The sponsors are the key to KXNO

Not that I agree or disagree with the "boycott" but I do remember back in the late 90's when that Parents TV group went after all of the sponsors for WWF/WWE. There was a time you would watch RAW and they played the same three commercials over and over because that TV group got most of the sponsors to back out. Believe it or not these kind of campaigns can work if focused and directed.
Agreed...If these Clowns have such a problem with the program turn it to a different station. Let the free market work. Grow up.

Contacting advertisers and letting them know you are unhappy that they are sponsoring programming that you have a problem with is not letting the free market work? Seriously?
smoot, you don't know what you are talking about. Customer complaints are a VERY effective way of influencing a sponsor. I have experience with this. You obviously don't. Ratings take time to filter down. Boycotting a product takes time to be effective. Contacting a company is instant feedback. In the advertising business I want instant feedback. It helps determine where I'm going to put my advertising dollars.
Just because you don't want to do it, don't go around criticzing someone else who does want to influence what we hear.

Typically at my company we would die laughing after we hung up the phone on an individual calling in to complain about not consuming our product because we sponsor a radio station that employs a sports personality they don't like. We might even put the phone on speaker and call in some of our fellow employees to listen in on the humor.
Contacting advertisers and letting them know you are unhappy that they are sponsoring programming that you have a problem with is not letting the free market work? Seriously?

I never said it wasn't letting the free market work. I said let the free market work and don't listen to the show and they will lose ratings and sponsors. All I said about contacting sponsors was that it is a waste of time and annoying. That's why I gave the Rush Limbaugh analogy. I'm sure his sponsors hear complaints all day, but they will continue to support him if his show has great ratings.
I didnt hear anything that I would categorize as him turning on me. He and Ken questioned having message board publishers on as guests. I dont think there is anything wrong with that question, and they can do what they want with their show.

Matt ticks me off at times with things he says...Monday and Tuesday for sure as recent examples. But, he's good at getting people worked up, I will give him that. And the kind of 'ticked off' I get at Matt is sort of like the rush you get from Red Bull..strong for a short while, then its over. It's nothing foundational, I dont think he is out stealing from anyone or anything like that.

It's just that this thread reminds me of so many CF 'boycott' posts that I have laughed at through the years.

I apologize - you took that personally. I meant "Hawkeye Nation" as a group, not Jon Miller individually. My bad.

P.S. I guess, now I'm amused that you think Hawkeye Nation is above getting it's feelings hurt and calling for boycotts!
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A lot of people are complaining about the hosts at KXNO. Well if you want to get rid of them then contact the sponsors. I am. If enough people complain to the sponsors and REALLY follow through on boycotting their business then they will pull their ads. If ads are pulled the hosts will follow. Ads pay the bills and WE pay the bills for the sponsors.

I am in the advertising business and believe me if one of my clients starts getting negative comments they are going to be calling me real fast. Call the sponsors and changes will come.

By the way I am listening to KXNO right now to get sponsors names. If anyone else is listening the morning guys are really attacking KF and Iowa. According to them everything is falling apart in IC and there is a big coverup. These guys are as big a morons as Perault.

You hit the nail on the head. Last night I emailed Van Harden and complained about Perrault's tired antics, which came to a head yesterday when Rob Howe was on. BUT, I told him I was not going to quit listening---in fact I was going to begin listening very carefully so I could compile a list of sponsors that advertise on the Matt and Miller show SO I COULD BEGIN BOYCOTTING THEIR BUSINESSES AND PRODUCTS!!!
I never said it wasn't letting the free market work. I said let the free market work and don't listen to the show and they will lose ratings and sponsors. All I said about contacting sponsors was that it is a waste of time and annoying. That's why I gave the Rush Limbaugh analogy. I'm sure his sponsors hear complaints all day, but they will continue to support him if his show has great ratings.

Your "analogy" doesn't work. It's apples to oranges, or probably more like a single Fort Dodge Community Orchard apple to a state of Florida-sized bin of oranges. Rush has developed enough of a listener base and a network that individual criticisms are meaningless. Even large, organized, well-financed efforts to get him off the air have failed.

KXNO, OTOH, serves largely a local market. Any contact with advertisers will have far greater impact, possibly resulted in canceled buys and no additional support until change is made.
Your "analogy" doesn't work. It's apples to oranges, or probably more like a single Fort Dodge Community Orchard apple to a state of Florida-sized bin of oranges. Rush has developed enough of a listener base and a network that individual criticisms are meaningless. Even large, organized, well-financed efforts to get him off the air have failed.

KXNO, OTOH, serves largely a local market. Any contact with advertisers will have far greater impact, possibly resulted in canceled buys and no additional support until change is made.

It doesn't matter if you are a mom & pop gas station, most business people aren't going to change their advertising decisions based on a couple "grown" men calling in to complain that a local radio personality made fun of their favorite football team. It's absolutely ridiculous the level people on this board have stooped to.
It doesn't matter if you are a mom & pop gas station, most business people aren't going to change their advertising decisions based on a couple "grown" men calling in to complain that a local radio personality made fun of their favorite football team. It's absolutely ridiculous the level people on this board have stooped to.

