Stephen A. Smith Rant - Vote For Trump

So since no other politicians ever get charged with anything, do you think that means they're all sqeeky clean? I think most all of them are corrupt so the fact they only go after one (who happens to not be a career politician) raises more questions than answers for me.
The Clintons are likely the dirtiest of them all. They just eliminated the witnesses. But I do agree that almost all of the career politicians (on both parties) if truly investigated would be all be brought before Grand Juries on too many to count charges.
You are an uninformed right wing nut job and should be banned for constant posting of blatant lies. Done.
Uninformed for thinking the Clinton's are dirty or uninformed for thinking most career politicians are dirty? I assume you have no first hand knowledge of Trump or the Clinton's. If that's correct, how can you blindly believe everything bad you hear about Trump but also blindly disbelieve everything bad said about the Clinton's? To the point where anyone who doesn't blindly believe both like you do is a "right wing nut job"?
Uninformed for thinking the Clinton's are dirty or uninformed for thinking most career politicians are dirty? I assume you have no first hand knowledge of Trump or the Clinton's. If that's correct, how can you blindly believe everything bad you hear about Trump but also blindly disbelieve everything bad said about the Clinton's? To the point where anyone who doesn't blindly believe both like you do is a "right wing nut job"?
I have you on ignore due to your racist and sexist comments in the past. Bye.
What you need to understand about Huck is he believes if you vote for the republican policy agenda over the policies the democrats push then you’re on the same level as those who rushed the capital on January 6th. Huck is also one of those who during covid attacked anyone who didn’t conform to everything dr fauci was saying and would probably today still stand behind all the lies that were spewed from that guy’s mouth. Huck represents the crazy leftist majority group. Very similar to the “maga” extreme group he likes to put any potential trump voter into. Difference is not every trump voter belongs in that category yet he clearly belongs in the extreme leftist category and has proven it on many occasions.
What you need to understand about Huck is he believes if you vote for the republican policy agenda over the policies the democrats push then you’re on the same level as those who rushed the capital on January 6th. Huck is also one of those who during covid attacked anyone who didn’t conform to everything dr fauci was saying and would probably today still stand behind all the lies that were spewed from that guy’s mouth. Huck represents the crazy leftist majority group. Very similar to the “maga” extreme group he likes to put any potential trump voter into. Difference is not every trump voter belongs in that category yet he clearly belongs in the extreme leftist category and has proven it on many occasions.
Yup. The current “Republican Party” is not the party that I have followed for decades. Now, I am unabashedly a far left in your words, though what you call far left is actually a moderate left. You need to learn to read and observe. Your ignorance of the current political climate is astounding. Of course, you have your cult to rely on. Good luck.
What you need to understand about Huck is he believes if you vote for the republican policy agenda over the policies the democrats push then you’re on the same level as those who rushed the capital on January 6th. Huck is also one of those who during covid attacked anyone who didn’t conform to everything dr fauci was saying and would probably today still stand behind all the lies that were spewed from that guy’s mouth. Huck represents the crazy leftist majority group. Very similar to the “maga” extreme group he likes to put any potential trump voter into. Difference is not every trump voter belongs in that category yet he clearly belongs in the extreme leftist category and has proven it on many occasions.
Just an angry angry old man.
And who still believes that Jan 6th was an attempted overthrow of the government? I'm old enough to remember Biden telling us we need F15s to overthrow the government. But then at the same time they say a big group of unarmed people came dangerously close to doing it. And people believe that?
I’m amazed at how people can look at the exact same thing and come up with two completely different interpretations. I agree with many that most of our leaders are corrupt or incompetent. If you want to argue about the level of morality between Biden and Trump I don’t think either one comes close to someone I would want my children to look up to and hold in high regard. So do I cast a protest vote for someone I don’t know who won’t get elected? I did that in 2016. It comes back to policies for me. I don’t like Trumps character and understand why people dislike him but I liked many of his policies when he was president. I disagree with pretty much everything that the current administration does. The world is much more dangerous since Biden took office. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. The cost of living is much higher. That’s not a coincidence either.
I’m amazed at how people can look at the exact same thing and come up with two completely different interpretations. I agree with many that most of our leaders are corrupt or incompetent. If you want to argue about the level of morality between Biden and Trump I don’t think either one comes close to someone I would want my children to look up to and hold in high regard. So do I cast a protest vote for someone I don’t know who won’t get elected? I did that in 2016. It comes back to policies for me. I don’t like Trumps character and understand why people dislike him but I liked many of his policies when he was president. I disagree with pretty much everything that the current administration does. The world is much more dangerous since Biden took office. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. The cost of living is much higher. That’s not a coincidence either.
I agree with this. I'm seriously considering RFK even tho I don't like how left he is just so our country can have someone who at least says the right things. I think a big issue with Trump is he thinks he's a comedian. The things he says jokingly or in jest are easy fuel for democrats and the media to stoke the fire.
Yup. The current “Republican Party” is not the party that I have followed for decades. Now, I am unabashedly a far left in your words, though what you call far left is actually a moderate left. You need to learn to read and observe. Your ignorance of the current political climate is astounding. Of course, you have your cult to rely on. Good luck.
Look, both parties suck. It's just that the left are out there in my eyes. The right has drastically shifted to the middle and left over the years. The fact that we now allow much of the chit in our society proves this.

