Social Issue/Political Discussion Relating to Iowa Football

With no chance of being reimbursed for gas...

I talked to a school district employee who said they could very well need more buses, more drivers, more masks, and more sanitation supplies. And that's just for transportation/athletic events. Guess what fund they will have to dip into for that?

I know several businesspeople locally who could fund a season of athletics out of their own pockets. But I know several nearby school districts who can't or wouldn't care.

Athletic participation is already declining, not to mention the ability to find coaches and officials and booster club members. This pandemic isn't helping matters one iota.

It would be a crying shame if schools went virtual and athletics were banged in counties that have active cases in the single digits and haven't recorded a death in a month. But it all comes back to semantics, and what I was talking about in March. No one wants to be the guy who had an outbreak, perceived or not, pinned on them.
It's really going to be no different COVID contact-wise than having a bus.

No one's going to drive alone, there will be a bunch of packed Suburbans and minivans with members of 3/4/5 different families in them.
Well, HN is on a respirator being held together by duct tape and silly string. It’s July and all Football threads are locked and being thrown into this garbage disposal of a thread.
And yet here you are...
Since you lack the critical thinking skills needed, I’ll key this slowly for you. My observation on HN dying before my very eyes does not imply that I won’t check in should a miracle present itself and there can actually be some talk of football that isn’t jammed into this ridiculous thread. (I keyed that out in 5 minutes in hopes you can follow and eat at the big boys table).
Since you lack the critical thinking skills needed, I’ll key this slowly for you. My observation on HN dying before my very eyes does not imply that I won’t check in should a miracle present itself and there can actually be some talk of football that isn’t jammed into this ridiculous thread. (I keyed that out in 5 minutes in hopes you can follow and eat at the big boys table).

The speed with which you type makes no difference to the reader. Thanks.

By the way, if it makes you feel better, pretty much everything is "dying." Commercial real estate is going to be toast. The notion of going into an office may be something our kids never experience. Higher education is dying. College football's landscape is going to change dramatically. We already lost one NCAA tournament.
Since you lack the critical thinking skills needed, I’ll key this slowly for you. My observation on HN dying before my very eyes does not imply that I won’t check in should a miracle present itself and there can actually be some talk of football that isn’t jammed into this ridiculous thread. (I keyed that out in 5 minutes in hopes you can follow and eat at the big boys table).
Thanks for the help with my thinking skills. Much needed.

We'll all be waiting for your return with bated breath.
The same way you deal with neurological and inflammatory conditions in young children caused by influenza. Want me to google you some studies? Please say no.

All viral and bacterial infections have a subset of complications that adversely affect people of any age range.

We can play your "let's google some studies about things I know little to nothing about" game ad nauseum if you want, but I think it'd just bore people eventually.

And let's not forget that (despite your looooooooong history of Walter Mitty-ist claims) you aren't a PhD/counselor/psychologist/researcher in any field. At all. Whatsoever. You're just a random internet guy like the rest of us who makes vague claims of being a teacher/farmer/coach/salesman/cop/mountaineer/astronaut/surgeon general all at some point in your life. If you actually did an eighth of the shit you say you've done in your life you'd be 385 years old. Taking parenting, educational, or medical guidance from you would be like taking financial advice from Terrell Owens.

We get it that you've published four books on virtual learning and it's effect on pre-teen brain development, and that academic paper on Kawasaki syndrome you co-authored last year with those researchers from MIT was ground-breaking to say the least, but we're gonna need more references.

Smart ass

Anyway, it's complicated.

With your idea about low risk counties, how do you propose opening up Orange City to HS sports compared to Mid Prairie?
The speed with which you type makes no difference to the reader. Thanks.

By the way, if it makes you feel better, pretty much everything is "dying." Commercial real estate is going to be toast. The notion of going into an office may be something our kids never experience. Higher education is dying. College football's landscape is going to change dramatically. We already lost one NCAA tournament.

Was the dying already happening and this exposed it?
You shouldnt feed trolls. The can bite and he hasn't had his shots yet.

He uses his PhD in hard knock life. I think he s Annie's little bro

I just get a kick out of some of his posts. I don't really pay attention all that much to whom it is directed or provide support, I merely find them entertaining at times.
zzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzz. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz. zzzzzzZZZZZZZ hey, what, oh, did anything happen while I was sleeping? Are we on page 38 yet? Hey anyone here? HELLO??? All the hell with it.............................. grunt, snort, ..................zzzzzzzzZZZzzzz.......... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz ........ :p
The speed with which you type makes no difference to the reader. Thanks.

By the way, if it makes you feel better, pretty much everything is "dying." Commercial real estate is going to be toast. The notion of going into an office may be something our kids never experience. Higher education is dying. College football's landscape is going to change dramatically. We already lost one NCAA tournament.

I don't think many people, especially people who aren't really into college sports or football realizes the impact college football has on the economy and health of most universities and colleges. They almost have to have some kind of a resemblance of a season for some kind of revenue stream, otherwise it will snowball down to the rest of the economy.
I don't think many people, especially people who aren't really into college sports or football realizes the impact college football has on the economy and health of most universities and colleges. They almost have to have some kind of a resemblance of a season for some kind of revenue stream, otherwise it will snowball down to the rest of the economy.

I wonder if the Big Ten Channel will be issuing their annual Sixty plus million dollar checks to all the schools in the B1G?

It is huge revenue to say the least. I suspect if or when they announce another season cancelled that the repercussions will be felt in the stock market (for those of you who have a 401k retirement plan).

I am more hopeful for the basketball season than the football season even though one is indoors the other outdoors. If the virus keeps spreading I just don’t see it happening for football. Basketball will be really iffy unless a vaccination is developed and it sounds like that’s not likely to happen in 2020.