Exactly. There were a lot of things posted on this site were probably just as bad or worse. Is the lynch mob going after the HN sponsors as well?
Jon I would say that what he said to me at lease wasn’t that bad but there are some lessons here. In a time of turmoil when the fan base is all worked up already it might not be the best idea when your pay check depends on those very same fans to stir the pot. I think most Hawkeye fans want an outside person’s view on things but he was deliberately trying to provoke the fans and that might work if he was on the national stage but he’s not so that would be considered biting the hand that feeds you. I also think that most Hawkeye fans that listen to the show are also fans of Rob’s and you so if you or Rob get worked up about something and then cut off then those same people are going to get fired up. I think a lot of this could blow over but that is going to depend on whether “name that shall not be spokenâ€￾ wants to continue to stir the pot to the point that people are compelled to put pressure on the station to get rid of him. I feel the ball is in his court though we will see what he chooses to do next.
smoot, you don't know what you are talking about. Customer complaints are a VERY effective way of influencing a sponsor. I have experience with this. You obviously don't. Ratings take time to filter down. Boycotting a product takes time to be effective. Contacting a company is instant feedback. In the advertising business I want instant feedback. It helps determine where I'm going to put my advertising dollars.
Just because you don't want to do it, don't go around criticzing someone else who does want to influence what we hear.

You're making an incredibly huge assumption that ratings will suffer when in fact, it's things like this that tend to improve ratings. People are naturally drawn to the unnatural such as conflict, moreso if they are not directly involved. Better ratings = better advertising opportunities. Telling ACME that you don't like Perrault isn't going to make them go away if Perrault is bringing ACME more business.
Smoot, you still don't get it

Of course a couple of complaints are not going to alter radio programming. However, you have to remember Des Moines is a mid level market at best. Complaints to the station as well as to the sponsors, if in large numbers, will have an impact on how programming is handled. That is the quintessential element of "free market" (i.e., the consumers are the ones influencing the business practice).

Furthermore, your comparison to Rush Limbaugh is flawed. I can virtually guarantee you that his sponsors and the stations on which his program is broadcast get a lot of positive feedback as well. Hence, the shield of protection he has from those who complain. A small market guy like this Perrault (sp?) doesn't have the cache to overcome a barrage of complaints to his bosses and sponsors.

I don't have the inclination to any such thing for this particular issue, but I applaud those who take the time and effort to let their opinions be known to those who matter. If it gets results, then the free market is working.
Delete Rush Limbaugh, insert Jan Mickelson. Feel better?

I don't know who Jan Mickelson is, but I'm guessing he/she is a political type. If so, she/he is similar to Rush, in that he/she has a built in supportive audience.

And that's the difference. If MP was a Clone homer, he could make it by relying on them. But if people from Iowa, Iowa State, and Nebraska all can't stand you, you're probably not going to make it DSM. If groups from all those fan bases actually organized and boycotted the goods & services of the advertisers, it would get him canned.
LOL at this thread. I guarantee the ratings for the station have been huge during this "scandal". Whether you agree or disagree with any one person's opinion.
Exactly. There were a lot of things posted on this site were probably just as bad or worse. Is the lynch mob going after the HN sponsors as well?

I think the whole point of the discussion is what is the best way to make your opinions known regarding Matt Perrault. Angry phone calls and letters to the station are likely only going to be viewed as great programming by station management and solidify his standings; that's the way broadcasting works, especially talk radio.

With local talent on a local station, the most effective ways for a listener to voice their displeasure is to stop listening and to let advertisers know you have stopped listening to the programming they are supporting.
I don't know who Jan Mickelson is, but I'm guessing he/she is a political type. If so, she/he is similar to Rush, in that he/she has a built in supportive audience.

And that's the difference. If MP was a Clone homer, he could make it by relying on them. But if people from Iowa, Iowa State, and Nebraska all can't stand you, you're probably not going to make it DSM. If groups from all those fan bases actually organized and boycotted the goods & services of the advertisers, it would get him canned.

Maybe you'll eventually get Perrault kicked off by calling in, maybe you won't. Personally I dont care and I doubt you accomplish anything. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that grown men would be so bothered by a discussion about Iowa football that they would feel the need to call sponsors and complain about a sports radio shock jock.
Sorry Jon but if people decide not to frequent KXNO sponsors due to their disagreement with on air programming that will be a big problem for your station (or former station)
....based on a couple "grown" men calling in to complain that a local radio personality made fun of their favorite football team. It's absolutely ridiculous the level people on this board have stooped to.

Could not have said it better myself. The guy that started this thread should have to wear a bra and panties to all the games at Kinnick next season.
Sorry Jon but if people decide not to frequent KXNO sponsors due to their disagreement with on air programming that will be a big problem for your station (or former station)

Good luck with that. You may have a couple message board types that take this seriously, but most average people could care less about what he said. I wouldn't be surprised if he just earned himself a larger audience with that display. Look at what Jim Rome vs. Jim Everette did for Rome.

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