Temper your Disappointment

Does Todd Lickliter and no postseason at all interest you? Quit being so greedy, brah!

I just feel so bad for the players, it's not like they're not putting forth the effort, it's just stupid mistakes and bad luck down the stretch that is killing them. That 3-pointer was half way down by JO, soooo close!

I'm not losing hope, and I will still back this team as strongly as I have all season. We are almost back. And btw, do you guys remember those games when we weren't even competitive? That rarely happens now, which is a step in the right direction at least.

Good post. We had a 71 page game thread last night, we had 4-5 page game threads during Lickliter's tenure. The fans are back, the foundation for a successful program has been made, we are just a couple breaks away from really being a good team, maybe it comes yet this year, but if not I have no doubt it will next season.
This a laughable comment. Let me get this straight, so the program was at an all time low, the Big Ten is the best its been in 2 decades, and you are 1 game off your pre-season prediction and think we are where we should be? Boy, I feel better now.

Fact remains, this isn't 2009 or 2010 anymore. We have let 4 winnable games slip away and we honestly should be in the top 4 or 5 in the league right now or am I missing something.

I think you should find a more prestigious program to follow, brah. Like Kentucky, Kansas, or Duke. They should be able to meet your ridiculous expectations.

Did you not follow Iowa bball at all during the Todd Lickliter years? If you did, then you'd know just how far he pile-drove Iowa's program into the ground. Get a clue man.
I think you should find a more prestigious program to follow, brah. Like Kentucky, Kansas, or Duke. They should be able to meet your ridiculous expectations.

Did you not follow Iowa bball at all during the Todd Lickliter years? If you did, then you'd know just how far he pile-drove Iowa's program into the ground. Get a clue man.

Brah, I've been around through the thick and thin. We are 20 games plus into the 2013 season, what does talking about the lean years now have anything to do with this team. My ridiculous expectation is to win a close game once in a while? And I'm the one that needs to get a clue?
Brah, I've been around through the thick and thin. We are 20 games plus into the 2013 season, what does talking about the lean years now have anything to do with this team. My ridiculous expectation is to win a close game once in a while? And I'm the one that needs to get a clue?

I think you should find a more prestigious program to follow, brah. Like Kentucky, Kansas, or Duke. They should be able to meet your ridiculous expectations.

Did you not follow Iowa bball at all during the Todd Lickliter years? If you did, then you'd know just how far he pile-drove Iowa's program into the ground. Get a clue man.

Brah, I've been around through the thick and thin. We are 20 games plus into the 2013 season, what does talking about the lean years now have anything to do with this team. My ridiculous expectation is to win a close game once in a while? And I'm the one that needs to get a clue?

C'mon you guys, theres just one thing going on here, and its the law of reciprocal butthurt. GoHawks is butthurt, BLKNGOLD is butthurt, your just butthurting in different ways. When it comes down to it, does it really matter if you have testical butthurt or colon butthurt? No, you guys need to brohug this out ASAP.
This a laughable comment. Let me get this straight, so the program was at an all time low, the Big Ten is the best its been in 2 decades, and you are 1 game off your pre-season prediction and think we are where we should be? Boy, I feel better now.

Fact remains, this isn't 2009 or 2010 anymore. We have let 4 winnable games slip away and we honestly should be in the top 4 or 5 in the league right now or am I missing something.

C'mon you guys, theres just one thing going on here, and its the law of reciprocal butthurt. GoHawks is butthurt, BLKNGOLD is butthurt, your just butthurting in different ways. When it comes down to it, does it really matter if you have testical butthurt or colon butthurt? No, you guys need to brohug this out ASAP.

Of course I'm butthurt. Mine is prostate butthurt actually. Is that possible?

Btw, it's *YOU'RE*, brah. Your use of the incorrect term of you're is what butthurts me the most.
Jon you say that but then you also say things like this:

BUT, I can't think of many areas where Iowa has been consistently better than what I had hoped...they are about what I thought they'd be; a team that would flirt with an NCAA bid this year and be back in the NIT.

If you really thought Iowa would defend and rebound like they have this season, then I don't understand how you reached your prediction. This team's defense and rebounding have improved so much from last season that if we were even an average B10 shooting team we would have at least 6 conference wins. And despite the losses this is what has me most excited for the future. It's not reasonable to expect to win games by having one player get hot and outscoring teams, it is reasonable to expect quality defense and rebounding to keep you in every game you play.

Jon has mentioned numerous times about Iowa's inconsistencies on offense as being a huge problem. He has also mentioned that Marble coming into the season was the only player that had the ability to create his own shot and now that has been taken away with the injury. Those are two problems that will not benefit you when it comes to closing out games in the Big10. Yes defense and rebounding is keeping them in close games. But the inconsistent offense a lack of a solid go to guy is what is keeping them from getting over the top. Seems fairly simple and something that I feel will continue to improve as Fran brings in better players and this team grows up.
Jon has mentioned numerous times about Iowa's inconsistencies on offense as being a huge problem. He has also mentioned that Marble coming into the season was the only player that had the ability to create his own shot and now that has been taken away with the injury. Those are two problems that will not benefit you when it comes to closing out games in the Big10. Yes defense and rebounding is keeping them in close games. But the inconsistent offense a lack of a solid go to guy is what is keeping them from getting over the top. Seems fairly simple and something that I feel will continue to improve as Fran brings in better players and this team grows up.

