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Because where I live there are a number of guys that size or taller/younger who can actually dribble well on the run and shoot 3s. That can post up. That can jump out of the gym. Hes not young. Yes they get D 1 offers but can never quite put it together.

On the video he is very awkward dribbling.

Where do you live bro? Less than 4% of the world population is over 6'. Patrick is awkward but that is because he is a bean pole. He has grown like a weed. He is tall and long with basketball skills developed as a smaller guard. There are not alot of smooth 6'9 16 year olds out there. Most of them look awkward until they start to physically mature in those giant frames.

I really don't care what Patrick's ranking is because he is Fran's kid so we know he is coming here to play no matter what unless his dad gets canned. I think it is easy to see a high ceiling for potential. I hope he achieves that potential and does great things as a hawk.
The thing that convinced me Patrick is for real is this video from the nbpa top 100 camp:
The highlights do a good job showing moments where you see his feel for the game. He knows when to attack, when to shoot, how to time jumps for rebounds/dunks, and how to get a hand in the passing lane. And this was against high level competition. That kind of awareness translates, just ask Baer. Now add another 2 inches in height and length and take the athleticism up another notch.

Pls understand I'm analyzing and not tearing down for the sake of tearing down. Those films are highlights and not worth a lot unless you see more minutes from a wide angle. There isn't much defense on that video.

My observations come from having a number of local kids go on the D 1 and Big play.

The best at 6-7 was recruited by IU and he didn't make it through the senior year. Lot's of things happen along the way

The 2nd best is a Big super star at 6-7.

Others include a 6-9 guy who as a junior was more advanced than PM in coordination, speed and jumping. A sophomore after a red shirt and he's only appeared in a number of Mo games and dunked several times on the Big Super Star in HS.

PM is behind a current Big starter for a very bad team. This player had a real shot on form and was much physically strong. He could power up and over. This guy doesn't really belong in the Big and likely will transfer though he starts a lot. This team has no big game at all.

PM certainly has an advantage. However, that advantage hasn't been able to really develop a lot of other players.

You'll get no argument about JW, except I would guess it will be hard for him to transfer his skill set to being a role rather than being the ROLE. Will take about 1.5 seasons on that.

CW really struggled with that. As I mentioned CW came from a school and conference that was about like Tri County.
Pls understand I'm analyzing and not tearing down for the sake of tearing down. Those films are highlights and not worth a lot unless you see more minutes from a wide angle. There isn't much defense on that video.

My observations come from having a number of local kids go on the D 1 and Big play.

The best at 6-7 was recruited by IU and he didn't make it through the senior year. Lot's of things happen along the way

The 2nd best is a Big super star at 6-7.

Others include a 6-9 guy who as a junior was more advanced than PM in coordination, speed and jumping. A sophomore after a red shirt and he's only appeared in a number of Mo games and dunked several times on the Big Super Star in HS.

PM is behind a current Big starter for a very bad team. This player had a real shot on form and was much physically strong. He could power up and over. This guy doesn't really belong in the Big and likely will transfer though he starts a lot. This team has no big game at all.

PM certainly has an advantage. However, that advantage hasn't been able to really develop a lot of other players.

You'll get no argument about JW, except I would guess it will be hard for him to transfer his skill set to being a role rather than being the ROLE. Will take about 1.5 seasons on that.

CW really struggled with that. As I mentioned CW came from a school and conference that was about like Tri County.

Weiskamp isn't a one man show on his AAU team so I'm sure it will be fine as far as that's concerned.
Weiskamp isn't a one man show on his AAU team so I'm sure it will be fine as far as that's concerned.

AAU is a showcase with limited defense. Really doesn't count for much. Hope I'm wrong, but will be surprised if it ins't a struggle.
AAU is a showcase with limited defense. Really doesn't count for much. Hope I'm wrong, but will be surprised if it ins't a struggle.

He will have struggles of that there is no doubt. With Joe though man I don't believe those struggles will slow him down at all. I really think he could be All B1G by Sophomore year.
He will have struggles of that there is no doubt. With Joe though man I don't believe those struggles will slow him down at all. I really think he could be All B1G by Sophomore year.

Junior Year ;) 1st or 2nd Team.
At least we will finally have someone to give the ball to at the end of games and shot clocks.

Hopefully more than one...otherwise we're back to teams being able to double-team or deny a guy everybody knows is taking the shot (see JBo this year)
Only 774 total points. I would have thought he'd be over 1,000 with what I've heard about him for years. Really thought 1,500 range or higher. Turnovers don't bug me as he's been X2 and X3 teamed.
You do realize that 1500 pts would be an average of about 50 ppg, right?
A couple of comments/questions. PM is 18 already, is a coaches son, yet in a video I just watched he only shot with his right hand. Also, his long shots have a poor form to them - starting at his chest. Where the heck is Fran on this? Which kind of ties in to Fran's teaching ability, in my eyes.
As for Joe and comparison with Eric - Joe is a high school sr. and we remember Eric as a COLLEGE sr. And all this size talk - isn't Joe 6'6 and Eric was 6'6 or 6'7? If you talk strength/bulk, yes I could see Eric being bigger, but Joe will fill out.
Just MHO
Hopefully more than one...otherwise we're back to teams being able to double-team or deny a guy everybody knows is taking the shot (see JBo this year)

The difference is Bohannon couldn't beat his guy off the dribble. They didn't have to double him.
A couple of comments/questions. PM is 18 already, is a coaches son, yet in a video I just watched he only shot with his right hand. Also, his long shots have a poor form to them - starting at his chest. Where the heck is Fran on this? Which kind of ties in to Fran's teaching ability, in my eyes.
As for Joe and comparison with Eric - Joe is a high school sr. and we remember Eric as a COLLEGE sr. And all this size talk - isn't Joe 6'6 and Eric was 6'6 or 6'7? If you talk strength/bulk, yes I could see Eric being bigger, but Joe will fill out.
Just MHO

Eric May was well put together in high school. He was the starting QB at Dubuque Wahlert throwing for over 2,000 yards and leading the team in rushing with 850 yards as well his senior year. Here he is hitting the game winning shot in the State Tournament 10 years ago! Ironically, on the game winning shot, he is the receiver instead of the thrower.

I would also add that I don't really consider size as part of athleticism. Maybe I should, but for some reason I don't.

One thing's for sure. May didn't drive to the hole with extreme force like Weiskamp does. There is a difference between being strong and playing strong. Weiskamp plays strong. When he drives the lane, he means business. I'm sure May would have too if he had the ability to dribble.

May wasn't a slouch when he got some steam in the open court. :)

May wasn't a slouch when he got some steam in the open court. :)

No doubt he wasn't a slouch. Far from it. He was a freak athlete that couldn't really show it on the basketball court to it's fullest potential. Weiskamp does so my original statement stands.

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