The Truth

I'm going to go ahead and post my original question AGAIN in hopes that someone can answer it.

What talent did I happen to miss that some of you saw that made you think Iowa could beat Minn, Nebby, or Wisky?

I predicted a 27-21 Iowa win. I based that on the chance that Iowa finally saw the potential that they had and would continue to use it. After the ups and downs of this season I figured KF would see the light towards the end of the season like he has at times in years past. Looks like I was wrong. Hope that answers your question.
This was a painful thread to read all the way throughout.
Some good rational thoughts sprinkled in with a substatial amount of deep.

My apologies to to the board and the painful read of this thread, as I contributed to about the last 25% of it and it turned off topic. Once I received my life lesson, all was righted in my world and I am now able to snap back to football chat! With that said, I thought Iowa would beat Minnesota...and oh how I was wrong.
Dilldo....come on now.

Good morning Sparky.

I would really appreciate your vision on the outcome of this weekend's game. I need to lay down some heavy action this weekend and I need to know which team has a pulse. Thanks again.
Your butt hurt is showing. Plus, someone else already tired the random google pictures in the past to no avail. You're not very original or smart. I get it.

Ouch. It took me all of about 15 seconds. I'm devastated!
haha. Sparty would fit right in w/ Kirk's staff in regards to analyitcal capabilities. Sparty is either a troll or a rock w/ fingers that knows how to type. To not see the difference in a "bad team" e.g. Iowa State vs. an average team w/ terrible coaching e.g. Iowa; is laughable*
*unless Sparty is actually an innanimate object

I would appreciate your thoughts on the game yesterday and your expert thoughts moving forward.



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