Social Issue/Political Discussion Relating to Iowa Football

That'd be wild. Could you imagine conference basketball games, conference football games, and NFL/NBA/MLB games all happening at the same time? We'd go from no sports to too many sports.
If the goal is "every infection, regardless of symptoms or danger to life, is a failure and must be avoided at all costs", then the year should be canceled now because that's never going to happen. But don't be surprised if the general public doesn't like it, because that's not what they were sold when they were locked in their houses for months. They were sold "flatten the curve so we don't overwhelm the health care system". And once they did that, the goalposts moved.
If the goal is "every infection, regardless of symptoms or danger to life, is a failure and must be avoided at all costs", then the year should be canceled now because that's never going to happen. But don't be surprised if the general public doesn't like it, because that's not what they were sold when they were locked in their houses for months. They were sold "flatten the curve so we don't overwhelm the health care system". And once they did that, the goalposts moved.

Those goalposts keep moving all the time. You can't get two states on the same page let alone the country. It's just sad. The half ass attempt at a shut down/shelter in place woulda coulda really worked but not enough folks really actually did it is the problem. 3 actual solid weeks of that would have pretty much done the trick 5 or 6 weeks of it really shoulda. But nope people just can't stay home. They just can't won't do it. Look we all gotta go get food. We coulda done that in a systematic safe way but that wasn't the issue either. Folks were gonna go travel/party hit up bars/restaurants political rallies. Just the stupidest and easiest of things to avoid yet we weren't going to do it. So here we are. A nation of 320ish million folks with about 20-30 million of the most selfish and dumbest folks on the planet. That's more then enough to keep what's going on going...
Those goalposts keep moving all the time. You can't get two states on the same page let alone the country. It's just sad. The half ass attempt at a shut down/shelter in place woulda coulda really worked but not enough folks really actually did it is the problem. 3 actual solid weeks of that would have pretty much done the trick 5 or 6 weeks of it really shoulda. But nope people just can't stay home. They just can't won't do it. Look we all gotta go get food. We coulda done that in a systematic safe way but that wasn't the issue either. Folks were gonna go travel/party hit up bars/restaurants political rallies. Just the stupidest and easiest of things to avoid yet we weren't going to do it. So here we are. A nation of 320ish million folks with about 20-30 million of the most selfish and dumbest folks on the planet. That's more then enough to keep what's going on going...
During the bulk of that shutdown, no one was going to bars or political rallies. It was a ghost town everywhere. Pretty much everything was closed from St. Patrick's Day until Memorial Day weekend and it didn't work. It didn't work because you still have people in healthcare and critical industries like food, trucking, energy, etc. It's not really possible to do a full shutdown and without an absolute lockdown, The Germ simply ain't going away.
Yeah the media sure didn't do a good job of putting those numbers out there over the years.... The good black players we've had have often left early to go pro. Many of the rest transfer or flame out. Desmond King is the exception to everything and I'm surprised that with that having been the case that back when he decided to come back that this topic hadn't been noticed more. Till James Daniels started putting out the numbers from his own homework having been done on it I had no clue it was that bad. I mean it's beyond embarrassingly bad.

Clayborn could have gone pro early but came back iirc because his mom wanted him to get the diploma.
I was reading an article by a Michigan reporter talking about the Michigan program for this fall. He said there are several Big Ten teams seriously considering not playing this fall and are just waiting as they don't want be the first to do it. In regard to Michigan he said he thinks they will play but very likely drop the non conference games that are quite a distance. He thought they will consider maybe doing a home and home with Michigan State and Ohio State. Obviously travel especially air travel is a huge factor.

So would we consider dropping games that require a substantial travel element? Would we consider a home and home with Minnesota? Iowa State?

Hey I don't know how valid this guys observations are but really who knows what could happen You cant make this stuff up

A two and 1/2 hour bus ride to Ames and over 4 hours to Minny is a tremendously long time to be crowed on a bus if 1 person happens to be infectious. Maybe they rent a lot of buses to spread people out and wear the masks.
If the goal is "every infection, regardless of symptoms or danger to life, is a failure and must be avoided at all costs", then the year should be canceled now because that's never going to happen. But don't be surprised if the general public doesn't like it, because that's not what they were sold when they were locked in their houses for months. They were sold "flatten the curve so we don't overwhelm the health care system". And once they did that, the goalposts moved.

