The Truth

No. It means you weren't worth the time to respond to, but now I might as well.

You can actually predict with some certainty how an alcoholic will act or their behaviors, that's what makes them an alcoholic. Soooooo....

I'm not going to post the definition or can just follow the link.

Seems like you need to take this guys advice:

Have a level head for today and try to enjoy something other than football. Don't go getting yourselves banned.

All in all it's a game and if you get too wrapped up in it, it takes away all of the fun.
I guess to sum up my thoughts on the Iowa program. I think it is time for Ferentz to step down. Not be fired, step down so that Iowa can move ahead with funds in the coffer. Not sure either will happen. Yes, I was excited at the thought that Iowa had a chance to control their own destiny and get to the conference championship. Yes, I did recognize the fact that they really had not beaten anybody with a pulse. I was shocked at the effort against Minnesota, but not surprised, and I really wasn't upset by it. I think Iowa may be hard pressed to win another regular season game this year. What more can really be stated?
No. It means you weren't worth the time to respond to, but now I might as well.

You can actually predict with some certainty how an alcoholic will act or their behaviors, that's what makes them an alcoholic. Soooooo....

I'm not going to post the definition or can just follow the link.

So you are a trollaholic since most on this board can actually predict with some certainty how a trollaholic(you) will post? You actually did teach me something today....thank you! Sparkle....I bow down to your ultimate wisdom and knowledge.
So you are a trollaholic since most on this board can actually predict with some certainty how a trollaholic(you) will post? You actually did teach me something today....thank you! Sparkle....I bow down to your ultimate wisdom and knowledge.

Judging by most of your posting I guarantee you spend most of your life on your knees.
This Truth slapped me in the face during the Ball State game. I was only on that Hype Train for a very short time and that bummed me out. :(
I think fans did get excited (me included) after seeing us put together a complete game against NW. Even though this is not one of Fitz's better NW teams, we still shut them down in every area. Unfortunately, Minnesota did the exact same thing to us. We WANTED to believe Iowa would get back some of that previous mojo where we improve as the season progresses ... I am still scratching my head how a team can do a complete about face in one week. Losing 51-14 to an OSU would still be tough to swallow ... but against the Gophers? Well ... exactly ...
I think there is a lot of truth to this post. I personally was taking a game by game approach but I would be lying if I said part of me didn't think there was a chance Iowa had figured it out a little bit. I didn't see a total beat down happening on Saturday, as a matter of fact I thought we had a decent chance to win. Sparky or whoever else can reply and call me an idiot. I should have known better. I let KF and his staff continue to disappoint me by once in a great while showing up and performing well only to pull the rug out from under me the following week. After every loss I look at the numbers over the past few years and realize how mediocre we really are, yet I cheer like hell for the Hawks to win, and when they don't, I'm disappointed. Why would anyone put themselves through that? The only answer I have is because I love football and I love the Hawks.
I think there is a lot of truth to this post. I personally was taking a game by game approach but I would be lying if I said part of me didn't think there was a chance Iowa had figured it out a little bit. I didn't see a total beat down happening on Saturday, as a matter of fact I thought we had a decent chance to win. Sparky or whoever else can reply and call me an idiot. I should have known better. I let KF and his staff continue to disappoint me by once in a great while showing up and performing well only to pull the rug out from under me the following week. After every loss I look at the numbers over the past few years and realize how mediocre we really are, yet I cheer like hell for the Hawks to win, and when they don't, I'm disappointed. Why would anyone put themselves through that? The only answer I have is because I love football and I love the Hawks.

Hoping Iowa would win doesn't make you an idiot and cheering for Iowa doesn't make you an idiot either.
No. What would make me feel better is if people would have some realistic expectations so every week when Iowa loses I don't have to come around to the shock and awe of it all.

At this point in time I'm starting to miss Vin and Ghost, at least they also knew Ferentz has been done since 2010.

Good morning Sparky

You seem to have a solid feel for the performance we can expect out of Iowa each week. Biz get's a little slow this time of year and I need to make some extra cash fast. Iowa is -5 this week at Illinois. Do the Illini have a pulse or have they gone flat line? How hard should I hit it?
Good morning Sparky

You seem to have a solid feel for the performance we can expect out of Iowa each week. Biz get's a little slow this time of year and I need to make some extra cash fast. Iowa is -5 this week at Illinois. Do the Illini have a pulse or have they gone flat line? How hard should I hit it?

Is trolling a business for you now?
I was just one of the many on this board, as you keep pointing out that didn't really expect to see that type of performance last Saturday. Checking in on Sunday and reading I told you so, won't work with the bookie. I was just hoping with your knowledge and insight you could give me a prediction on this week's game.

Thanks in advance.

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