The "Missouri River Melee" heard it on another forum.
I got it ...
play on Thanksgiving weekend, and play for a ...
Are we eventually going to have trophies for every game? I'm not sure why we would have a trophy with Nebraska. There's no tradition there. It would make more sense(but still be dumb as hell) to have a trophy with Illinois than it would Nebby.
How bout a giant pair of truck nuts? The winner gets to keep them and paint them in school colors.
These truck nuts could then be displayed on the trailer of the Iowa team semi and could even be shown t-bagging the oponent mascot in the opening video in Kinnick.
Let's go all out, put something on the table that no other rivalry can or will. Let's battle for the right to keep Carter Lake. Winner gets the town and all its citizens for the year. For those who do not know:
carter lake, ia - Google Maps
Note the state border...