I think the goal for football teams is a totally different apples to oranges thing than the general populace affecting the economy or stresses on hospitals. With a college football team we are talking about students doing in a way an extracurricular activity apart from their studies. The University and maybe the State of Iowa could be liable if too many players not only caught it and had to quarantine but some spent time in the hospital or sick at home.

The general population in its entirety has never been under a general full lock down where we tried to push the infection rate close to zero and be 'avoided at all costs'. A lot of people in the US as we know and can see hav definitely not taken this very seriously.
A two and 1/2 hour bus ride to Ames and over 4 hours to Minny is a tremendously long time to be crowed on a bus if 1 person happens to be infectious. Maybe they rent a lot of buses to spread people out and wear the masks.
Our high school here in the town I live in (where I also went) has already said that if there is football and basketball this fall there will be no team bus. Players will have to use their own transportation to and from all away games, whether they drive themselves or ride with parents.
Our high school here in the town I live in (where I also went) has already said that if there is football and basketball this fall there will be no team bus. Players will have to use their own transportation to and from all away games, whether they drive themselves or ride with parents.
With no chance of being reimbursed for gas...

I talked to a school district employee who said they could very well need more buses, more drivers, more masks, and more sanitation supplies. And that's just for transportation/athletic events. Guess what fund they will have to dip into for that?

I know several businesspeople locally who could fund a season of athletics out of their own pockets. But I know several nearby school districts who can't or wouldn't care.

Athletic participation is already declining, not to mention the ability to find coaches and officials and booster club members. This pandemic isn't helping matters one iota.

It would be a crying shame if schools went virtual and athletics were banged in counties that have active cases in the single digits and haven't recorded a death in a month. But it all comes back to semantics, and what I was talking about in March. No one wants to be the guy who had an outbreak, perceived or not, pinned on them.
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Those goalposts keep moving all the time. You can't get two states on the same page let alone the country. It's just sad. The half ass attempt at a shut down/shelter in place woulda coulda really worked but not enough folks really actually did it is the problem. 3 actual solid weeks of that would have pretty much done the trick 5 or 6 weeks of it really shoulda. But nope people just can't stay home. They just can't won't do it. Look we all gotta go get food. We coulda done that in a systematic safe way but that wasn't the issue either. Folks were gonna go travel/party hit up bars/restaurants political rallies. Just the stupidest and easiest of things to avoid yet we weren't going to do it. So here we are. A nation of 320ish million folks with about 20-30 million of the most selfish and dumbest folks on the planet. That's more then enough to keep what's going on going...
We were shut down long enough. Many states sheltered in place from late March to early May, pretty much covering the five or six weeks you talked about.

It was the ones who rushed through their reopening phases too quickly that had the issues. Large indoor gatherings without masks were what accelerated infections again. But deaths have steadily been declining, indicating that the most vulnerable have been largely playing it safe.

Here's a tip. Don't pay attention to positive case counts anymore. Pay attention to recovery rates. Iowa's rate was over eighty percent last week. And don't pay attention to those who say that death tallies keep rising. They can't do anything but rise, unless people are coming back from the dead. Pay attention to rates per million residents instead.

And yes we have some selfish stupid people out there. I have been a strong advocate of opening things up and of not shutting them down in the first place. But I have never advocated for large groups of people to congregate indoors, and I definitely never advocated "Covid parties" where young people intentionally tried to contract the disease. Large indoor groups with no social distancing are going to have to wait a while longer.
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During the bulk of that shutdown, no one was going to bars or political rallies. It was a ghost town everywhere. Pretty much everything was closed from St. Patrick's Day until Memorial Day weekend and it didn't work. It didn't work because you still have people in healthcare and critical industries like food, trucking, energy, etc. It's not really possible to do a full shutdown and without an absolute lockdown, The Germ simply ain't going away.
Some have said, or insuinated, that they can't wait for 2020 to be in the rear view mirror.

This "germ" isn't going to disappear just because the calendar flips. It is here to stay like pneumonia or chicken pox or any one of five dozen maladies one could care to mention. The key is for our medical experts to learn as much about it as fast as they can. Is it affecting people with certain blood types? Is it an airborne virus? Is their something in our diet we can add or subtract to make us less vulnerable.