Just our luck to have a once in life time center at Iowa. I think Garza is just holding out hope but if there is a strong indication of no sports going it on at the college level he will make his announcement that he is going pro ................$H!T.

Now stepping out to the garage to cut my fingers off for typing such blasphemy!!! :mad::mad::mad::eek:
Smart ass

Anyway, it's complicated.

With your idea about low risk counties, how do you propose opening up Orange City to HS sports compared to Mid Prairie?
Sports isn't a great concern for me personally. I love sports and my son and his friends love playing. It's a great builder of confidence, great social tool (if done well). But...there are alternatives that can be effectively done by most parents in sports' place. Just as a personal example, 7th grade baseball in Iowa was canceled and I didn't have enough players whose parents wanted to hold a travel team. So in place of that I've usually once a week offered for players/friends to meet at my house and do something as a group. Most weekends my son and I fish and I give everyone an open invitation to come along (parents and kids). We've done some other stuff like some woodworking projects, and what have you, but the fishing thing has been a huge hit. Most of his friends haven't fished before this summer, but there are a bunch now that come all the time and some have even taken it up with their parents/siblings. It's not just me, other moms/dads have done similar things with the group as well.

Where I'm going with all that is that sports can be somewhat effectively replaced with other activities that build some of the same traits and skills.

In my opinion teaching a school curriculum cannot, because almost all parents are not qualified and able to spend the time. There's a reason teaching requires such high educational standards and people skills and patience are a must (ideally). We disagree on this and there's no need to debate it, but I do not believe that virtual learning is a good thing for most students. Some will do fine, but most not. I have friends who are wonderful parents (in a stable two-parent household, not the heathenish, riotous, chaos that is my home), but when they tried to manage having their kindergartner and 1st grader to learn that curriculum in front of a tablet/computer this spring, they were literally pushed to the point of tears. These are great, educated people and one even stayed home to try and help and it just doesn't work. There is much more to school than listening to a teacher, and it cannot be replaced by video screens. High schoolers can potentially make it work if they're attentive and driven (how many of those do you know), but younger kids and those with learning disabilities are in big, big trouble if districts go virtual.

Contrary to what you think, I'm not saying all this just to be a complaining douche bag, and I'm also not saying I'm not open to compromise. In fact I'm in total favor of getting creative with how in-person schooling is carried out. We've put people on the moon, we can figure this out. There's no redos, and no "just wait a year" when it comes to education. It has to happen when it's supposed to or kids are going to be hurt developmentally and socially.

To answer your question re: sports if they do happen, I'm in favor of tailored response to problems. In my quad county area there is a super low prevalence of hospitalized COVID cases (0 as a matter of fact as of yesterday). We have a very, very low population density, no large gathering places like big night clubs, and there are a lot of outdoor recreation opportunities vs some cities. Baseball has been managed very well here and I think this was a great litmus test. Gehlen had an underclassman test positive and it was handled as well as it could have been. Contact tracing/testing was done, and the team hit pause for two weeks. They played Trinity in Hull last night and things are back to "normal." I think outdoor sports can proceed like that according to how severe each individual community is. Would it be ok to hold games in the middle of a town with lots of problems/hospitalizations? Nope. But I do not believe one response is appropriate for every situation, either.

Football will probably be ok because with high school you don't typically have 70,000 people in the stands nor 100,000 tailgaters. Catching COVID outdoors is thought according to the most current research to be very difficult in small groups. Seating can be adjusted.

Basketball? I don't see people being allowed in packed, small HS gyms until a vaccine is available. Oxford/Moderna are thinking October/November-ish, and they're more confident the longer we go. That time frame probably needs to add a couple more months before we can count on non-vulnerable people like many of us here getting the shot. So basketball I don't think will happen this winter (with fans)
You shouldnt feed trolls. The can bite and he hasn't had his shots yet.

He uses his PhD in hard knock life. I think he s Annie's little bro
Your jealousy is conspicuous.

Which is hard for me to understand after your supposed last post where you told Rob to eff off and went on a rant about how terrible I was. I must not be that bad if you came back.
The speed with which you type makes no difference to the reader. Thanks.

By the way, if it makes you feel better, pretty much everything is "dying." Commercial real estate is going to be toast. The notion of going into an office may be something our kids never experience. Higher education is dying. College football's landscape is going to change dramatically. We already lost one NCAA tournament.
Was the dying already happening and this exposed it?
Hell no. Ya shut down countries and you stall the economies. It all snowballs. This country was not in dire straits.
Just as people underestimated how bad this thing was gonna get, they're also underestimating the recovery.

Once an effective vaccine hits it's going to be the roaring twenties again in this country. I'm serious. One thing about this nation is that when an extended period of bad shit happens, the bounce back is fast and furious. If we get The Shot late this year or early next, 2021 is going to be a damn good year. People are dying to spend their money doing fun shit and buying durable goods.

Make no mistake, until The Shot comes things are going to be a shit show, but afterwards things are gonna get better quick on a macro level.

Get ready for an influx of these. A bunch of schools said they wouldn't play football if there weren't in person classes. The Trump Admin, playing 4D Chess, as usual, drops an edict that foreign students gotta bounce and can't come in if there aren't in person classes. The schools will shit their pants if they can't collect that sweet Chinese tuition money, so they will concoct some bullshit rule like this with a few in person classes to make sure they can keep that coin. The tertiary benefit is it eliminates one of the stated road blocks to the college football season.

My guess is the schools will all set up some sort of "Introduction to American Life" class tailored to exchange students as one of the only in person classes. Perfectly executes on Trump's plan to get some things re-opened.

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