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Give Spank a break on this one. I'm sure if he could hit the rewind button, he would. That's the problem with this new social networking world, as you just don't take the time to think your statements through.

No big deal, as I bet he'll end up writing an excellent article on Fran in the very near future. I for one, look forward to it.
I like how some folks here will call a guy a shill for not offering an honest opinion on the program, but when Stormin does some call him stupid or dumb. The facts actually support what Storminspank tweeted. At least he had the guts to say it.

At least half of the fans are NOT excited about this hire. We know Barta screwed up the last hire. We know that well over half of the seats are empty at Carver for mens basketball and all agree this hire will not change that for some time.

Part of Gary Barta's job is to SELL the mens basketball program. That means to sell it to fans and potential coaches. It seems obvious that he does not have the capability to do this.

There is no need to call someone stupid or dumb because you disagree with them, especially when someone is basing their argument on this AD's current history.

You can offer an honest opinion in a better way.

Give me some reasons for why you think its a bad hire...don't get angry and give a "FIRE BARTA!"...

Honesty is good, I agree.
You have to be a complete, utter moron to criticize this hire. And to think that Storminspank somehow calls himself an expert on Hawkeye basketball and wants to be someone that Iowa fans assume is credible. I'll never take him seriously again. What a dope.

It is incredibly stupid to make the comments he made - potential recruits and current players are reading his twitters and posts - what is he thinking? Get behind the new coach!!!

Spanky didn't check his right to be a fan and occasionally react like a fan at the door. He's one of the best things about the site.

It's also a mistake for some fans to berate others who may be slower to warm up to Coach McCaffery than others. People are entitled to their opinions, and browbeating them with comments like yours and others prominently featured on the site only perpetuate, not heal, the disaffection within the fan base.

Just give people time, and hope that Coach will win them over. He can do that in a variety of ways, but first and foremost by winning.
He does a good job...but he writes for this site and is somewhat of a Representative of, I just thought he would be more civil than "Barta needs to be fired!"

Lets be honest...any poster who makes a thread like that on here would get toasted.

Whatever...moving on! :D

We see a lot worse from many Iowa beat writers. Nothing Spank said was inappropriate or offensive. I give him as hard of a time as anyone at times but he is a professional guy and very passionate. Nothing wrong with what he said in the least. He might represent, that does not mean he cannot have an opinion that doesnt follow the U of I line of thinking all the time.
We see a lot worse from many Iowa beat writers. Nothing Spank said was inappropriate or offensive. I give him as hard of a time as anyone at times but he is a professional guy and very passionate. Nothing wrong with what he said in the least. He might represent, that does not mean he cannot have an opinion that doesnt follow the U of I line of thinking all the time.

Spank > A lot of the Iowa beat writers...

At least IMO
Stormin is a semi-representative on this board. I was sorry to see him post this. I think McCaffrey and Barta need to be given a chance on this hire.
Spanky didn't check his right to be a fan and occasionally react like a fan at the door. He's one of the best things about the site.

It's also a mistake for some fans to berate others who may be slower to warm up to Coach McCaffery than others. People are entitled to their opinions, and browbeating them with comments like yours and others prominently featured on the site only perpetuate, not heal, the disaffection within the fan base.

Just give people time, and hope that Coach will win them over. He can do that in a variety of ways, but first and foremost by winning.

we are eating our own we all need to cool it. my first reaction to this hire was the same as most and now like most people on here I have chilled and have a different opinion, we were all hit in the face this a.m. with something we did not expect, someone we have never heard of, someone we weren't rooting for... but lets regroup and take a step back and give this a chance. WE ARE HAWKEYENATION
I think Stormin(like a lot of us) was keeping up the hope of the splash hire. He seems to have as much Iowa bball passion as anyone on this board. Im sure when the dust settles. He will back this coach just like he has every other one.
Sorry, I am here, I've been up in the Cities spending time with my wife and son for my birthday, haven't had a lot of time to hit up the boards this weekend.

If you are going to link to the Tweet I made, at least link it correctly :):
Twitter / Justin VanLaere: If Gary Barta fired Todd L ...

That Tweet was made before confirmation of Fran becoming Iowa's next coach.
I'm sure everyone at the time this happened said, "Awesome! We got McCaffery."

Even Iowa spelled his name and the school he came from incorrectly in the release on the website...

And if you stayed with my Tweets, you would have realized that I also said that I would be fine with it in a little while, just needed time to vent and that I was disappointed from the onset. I heard about this possibly going down late last night, early morning and I got very very concerned. About the same level of concern as I was when Lickliter was hired.

I had held out hope that this hire might be the splash hire. It might the one to rival Tubby being hired by the Gophers. Instead Iowa got another mid-major coach.

Like I said, I need some time to vent, some time to get out my feelings off the cuff.

At no point am I saying I will not support Coach McCaffery at Iowa, in fact just the opposite, but damned if a guy can't have an opinion on the hire, I guess.

Nice witch hunt you got going, though:

I'm a Iowa Hawkeye basketball commenter, I will continue to comment on all things related to Iowa Hawkeye basketball. I still chuckle at those that have me a self-proclaimed "expert" or "insider". Come on now. I still plan on commenting on Iowa Hawkeye basketball.
I think that if you are a true fan of the Hawks, then you should give this new coach the benfit of the doubt. We need to stay positive and not get caught up with thinking that someone else would be better. We might say that no matter who was hired. Give the man a chance. He deserves a chance.
I think that if you are a true fan of the Hawks, then you should give this new coach the benfit of the doubt. We need to stay positive and not get caught up with thinking that someone else would be better. We might say that no matter who was hired. Give the man a chance. He deserves a chance.
I don't disagree.
The guy has an opinion. So do I. I think he is a over the top in his estimation of Iowa's recruits. So what? That is the fun of sports. We can be passionate and disagree over what our pretty trivial matters in the big scheme.

Don't crucify him for expressing his thoughts.
Happy Birthday Spank. I always respect your opinions and I'm looking forward to what you think we can expect from him, the style of play and other input that you seem to have a knack for uncovering.

Keep up the good work and I really believe we're all going to enjoy the style of basketball he plays and who he is as a coach and person.

The players are already buying in and I think that's a great start.
After reading his posts I've yet to figure out how he got the label he has around here. The tweets about how overrated Scheyer and Singler are just cement that as if comparing Tucker to Arenas didn't.

I like how he said the fact that Iowa fans had to google McCaffery was an example of how bad it was. Like he didn't have to do the same with Gregory earlier on.

I'm not sure how serious basketball fans didn't know who he was after they housed Vandy two years ago and beat OSU last year. Bilas was constantly loving up those teams. Or how much his name has popped up for jobs the last two years.
Actually, no, I didn't have to Google Gregory. He was one of the first names that I thought of and that I talked to other people the day that Lickliter was fired (or the days we expected him to be fired).

The Scheyer thing was a RT of someone elses and it was sarcasm and play on how a lot of people think Duke is overrated. As much as I despise Duke, I do not think Scheyer is overrated, I mean, really...

McCaffery is a Top 5 Google search term right now FWIW.
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