I vote right pretty much because it's the best of the worse at this point. I vote right because I believe in capitalism, less government in people's lives, and trying to hold people accountable without enabling them with government handouts that we simply can't sustain. Everything is upside down to how our grandparents and parents grew up. We've been sliding to the left over the years to where it is detrimental to us and which we can't sustain which makes the US vulnerable.
Look, both parties suck. It's just that the left are out there in my eyes. The right has drastically shifted to the middle and left over the years. The fact that we now allow much of the chit in our society proves this.

I vote right pretty much because it's the best of the worse at this point. I vote right because I believe in capitalism, less government in people's lives, and trying to hold people accountable without enabling them with government handouts that we simply can't sustain. Everything is upside down to how our grandparents and parents grew up. We've been sliding to the left over the years to where it is detrimental to us and which we can't sustain which makes the US vulnerable.
The purest form of capitalism and least government in people's lives in the U.S. was the 1920s. Which led to the Great Depression. My grandparents lived through the early 1930s and it wasn't pretty or idealogically romantic. It was ugly as sin. Government programs like Social Security and Medicare weren't created in a vacuum or for fun, and we need to be careful to not romanticize life prior to the existence of government support. Talk to anyone old enough who actually lived during those times, and not a single one of them would want to trade places and go back to those days.
The purest form of capitalism and least government in people's lives in the U.S. was the 1920s. Which led to the Great Depression. My grandparents lived through the early 1930s and it wasn't pretty or idealogically romantic. It was ugly as sin. Government programs like Social Security and Medicare weren't created in a vacuum or for fun, and we need to be careful to not romanticize life prior to the existence of government support. Talk to anyone old enough who actually lived during those times, and not a single one of them would want to trade places and go back to those days.
Of course they wouldn't.
The purest form of capitalism and least government in people's lives in the U.S. was the 1920s. Which led to the Great Depression. My grandparents lived through the early 1930s and it wasn't pretty or idealogically romantic. It was ugly as sin. Government programs like Social Security and Medicare weren't created in a vacuum or for fun, and we need to be careful to not romanticize life prior to the existence of government support. Talk to anyone old enough who actually lived during those times, and not a single one of them would want to trade places and go back to those days.
I’d be willing to bet melrose is not talking about “SS & Medicare” when talking about government programs. He’s talking more on the lines of programs that basically equate to government handouts and programs such as food stamps for example that people can so easily abuse the program.
The purest form of capitalism and least government in people's lives in the U.S. was the 1920s. Which led to the Great Depression. My grandparents lived through the early 1930s and it wasn't pretty or idealogically romantic. It was ugly as sin. Government programs like Social Security and Medicare weren't created in a vacuum or for fun, and we need to be careful to not romanticize life prior to the existence of government support. Talk to anyone old enough who actually lived during those times, and not a single one of them would want to trade places and go back to those days.

