The sponsors are the key to KXNO

My god this is pathetic. It was a radio show, get over it and try and do something productive with your life.

My god this is pathetic. It's a message board thread, get over it and try and do something productive with your life.
Guys I hate to break your buble, but a half dozen phone calls saying pull your ads of this show or I won't shop there is actually more likley to REINFORCE thier decision to advertise on a show not pull it. Most smart business owners realize that for every 2 or 3 nutjobs that call thier business and make that kind of demand thousands more hear thier ad and don't make those demands. Furthermore it reinforces that their message is a good one and is being heard. The four things a business owner loves to hear about thier advertising in no particular order is....

1) I heard your commercial and I love it.
2) I heard your commercial and I hate it.
3) I heard your commercial on show x and I hate show x.
4) I heard your commercial on show x and I love show x.

The key is they all start with "I heard your commercial".

Partly right but not 100%. If Person A calls in and says I heard your commercial on such and such show but I won't be doing business with you if you continue to support KXNO as I do not like their afternoon show two things can happen

1) The spot is pulled completely
2) The spot is put in a different timeslot

If enough spots are pulled from a certain airshift and salespeople find it impossible to sell that daypart things will change quickly
swoosh, right over your head again clich. You really don't have a clue.

Duffman, no advertisers don't want to get those calls. I've had clients call me after just one customer complaint. Any company that doesn't take customer feedback seriously isn't going to be around long. Iowa is a small market and it doesn't take much to sway a company. People do make buying decissions on things like this.
Yep, writing something that's obviously tongue-in-cheek on a message board is exactly the same as saying something on broadcast radio in all seriousness. Apples to apples exactly. Nice work.

Oh so your the Serious Judge now then. Well judge judy Yourekind of a btich. what do you rule on that one judge...tongue in cheek or was that in all seriousness?
swoosh, right over your head again clich. You really don't have a clue.

Duffman, no advertisers don't want to get those calls. I've had clients call me after just one customer complaint. Any company that doesn't take customer feedback seriously isn't going to be around long. Iowa is a small market and it doesn't take much to sway a company. People do make buying decissions on things like this.

So how many of the sponsors have you called so far?
This was kind of the final straw for me. I enjoy listening to sports radio in the afternoon, and right now there is no one in Des Moines in that time slot that I can stand to listen to for more than 15 minutes. This isn't the first time Perrault has made a complete *** of himself. I actually tried to become a fan when they first went on the air, and Matt has as little knowledge about sports, and in particular sports within the state of Iowa, that I have ever heard on the radio.

To me it's not about one incident where he offended Hawk fans and unfairly implicated what Hawkeye players knew. It's about the fact he is a total tool. And if I wanted to listen to a show that talks about Creighton basketball, Toronto Bluejays baseball and the Denver Broncos, I would likely go somewhere other than a Des Moines based radio station.
Haven't heard back yet. I emailed them around 7:00 AM. I expect to hear from Dewey since I was working with them on buying a car. Not buying from them now.

You can tell alot about a person or company by who they associate with. Dewey wants to be tied to the shock jocks on KXNO then I don't want any part of them.

In this business you have to be VERY careful what you say and where you say it. Misconception is that just getting your name out there is good. Not true. Negitive associations can cost a company big. And for everyone that complains there are many more who don't, but will bad mouth your company every chance they get. People who like your company don't talk to nearly as many people as those who bad mouth you.

That's just the facts about business like it or not.
Haven't heard back yet. I emailed them around 7:00 AM. I expect to hear from Dewey since I was working with them on buying a car. Not buying from them now.

You can tell alot about a person or company by who they associate with. Dewey wants to be tied to the shock jocks on KXNO then I don't want any part of them.

In this business you have to be VERY careful what you say and where you say it. Misconception is that just getting your name out there is good. Not true. Negitive associations can cost a company big. And for everyone that complains there are many more who don't, but will bad mouth your company every chance they get. People who like your company don't talk to nearly as many people as those who bad mouth you.

That's just the facts about business like it or not.

So you didn't actually call anybody. You just emailed them. and that's 1 sponsor you said 3.Did you use the "contact us" link on their homepage?
And I thought Matt Perrault was a dcik. Maybe you guys should get phone #'s and addresses for his relatives and tell them how you feel too. Not very cool to let sports fandom affect your lives this much.

So you feel that way about MP and don't want to listen to him anymore but the best you can do is throw out passive, less-than-funny side comments? FAIL. Took 60 seconds to check sponsors and takes 90 seconds to make a phone call to express some displeasure. I'm sure it sounds like a lot, but I believe in you.
Contacted 3. Doesn't matter how. You don't need to know the other 2. I've done business with both in the past.

Just because most of these posts have gone right over your head doesn't mean some of us don't follow-up on what we say.

Reading the board it looks like you have a problem understanding most of the posts. You sure have a lot of problems with other posters.
Contacted 3. Doesn't matter how. You don't need to know the other 2. I've done business with both in the past.

Just because most of these posts have gone right over your head doesn't mean some of us don't follow-up on what we say.

Reading the board it looks like you have a problem understanding most of the posts. You sure have a lot of problems with other posters.

Just wondering. You might be surprised by who knows who on this board and contrary to your previous posts, who people work for on this board.
Wouldn't surprise me at all. I know some of the posters myself.

As far as where someone works, doesn't matter. I haven't said anything about where people work. The one post you are probably talking about flew right over your head. It didn't actually have anything to do with anybodys employement.
Funny.... Only in Iowa will you get this reaction of "If you dont like it, Vote/Boycott/Remove the person you don't agree with". I guess its harder and harder to have an opinion or follow the rules in this state without being harshly judged.
Wouldn't surprise me at all. I know some of the posters myself.

As far as where someone works, doesn't matter. I haven't said anything about where people work. The one post you are probably talking about flew right over your head. It didn't actually have anything to do with anybodys employement.

Let me rephrase that so it doesn't "fly right over your head" (sorry for stealing your catchphrase btw). You might be surprised who works for the sponsors of KXNO programming, and you might be surprised by where I work.
The Best way to beat Matt P do what I do get all of your friends to listen to 1700 The Champ

Marty is much more fun

Plus he also hates Matt and Ken

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