Time to bench Woodbury???

I would suspect that Fran rarely guarantees staring roles to players very often. If he did offer to Woody and has followed thru with his promise... it was brilliant.

Woody is going to struggle at times but he still gives an inside defensive (and offensive) prescence that no one else can provide. Mel is too good coming off the bench and along with McCabe coming off the bench and accepting their roles... no way will it work any better for Iowa to have Woody coming off the bench.

btw it may be me but wasn't Woody's first foul call really horrible? I need to go back and look at the video... it looked like the classic homer, big man Freshman call that was so wrong.

Please explain how promising a starting role to a recruit is "brilliant" when it actually has a huge potential of being the complete opposite?
I'd try and paint a picture for you siouxboy, but, kinda difficult on this site. Not sure how to be any clearer with what I said. Deal with it.

I'm not asking you to paint a picture, but please try to explain why Gabe must learn by playing and Woody must learn by sitting on the bench.
Because Woodbury is not wearing a North Carolina uniform.

You got that right and Fran was brilliant in his promise and follow thru to Woody.

Young man you will start from day ONE and in your 4 years at Iowa will lead Iowa to wins and success unlike any one else... ever at over 7 foot.

Can anyone imagine Woody in 2 or 3 years with Gesell and Clemons as lead guards and the supporting cast?
Watch Olesani on high pick and rolls if you want to see someone whose instincts aren't there yet, he has no feel for when to jump back to his guy. I don't think starting provides any extra pressure to Woodbury, I would rather he go up against the other teams best big guy then try to find match ups that benefit him.
I didn't say Olesani should be starting or playing huge huge mins either. He's pretty raw too. The other two McCabe and Basabe are who should be getting the heavier mins. Well your pretty much getting what you want then with Woodbury and your getting a guy who barely plays 10-15 mins a game tops who gets in foul trouble and turns it over more then he scores. I think his confidence is in the toilet regardless of what he says publicly. His body language speaks louder to me. And that's understandable. It's human nature to be frustrated if you were him. I think the sky is the limit for him. I think there's another way for him to get there besides killing his confidence at the expense of the team
I didn't say Olesani should be starting or playing huge huge mins either. He's pretty raw too. The other two McCabe and Basabe are who should be getting the heavier mins. Well your pretty much getting what you want then with Woodbury and your getting a guy who barely plays 10-15 mins a game tops who gets in foul trouble and turns it over more then he scores. I think his confidence is in the toilet regardless of what he says publicly. His body language speaks louder to me. And that's understandable. It's human nature to be frustrated if you were him. I think the sky is the limit for him. I think there's another way for him to get there besides killing his confidence at the expense of the team

Playing McCabe at the five kills any chance of Iowa winning. Our team defense is terrible when he plays there. Woodbury has survived the brutal start to the season, he was great against Wisconsin, and played 18 minutes in that game, why bench him now that our schedule lets up?
I get the argument that Mel should start because he has been playing so well but I don't get the argument that playing woody is hurting the team. It's pretty obvious that Fran is giving out minutes on a game to game basis based on how each individual is playing that game. The games woody is struggling in, which is most of them lately, he is hardly getting any minutes anyway so he's not really hurting the team by being on the floor for his limited minutes.

I think he is probably our best interior defender and he does have the ability to help on offense any given night. I think its best to start him so Fran can find out early which games he is going to bring it. I'm sure that is Fran's plan but he might have to rethink it if woody has to many more bad games in a row. If he's not already rethinking it.
I get the argument that Mel should start because he has been playing so well but I don't get the argument that playing woody is hurting the team. It's pretty obvious that Fran is giving out minutes on a game to game basis based on how each individual is playing that game. The games woody is struggling in, which is most of them lately, he is hardly getting any minutes anyway so he's not really hurting the team by being on the floor for his limited minutes.

I think he is probably our best interior defender and he does have the ability to help on offense any given night. I think its best to start him so Fran can find out early which games he is going to bring it. I'm sure that is Fran's plan but he might have to rethink it if woody has to many more bad games in a row. If he's not already rethinking it.
I feel that it is. He is struggling big time. His confidence isn't very high. Basabe has been playing pretty well and it's almost tough to want to take him out of the role he's getting comfortable with too. But he deserves more mins and so does Mcabe. Gabe brought some effort and didn't do too bad out there. (other then bricking free throws that goes for Mcabe too) I have a bad feeling that by the end of the year we might be wishing that Woodbury had red shirted. At what point does his production on the court trump experience gained by playing?

Yeah cause benching him is sure going to help that confidence out huh :confused:
I would say that whether he starts or comes off the bench, either way, don't make a big deal out of it as the coach. Tell him either way he will get time and is important. Last thing you want to do is ruin his confidence because he will be a good player down the road. Need to keep him improving.
Woodbury is a stud. All freshman team forsure. Keep him in as many minutes as you can... that will be pretty limited because he is a hack machine.
Yeah cause benching him is sure going to help that confidence out huh :confused:
When a players confidence is shot why play him over kids that would help the TEAM more? I think him coming off the bench with less pressure/spotlight on him would benefit him alot more then playing 7 mins a game with more fouls and turnovers then rebounds and pts.
When a players confidence is shot why play him over kids that would help the TEAM more? I think him coming off the bench with less pressure/spotlight on him would benefit him alot more then playing 7 mins a game with more fouls and turnovers then rebounds and pts.

How is his confidence shot? He was great against Wisconsin and played 19 minutes in that game. Let's not make rash decisions on one game sample sizes.
People need to understand that a big man like him isn't going to immediately do damage. He has been solid on D and the experience he has gotten just from the B1G games is priceless. We will probably see a little more aggressiveness the tail end of the season as he becomes more comfortable and confident. He has shown signs of great things and I don't feel he should be taken out of the starting lineup. Just having him in on D makes teams alter their shots. Be patient with this one because he will be very good.
People need to understand that a big man like him isn't going to immediately do damage. He has been solid on D and the experience he has gotten just from the B1G games is priceless. We will probably see a little more aggressiveness the tail end of the season as he becomes more comfortable and confident. He has shown signs of great things and I don't feel he should be taken out of the starting lineup. Just having him in on D makes teams alter their shots. Be patient with this one because he will be very good.

The thing about big men like Woodbury is the ceiling is pretty low on them. If a big man is going to be dominant you can see it really early. In HS he would have been putting up 25/15/5 (blocks) every game if he was going to reach a really high level in college. Woodbury was at like 17/7/>1 in HS. He's not a great shot blocker and that is not something that you can easily coach up. I would say Woodbury's ceiling is 13/8/1.5 in college.
The thing about big men like Woodbury is the ceiling is pretty low on them. If a big man is going to be dominant you can see it really early. In HS he would have been putting up 25/15/5 (blocks) every game if he was going to reach a really high level in college. Woodbury was at like 17/7/>1 in HS. He's not a great shot blocker and that is not something that you can easily coach up. I would say Woodbury's ceiling is 13/8/1.5 in college.

Them's pretty good numbers... I'll take it.

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