The Great Depression was likely caused by the creation of the Federal Reserve and the centrally planned fractional reserve banking system that was introduced in 1913. In the late 1920's and early 1930's, the money supply dropped by something like 80% and it rendered virtually everyone incapable of repaying indebtedness in an economy that was wildly overleveraged, thanks in no small part to a centrally planned and ill-conceived system of fractional reserve lending. That deflationary spiral is why the Federal Reserve is so keen on always growing the money supply now with absolutely no regard to what it does to the price level and no matter how much it hurts the poor.

The government ushered in widespread fascism and central planning through regulatory creep in DC starting with Roosevelt's New Deal. The economy got materially worse after the New Deal went into effect and didn't get better until the United States came to acquire an industrial monopoly due to the destruction of all productive capital in Western Europe and Japan.
I’d be willing to bet melrose is not talking about “SS & Medicare” when talking about government programs. He’s talking more on the lines of programs that basically equate to government handouts and programs such as food stamps for example that people can so easily abuse the program.
Exactly. We now have illegals coming to this country getting freebies and even making demands for living arrangements and their food. We don't even take care of our own homeless and veterans that well compared to what these illegal people get. I don't even blame the illegals as I might do the same in their shoes.

I blame our government. If they didn't make it so easy and enticing, millions wouldn't be trying to cross. It's disgusting.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Damn socialists. Oh wait, that's the Statue of LIberty. Guess we better take a wrecking ball to that sucker.
The Great Depression was likely caused by the creation of the Federal Reserve and the centrally planned fractional reserve banking system that was introduced in 1913. In the late 1920's and early 1930's, the money supply dropped by something like 80% and it rendered virtually everyone incapable of repaying indebtedness in an economy that was wildly overleveraged, thanks in no small part to a centrally planned and ill-conceived system of fractional reserve lending. That deflationary spiral is why the Federal Reserve is so keen on always growing the money supply now with absolutely no regard to what it does to the price level and no matter how much it hurts the poor.

The government ushered in widespread fascism and central planning through regulatory creep in DC starting with Roosevelt's New Deal. The economy got materially worse after the New Deal went into effect and didn't get better until the United States came to acquire an industrial monopoly due to the destruction of all productive capital in Western Europe and Japan.
Okeefe said, "The government ushered in widespread fascism and central planning through regulatory creep in DC starting with Roosevelt's New Deal."

Fascists are headed by a 'strong man, who does the ultimate in central planning with liberal application of force exerted on the citizenry. Fascism breeds tyrants like Putin, members of the Park dynasty in N. Korea, Xi. Hitler was a fascist. For fascists, fake elections are the rule, courts are tools of dear leader, and legislatures are constructed of sycophants, because the wrong mindset can be punishable by death. Fascist governments are loathe to hold fair elections, because they'd lose, and when an up and coming tyrant loses, he denies the result, sometimes with force. For a better discussion of fascism than I can give, see Yale prof Timothy Snyder's book, "On Tyranny."

If you don't like central planning, you'll hate Trump's second term, now that the Subprime Court has made POTUS above the law with respect to official acts. You're also gonna hate Project 2025, especially if you have a woman in your life who needs an abortion. The Subprime Court will be also going after birth control (see comments by Clarence Thomas after Dobbs). Education will consist of theocratic indoctrination. Undesirables (like scientists, artists, non-Christians) will be 'reeducated'. Members of the LGBTQ community will be singled out for special treatment. Non white communities will be repressed, and worse. If you have thoughts that contradict the thinking of dear leader, you'll want to keep them to yourself. If you value democracy, do not vote for the Donald.
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"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Damn socialists. Oh wait, that's the Statue of LIberty. Guess we better take a wrecking ball to that sucker.
Good stuff, Grady.