Obviously, but there are two huge areas where Iowa has been much better than anyone could have expected this year. Defense and rebounding, Jon's refusing to admit that they have been consistently better in both of these areas is because either a) he's stubborn of his prized preseason prediction or b) he doesn't have a lot of basketball knowledge.
Again, anybody with a press pass....next time you interview this team...ask the following....

"Are you OK with this loss, and, the other 3 close losses? I think it's a fair question and you really shouldn't be too down, considering a.) how you played two years ago, and, 12 months ago, b.) you're young (mistakes will happen), c.) we don't have the recruiting base and thus d.) most of the on-paper experts had you with exactly this record in their pre-season predictions."

Tar, meet feather.

I don't think any of the players are happy with the losses just like the fans, including Jon. But most rational fans understand it is still a process and there has been improvement and next year there should be marked improvement. If you don't have enough patience, root for somebody else???
Marble's shooting terrible right now, I mentioned running Gesell off of screens like they do JO, but that's asking a lot for a freshman who's playing high minutes and that also forces Iowa to probably go small with Clemmons in the lineup as well. I don't think teams will respect Clemmons or McCabe running off screens as much as they do JO. Again, I don't think running the offense just to get JO shots is the way to go, but he does still get a lot of attention and it opens things up for other players, like McCabe or White, which is why I'm sure Fran is doing it.

Great, and it worked last night. White was wide open and Ogelsby missed him. So JO can't shoot, is not a great passer, is not a great ball handler, can't create his own shot, and misses open guys. My point is we should not be running out offense through him.

I think you and I are in agreement for the most part, and don't meant this as trying to rip on JO. I just don't think our offense should revolve around someone who is not an offensive asset. JO is a role player, and should be treated as such.
Obviously, but there are two huge areas where Iowa has been much better than anyone could have expected this year. Defense and rebounding, Jon's refusing to admit that they have been consistently better in both of these areas is because either a) he's stubborn of his prized preseason prediction or b) he doesn't have a lot of basketball knowledge.

And the problem is, as good as they have become defensively and in rebounding, it still cannot overcome offensive inconsistency and the lack of a go to scorer. Had they not improved in those two areas, they would most likely be losing these games by 20! I definitely think there are issues with basketball knowledge on this board, but I am not sure it is Jon?
Brah, I've been around through the thick and thin. We are 20 games plus into the 2013 season, what does talking about the lean years now have anything to do with this team. My ridiculous expectation is to win a close game once in a while? And I'm the one that needs to get a clue?

Exactly. It's really no different than the football crowd that keeps spouting the "Remember how things were back in the 60's or 70's, so be happy we are where we are". The past is irrelevant TODAY. Not like this is Fran's first year.

As you said, it's not 2008 anymore.. And if expecting to stop blowing leads late in games, and wanting to be in the NCAA freakin' Tournament is "unrealistic" or "greedy", then I guess this here brah is just unrealistic and greedy. Deal with it.

If people want to talk about pre-season expectations, and this team being in line with that, as a way of justifying all of these blown games, then fine. I get that perspective. I just don't happen to agree because I think this team is better than that, and I don't want to be told that I have to feel the same way as Jon or Spank, and be called a troll or some other message board cliche if I don't.
Great, and it worked last night. White was wide open and Ogelsby missed him. So JO can't shoot, is not a great passer, is not a great ball handler, can't create his own shot, and misses open guys. My point is we should not be running out offense through him.

I think you and I are in agreement for the most part, and don't meant this as trying to rip on JO. I just don't think our offense should revolve around someone who is not an offensive asset. JO is a role player, and should be treated as such.

JO did not have enough time to hit White once he caught the ball. White was open, but the announcers were talking about Gesell getting him the ball, not JO. Quit trying to lay blame at the feet of JO!
Great, and it worked last night. White was wide open and Ogelsby missed him. So JO can't shoot, is not a great passer, is not a great ball handler, can't create his own shot, and misses open guys. My point is we should not be running out offense through him.

I think you and I are in agreement for the most part, and don't meant this as trying to rip on JO. I just don't think our offense should revolve around someone who is not an offensive asset. JO is a role player, and should be treated as such.

It wasn't his look. Gesell needed to make that pass.
This a laughable comment. Let me get this straight, so the program was at an all time low, the Big Ten is the best its been in 2 decades, and you are 1 game off your pre-season prediction and think we are where we should be? Boy, I feel better now.

Fact remains, this isn't 2009 or 2010 anymore. We have let 4 winnable games slip away and we honestly should be in the top 4 or 5 in the league right now or am I missing something.

Plus getting into the field of 68 doesnt mean you need to be a great team. You just need to not be a bad team.
I agree...which is why I felt this team was more NIT likely than NCAA likely this year. Next year is a different story.

Next year could be a different story. We can't sound like Cubs fans right now. This isn't a NCAA 13 football video game where your players are guaranteed to get better year after year. Was Basabe better as a soph? Is Marble or JO better than they were last year? A lot of players don't get better than they were as a freshman or soph. Call me a troll because I root for ISU and Iowa but Hlas posted a great article that teams win with NBA talent.

Basketball’s simple: More-talented teams usually prevail | TheGazette
Next year could be a different story. We can't sound like Cubs fans right now. This isn't a NCAA 13 football video game where your players are guaranteed to get better year after year. Was Basabe better as a soph? Is Marble or JO better than they were last year? A lot of players don't get better than they were as a freshman or soph. Call me a troll because I root for ISU and Iowa but Hlas posted a great article that teams win with NBA talent.

Basketball’s simple: More-talented teams usually prevail | TheGazette

All our players are going to get worse!! We'll never make the tournament, we're screwed!! LOL

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