering to renew if for another year...or even two years. What is totally implausible is that he plans to finish the semester & get the college credits for his work this term but nonetheless is asking the university to stop giving him free room, board, tuition, travel expense, etc from now until the semester ends.
This rumor seems to be rooted in a confusion growing out of two misunderstandings": (1) first, of the NCAA distinction between INITIAL and CONTINUING eligibility, and the procedure for a student-athlete to get out of a signed letter-of-intent without having to wait a year to be eligible; and (2) the rules of the BT, NCAA, and specific schools with regard to future continuing eligibility when transferring from one school to another.
(it can be the difference between sitting out two years, one year or being eligible the next academic year, depending upon whether the administrators/coaches support the appeal by the transferring student-athlete for a waiver or exception to NCAA/conference eligibility rules).

From what has been published about Tucker's situation his opetions would seem to be only two: stay at Iowa, get re-instated in good standing, get his schollie renewed, play the full season for the Hawkeyes next year, lose no eligibility (beyond the 2nd semester of his freshman year when he was academically ineligible; either stay through this semester at Iowa or go home now, then seek to transfer elsewhere in August for the 2010-2011 academic year, and become eligible for the second semester, with a year & a half of total eligibility (unless he plays yet this semester at Iowa, which would reduce it to a single year).

Given his citizenship & academic difficulties while at Iowa, it probably could not matter whether he leaves with Lickliter's blessing or not (Tucker is not likely to stay in the BT where he cannot get a schollie elsewhere).

For his sake, I hope he is not as foolish as he would have to be to give substance to the rumor. But, then, no telling considering the weak grasp on reality of many young athletes...
I'd guess any release we might give would be restricted to non-B10 schools. If I understand correctly, he could still end up at UM, at the cost of a year of eligibility. Be a big price to pay under the circumstances; then again, his judgement to date hasn't been the best.
Hmmm, if true it doesn't surprise me. During the NW game the other night when May nailed that second three the camera panned to the Iowa bench on Anthony Tucker and he cracked a half smile, but also had the look of "I guess they don't need me anymore" on his face. It was something I noticed at the time, and now hearing this rumor it makes more sense. Maybe Anthony just feels like his role is going to get smaller now with the way May and Gator are playing and with Brust and Marble coming in. Brust and Marble are both more athletic, and Ben is just as good as or maybe even a better shooter than Tucker.

Anyway, I challenge you to go back and look at his expression when May knocks down those consecutive threes. To me the expression on his face speaks louder than words.
Tucker did look pretty frustrated on Wednesday night. I didn't think anything of it to be honest. As I'm sure it's tough to be a competitor and not being allowed to compete.

Ever since the Aaron Greving transfer, I tend not to let time periods or situations surprise me regarding transfers.
Jon, are you going to get on the 10:30 teleconference and update us if true? However, my guess is that it is true...

I commented during the live chat about the expressions he had during big plays, just truly seemed uninterested. This would be why.

Best of luck to him, I hope that the issues that he has had will help him grow as a person in life.
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