The 'It can get real bad at Iowa if they hire the wrong coach' thinking

I have a radical idea: what if Iowa did their research and found a really good coach?

The alternative is always much worse than the status quo in the mind of the average Iowa fan, it makes no sense. There are always good coaches waiting for an opportunity. 70,000 fans, great facilities, great pay, and an environment that is conducive to players having a good time. What's not to like? Compare that to NW, Purdue, Indiana, Illinois, and Minnesota. Quit throwing a pity party for Iowa and set some expectations.

Look at O'Brien and PSU, the guy took one of the worst offenses with one of the plainest QB's in the B1G and turned it into one of the best offensive teams in the conference. How? He understands how to use personnel and call plays on offense. I guarantee he starts every drive with the intention of scoring, there is no way you can say the same for Kurt, just compare the playcalling. Run, Run, 0 yard pass, punt when you're down by 25? How is that getting you any closer to scoring a touchdown or winning the game? Where is the urgency?

Most of you probably had no idea who O'Brien was (I didn't either) except for the fact that he and Tom Brady were shouting in each other's faces a year or two ago. And you mean to tell me you have enough knowledge of all the assistants in either the NCAA or NFL and are certain nobody could do a better job than Kurt?

The logic some people use is absolutely astounding.

I'm not saying Kurt will never have a good season again and should be fired when they lose next week, but someone in the athletic department has to get to him and demand improvement in scheme and production for next year.
I was thinking about this while watching UCLA beat USC today. Sure, right now when they are sitting on 9 wins so far it looks like a good decision to fire their coach after going 21-30, but I'm not so sure.

Don't they know that if they would have hired the wrong person it could have been worse? I think it was a foolish decision.
If Kirk left after this season, he'd be leaving with a lot of talent in the underclass.

he'd be leaving the program in far better shape than he found it.
I say give Kurt one more year, and then buy him out if the results are the same.

This is reasonable, but I'd add that certain irrevocable objectives would have to be set beforehand.
Things like minimum number of wins, upper tier bowl game achievement, and maybe even a mandatory bowl game win.
I'd set these at:
9 wins (qualifying wins, not wins over UNI and the like).
No bowl under the Cap One level.
Must win bowl.

Fail to meet those? Here's your payout, have a nice retirement. As someone said earlier, we're going to pay this mook either way - we might as well write the check now and kick him to the curb.

Coach Diaco, how does $2.75 million per year sound?
"A lot" of talent? Name names pls, BS.

I think there's talent on the offense, particularly the receivers, I just wish the playcalling let them display it and the guy who touched the ball every play was able to get them the ball consistently/accurately.
BS, if Nebraska can recruit and win, if Wisky can recruit and win, if NW can recruit and win.....Iowa can hire a new coach and recruit and win! There is money to let Ferentz go and bring in a capable coach. The game has passed him by. The time for change is now, or the money is going to stop flowing and the program will be driven into the ground and become the laughing stock of the conference if it hasn't already?

THIS X 1000!! AMEN AND KEEP PREACHING Brother! We have great facilities, a great fan base and lots of we just need a coach who knows how to win in the 2012 and beyond college football landscape. He**, Indiana and Purdue have more talent and better offensive schemes right now than we do. Look at the offensive stats....

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We are one bad hire away from disaster.. That is true. But you could say that about ANY program. This isn't just an Iowa thing. Look at what happened with Michigan when they fired Lloyd Carr.. Or Tennessee when they fired Fulmer. Yes, that could happen to Iowa too, and it has happened to "better" programs than Iowa.

That said, that is no argument to keep a coach that isn't producing anymore, just because he once had good teams in the past. Am I to the point where I want a change? Well, I'm not 100% sure, but I sure am getting close, I can tell you that much.
I don't get the "we're one bad hire away" mentality. It's something only a fearful weakling would believe.
Anyone with confidence and decent intellect would never feel or think that way.
It preordains failure. That's pathetic.

Thank You Scorp. This too drives me nuts.

This fearful mentality permeates the program now. Starts at the top with our fearful leader.
remember how hayden's last few teams under performed, and then he had a losing season, and then the cupboard was bare when KF came in ... yeah, it looks like it happened again

as for rough sledding on the horizon ... I'd say we are already there
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

Oh, Hai Brian.

This should go well for you...
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

Oh, Hai Brian.

This should go well for you...
This team is showing nothing to make us or anyone believe it will better than possibly 6 wins (next year). When is enough -- enough? How long does the program continue to slide into mediocrity. This is all on Kirk. Recruiting, assistants, game plan ... this is on Kirk. We are where we are because of Kirk. No more excuses about us being "young." For the fans holding out faith Kirk is going to right the ship next year ... good luck with that thinking. We are not just getting beat by bad teams. We are getting humiliated by the good ones as well. This is a new low in Iowa football. Sorry folks but this is not a one-year fix. The teams we used to own have passed us by ... We are the new Illinois of the conference.
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Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

And you don't think this could have been ginned up by someone's agent?

I also love how he used to refer to how Mary handles the money always playing the naive one.

Give him or his agent (or Mary) credit for playing up the whole KF is so damned high in demand bit.

Other than Jacksonville was there an actual competent NFL franchise after him? And who were these college programs beating down his door to hire him? I don't buy it.

He/They played Barta and ended up getting a Top Ten salary.
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

I wish they would now - but of course no one wants him anymore; he has grown stale.

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