The Unknown is worse than Ferentz

If you were a CEO at a small company that no one really cares about and still managed to make it a Fortune 500 company, I would commend you.

Just saying the expectations of a lot of fans are out of reach. If you want a bunch of 10-11 win seasons, you might want to change schools.

Expecting more than two top 25 finishes since the 2005 season isn't unrealistic. Winning >75 percent of your games against Minnesota, ISU and Indiana isn't unrealistic. These are things that "good" coaches should be able to do regularly.
seriously, who the hell are you to talk about "unrealistic" expectations??
you've clearly set your own expectations soooo low that you're content with mediocrity
you don't speak for the fanbase; in fact, you only speak for yourself
stick your boring, "nice" mediocre expectations in your tailpipe
Wow, now who is making the hostile posts and personal attacks? I think the worm turned, Vintage. You doth protest too much.

I'll take the bait. Assuming you are right, what is your expectation of Iowa football going forward, knowing that Iowa's all-time record is a winning percentage of 53%, Iowa's all-time record in the Big Ten is a winning percentage of 45%, and Fry's career record was 61%? What should a reasonable Iowa fan expect going forward?

Be specific, since I know you have strong opinions.

Winning percentage over next 20 years?

National championships over next 20 years?

Big Ten titles over next 20 years?
Expecting more than two top 25 finishes since the 2005 season isn't unrealistic. Winning >75 percent of your games against Minnesota, ISU and Indiana isn't unrealistic. These are things that "good" coaches should be able to do regularly.

Why do you use ISU math. "We are 4-2 against Iowa our last 6"
Michigan boosters ran Lloyd Carr out of town even though he won a nat'l championship and had a great record. Why did Lloyd get trucked? Boring teams, couldn't beat primary rival (*cough* ISU *cough*) and he refused to adapt to modern college football.

wait, he got nixed at Michigan because of boring conservative play? and not winning versus a rival......that was equally conservative and boring? i dont get that logic.

we can win just like we always have in a pro style offense. look at stanford. they will not win more than 8 wins in each of the next 4 years.
See a FCS level coach. Mark Farley for DC and coach in waiting!!! lol
Oh, one more thing, Vintage. I've got news for you. Message boards are for the lunatic fringe. You don't speak for the fan base either. Sorry to break the news, but the vast majority of Iowa's football fans do not even read this board and if they do they do it for the comedy value it contains.

You seem awfully hostile about this. I'm just defending a good coach who, frankly, doesn't even need to be defended. He gets $3.8 million votes every year. Do have something against Ferentz personally?
wait, he got nixed at Michigan because of boring conservative play? and not winning versus a rival......that was equally conservative and boring? i dont get that logic.

we can win just like we always have in a pro style offense. look at stanford. they will not win more than 8 wins in each of the next 4 years.

Not being able to stop spread teams, like Appalachian St, was one of the main reasons Carr got pushed out. And that was one of the reasons why they hired Rich Rod, they wanted a spread coach. The Michigan boosters felt the game had passed Lloyd by.

Ferentz will be 57 at the start of next season, he's not exactly young anymore. How often do coaches pushing 60 turn their programs around once they start to slip? It doesn't happen often, we're going to slide to mediocrity and probably worse in the coming years.
Not being able to stop spread teams, like Appalachian St, was one of the main reasons Carr got pushed out. And that was one of the reasons why they hired Rich Rod, they wanted a spread coach. The Michigan boosters felt the game had passed Lloyd by.

Ferentz will be 57 at the start of next season, he's not exactly young anymore. How often do coaches pushing 60 turn their programs around once they start to slip? It doesn't happen often, we're going to slide to mediocrity and probably worse in the coming years.

So how has Michigan done since Carr left?
Oh, one more thing, Vintage. I've got news for you. Message boards are for the lunatic fringe. You don't speak for the fan base either. Sorry to break the news, but the vast majority of Iowa's football fans do not even read this board and if they do they do it for the comedy value it contains.

You seem awfully hostile about this. I'm just defending a good coach who, frankly, doesn't even need to be defended. He gets $3.8 million votes every year. Do have something against Ferentz personally?

Look chosen, Vintage has been here for a long time, he has 25,000 posts, he's not going anywhere so why are you criticizing him? You should just support him 100%. You should try being positive.
Wow, now who is making the hostile posts and personal attacks? I think the worm turned, Vintage. You doth protest too much.

I'll take the bait. Assuming you are right, what is your expectation of Iowa football going forward, knowing that Iowa's all-time record is a winning percentage of 53%, Iowa's all-time record in the Big Ten is a winning percentage of 45%, and Fry's career record was 61%? What should a reasonable Iowa fan expect going forward?

Be specific, since I know you have strong opinions.

Winning percentage over next 20 years?

National championships over next 20 years?

Big Ten titles over next 20 years?

In this era, in this conference, with these resources, and at the salary level that has been established, I expect...
- a winning percentage of 80, +10/-5
- playing in at least three (3) BCS nat'l championship games
- no less than six (6) B1G titles
...over a twenty year span

Yeah, you'll respond dismissively. "We're just little old Iowa!"
And then I'll offer up little old Oregon, Oklahoma State, Virginia Tech, Boise State, Stanford, hell how about Wisconsin...
Michigan boosters ran Lloyd Carr out of town even though he won a nat'l championship and had a great record. Why did Lloyd get trucked? Boring teams, couldn't beat primary rival (*cough* ISU *cough*) and he refused to adapt to modern college football.

Your right, that 42-39 tOSU vs Michigan game in 2006 was very boring
In this era, in this conference, with these resources, and at the salary level that has been established, I expect...
- a winning percentage of 80, +10/-5
- playing in at least three (3) BCS nat'l championship games
- no less than six (6) B1G titles
...over a twenty year span

Yeah, you'll respond dismissively. "We're just little old Iowa!"
And then I'll offer up little old Oregon, Oklahoma State, Virginia Tech, Boise State, Stanford, hell how about Wisconsin...

3 Title games! LOL!
Look chosen, Vintage has been here for a long time, he has 25,000 posts, he's not going anywhere so why are you criticizing him? You should just support him 100%. You should try being positive.

with allies like you, who needs enemies? :confused:
In this era, in this conference, with these resources, and at the salary level that has been established, I expect...
- a winning percentage of 80, +10/-5
- playing in at least three (3) BCS nat'l championship games
- no less than six (6) B1G titles
...over a twenty year span

Yeah, you'll respond dismissively. "We're just little old Iowa!"
And then I'll offer up little old Oregon, Oklahoma State, Virginia Tech, Boise State, Stanford, hell how about Wisconsin...

80% is unrealistic, and so is 3 BCS National Championship games. 3 Regular BCS games is realistic.

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