The 'It can get real bad at Iowa if they hire the wrong coach' thinking

hey man, I wasn't attacking you personally, chill out
I just think your website is kind of cheezy-looking, and needs proofreading/editing
Just keep working on the format; you're right, the content is decent

LOL I didnt make it. I just stumbled across it today. I was laughing at the fact two people commented on the rather 1997 design. I took no offense trust me. I thought the same thing when I first opened it.
and I think that is true...Iowa is a bad hire away from rough sledding.

I think Kirk has done a great job at Iowa on the whole and talking about replacing him right now is pointless due to his contract.

What is worrisome to me is where this program is in year 14 and just three years removed from an Orange Bowl win and 11 win season. This isn't much to hang your hat on for optimism next year, other than hope...and you can't hang your hat on that in football.

it certainly could get worse. but it also could get a lot better. most on here just don't have faith that Kirk can turn it around this time. i think reasonable people don't expect us to contend for B10 championships every year, but they do expect us to be competitive. at the least, it would be great for us to play a style of O that is enjoyable to watch.
I don't get the "we're one bad hire away" mentality. It's something only a fearful weakling would believe.
Anyone with confidence and decent intellect would never feel or think that way.
It preordains failure. That's pathetic.

Could not agree more, thats like eating at McDonalds every day of your life and one day thinking about going to BK instead but not going to BK because it might give you a heart attack.
False. Zook won one Bowl his entire time at Illinois. He was fired before last year's Kraft Hunger Bowl, and Vic Koening was the winning coach.


You're just one bad poast away from becoming Tattoo, buddy.
It is funny how you guys all think Iowa would be so appealing to a coach. Recruiting athletes to Iowa is tougher than a honey badger. Why you ask?? It is too dang cold. Why go to Iowa when I can go down south where it is warm and the ladies are rocking the Daisy Duke shorts all year round. "But Iowa pays so well...". I wouldn't want to be the one to replace KF. Look what all of you are doing to him after 14 years of loyalty. Most of you come on here and complain and whine because you are use to going 13-0 playing NCAAF on your PS3. You all were calling for KOK's head last year... how did that work out for you? Careful what you ask for.
LOL I didnt make it. I just stumbled across it today. I was laughing at the fact two people commented on the rather 1997 design. I took no offense trust me. I thought the same thing when I first opened it.

hokay, no prob, I took a guess that it was yours and I was off the mark
Go do a whois look up on the site and tell them that. I dont give a **** either way. Its not like every website in the world is the most perfectly designed/written thing that everybody is going to love and agree with. We all come here all the time and its obvious no one agrees with Jon all the time or the other posters. Its just someones opinion and a lot of them have been stated here. Were all guilty of raging buffoonisms you are not the exception even though you think you are.
Hey ferentz apologists, you may as well go hogging tonight, and don't even try to talk to that hottie across the room, because you're just one bad conversation away from being forever alone
It is funny how you guys all think Iowa would be so appealing to a coach. Recruiting athletes to Iowa is tougher than a honey badger. Why you ask?? It is too dang cold. Why go to Iowa when I can go down south where it is warm and the ladies are rocking the Daisy Duke shorts all year round. "But Iowa pays so well...". I wouldn't want to be the one to replace KF. Look what all of you are doing to him after 14 years of loyalty. Most of you come on here and complain and whine because you are use to going 13-0 playing NCAAF on your PS3. You all were calling for KOK's head last year... how did that work out for you? Careful what you ask for.

Last time I checked Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Nebraska were in the same climate as Iowa. Could be wrong, though.
I don't get the "we're one bad hire away" mentality. It's something only a fearful weakling would believe.
Anyone with confidence and decent intellect would never feel or think that way.
It preordains failure. That's pathetic.

I think you are misreading my post...that has been a popular refrain, and I have used it myself. However, what Iowa is seeing right now in year 14 of an era that on the whole has been successful, you wonder how much worse it can get. It's moot for two years minimum because of Kirk's contract, however.
Iowa is a good hire away from having a high quality program. Great fanbase known for traveling in droves, outstanding facilities, big dollars from donors, conference, and BTN. No reason to not have a high flying offense at Iowa similar to what they have at KSU or Boise State. The coach before the current one did, there's no reason to assume the next one can't.
It is funny how you guys all think Iowa would be so appealing to a coach. Recruiting athletes to Iowa is tougher than a honey badger. Why you ask?? It is too dang cold. Why go to Iowa when I can go down south where it is warm and the ladies are rocking the Daisy Duke shorts all year round. "But Iowa pays so well...". I wouldn't want to be the one to replace KF. Look what all of you are doing to him after 14 years of loyalty. Most of you come on here and complain and whine because you are use to going 13-0 playing NCAAF on your PS3. You all were calling for KOK's head last year... how did that work out for you? Careful what you ask for.

I think it would be appealing. It pays real good, great facilities and loyal fans. Now, that doesn't mean people line up for it. You have to worker harder and smarter here.
I think you are misreading my post...that has been a popular refrain, and I have used it myself. However, what Iowa is seeing right now in year 14 of an era that on the whole has been successful, you wonder how much worse it can get. It's moot for two years minimum because of Kirk's contract, however.

It's not moot, contracts can be terminated at any time. This program is on the verge of losing alot of money if things don't change quickly.
Ya the problem is I think kirk is burnt out - but he is so stubborn he wont quit - and we will have more of this for 2 years at least.

It's depressing.

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