Trophy Ideas for Iowa v Nebraska

I think that we shouldn't forget about our beef and pork production either. How about the "Beef Bowl" with the "Golden Hoof" trophy or the "Pork Bowl" with the "Golden Boar."

Just think of the tailgating possibilities with those sponsors!
If there was to be a "Corn Bowl," why didn't it happen between Iowa and Illinois? It is Iowa and Illinois who battle for the title of the top corn producing state (with Iowa winning, of course), with Nebraska significantly behind in 3rd place. I believe that the western part of Nebraska is a bit too arid for corn production and only the eastern half grows it like we do.

We were the "Corn Huskers" back when they had "Bugeaters" as their chosen moniker.

How about asking John Deere to underwrite the rivalry and maybe have the Golden Tractor or the Golden Plow trophy?

I brought this idea up in another thread. I seriously like this trophy idea. Would be the most expensive trophy ever.
This is probably the stupidest thread ever created. Speculating on what a trophy might be called if there is a trophy, because there's speculation that Nebraska MIGHT joint the Big Ten.
This is probably the stupidest thread ever created. Speculating on what a trophy might be called if there is a trophy, because there's speculation that Nebraska MIGHT joint the Big Ten.
And yet, you took the time to post in it.
How bout a giant pair of truck nuts? The winner gets to keep them and paint them in school colors.

These truck nuts could then be displayed on the trailer of the Iowa team semi and could even be shown t-bagging the oponent mascot in the opening video in Kinnick.
Mega-Shark versus Giant Octopus with the Octopus using its tentacles to jab the shark in the eye and the shark biting the head of the octapus and a submaring firing a topedo at the shark and a fighter jet overhead shooting a missile at the octopus.
This is probably the stupidest thread ever created. Speculating on what a trophy might be called if there is a trophy, because there's speculation that Nebraska MIGHT joint the Big Ten.

Welcome my friend to the 21st century, where people can join this thing called the interweb, it also has these cool things called message boards, where people talk about things that aren't always here yet, just to see other peoples opinions... (you can even see naked people on this interweb)
Welcome my friend to the 21st century, where people can join this thing called the interweb, it also has these cool things called message boards, where people talk about things that aren't always here yet, just to see other peoples opinions... (you can even see naked people on this interweb)

I recently got the interwebs on my phone... it is glorious.
Not only that but I'd be willing to wager the personal computer will one day make the type writer obsolete.
Not only that but I'd be willing to wager the personal computer will one day make the type writer obsolete.

You sir, are crazy.

Ok, I keep getting off topic, but I do love the idea of a vintage hawkeye logo holding a corn in its talons.
You sir, are crazy.

Ok, I keep getting off topic, but I do love the idea of a vintage hawkeye logo holding a corn in its talons.

Not exactly great, but until Nebraska has a press conference, it's Fun-With-Photoshop Day.

Anybody have the old flying hawkeye logo?
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How about a single ear of corn, standing straight up. Call it the Cornelius trophy. I like the idea of the Corn bowl, but it sounds too much like Cornhole when spoken out loud.

That would by hyper-phallic...kind of like Nebraska's Unicameral building, aka "The Penis on the Plains."
Battle for the GRAIN BELT

the winning coach gets to wear/display the title belt WWF style


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