Maybe someday we will see that social distancing, or lack of it, had little to do with spreading this thing. One thing I have consistently heard, as a longtime plasma donor, is for recovered Covid subjects to donate their plasma for use in infected people. I have yet to hear a negative statement on injecting plasma in those who are sick.
Well, for a time when a program has to undergo a complete upheaval a year when there may not be any season at all is the time to do it. But it can't be a half-assed effort. There has to be a complete housecleaning, meaning Barta, Kirk, Brian, and Seth. No more Ferentz anywhere near the program. And the university marketing department could use a shakeup as well in trying to get past this. There's quite a stain on the school right now and I don't have faith in the suits drawing a paycheck currently in Iowa City have even a clue as how to clean it up.
With no chance of being reimbursed for gas...

I talked to a school district employee who said they could very well need more buses, more drivers, more masks, and more sanitation supplies. And that's just for transportation/athletic events. Guess what fund they will have to dip into for that?

I know several businesspeople locally who could fund a season of athletics out of their own pockets. But I know several nearby school districts who can't or wouldn't care.

Athletic participation is already declining, not to mention the ability to find coaches and officials and booster club members. This pandemic isn't helping matters one iota.

It would be a crying shame if schools went virtual and athletics were banged in counties that have active cases in the single digits and haven't recorded a death in a month. But it all comes back to semantics, and what I was talking about in March. No one wants to be the guy who had an outbreak, perceived or not, pinned on them.

How do you deal with this?
The same way you deal with neurological and inflammatory conditions in young children caused by influenza. Want me to google you some studies? Please say no.

All viral and bacterial infections have a subset of complications that adversely affect people of any age range.

We can play your "let's google some studies about things I know little to nothing about" game ad nauseum if you want, but I think it'd just bore people eventually.

And let's not forget that (despite your looooooooong history of Walter Mitty-ist claims) you aren't a PhD/counselor/psychologist/researcher in any field. At all. Whatsoever. You're just a random internet guy like the rest of us who makes vague claims of being a teacher/farmer/coach/salesman/cop/mountaineer/astronaut/surgeon general all at some point in your life. If you actually did an eighth of the shit you say you've done in your life you'd be 385 years old. Taking parenting, educational, or medical guidance from you would be like taking financial advice from Terrell Owens.

We get it that you've published four books on virtual learning and it's effect on pre-teen brain development, and that academic paper on Kawasaki syndrome you co-authored last year with those researchers from MIT was ground-breaking to say the least, but we're gonna need more references.
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Well, for a time when a program has to undergo a complete upheaval a year when there may not be any season at all is the time to do it. But it can't be a half-assed effort. There has to be a complete housecleaning, meaning Barta, Kirk, Brian, and Seth. No more Ferentz anywhere near the program. And the university marketing department could use a shakeup as well in trying to get past this. There's quite a stain on the school right now and I don't have faith in the suits drawing a paycheck currently in Iowa City have even a clue as how to clean it up.

Recruiting's going to be nonexistent outside of Iowa-born kids if either of the 'Rentzes is still here.
During the bulk of that shutdown, no one was going to bars or political rallies. It was a ghost town everywhere. Pretty much everything was closed from St. Patrick's Day until Memorial Day weekend and it didn't work. It didn't work because you still have people in healthcare and critical industries like food, trucking, energy, etc. It's not really possible to do a full shutdown and without an absolute lockdown, The Germ simply ain't going away.

Correct. It's a train rumbling down the tracks. Ain't no stoppin' it.
The same way you deal with neurological and inflammatory conditions in young children caused by influenza. Want me to google you some studies? Please say no.

All viral and bacterial infections have a subset of complications that adversely affect people of any age range.

We can play your "let's google some studies about things I know little to nothing about" game ad nauseum if you want, but I think it'd just bore people eventually.

And let's not forget that (despite your looooooooong history of Walter Mitty-ist claims) you aren't a PhD/counselor/psychologist/researcher in any field. At all. Whatsoever. You're just a random internet guy like the rest of us who makes vague claims of being a teacher/farmer/coach/salesman/cop/mountaineer/astronaut/surgeon general all at some point in your life. If you actually did an eighth of the shit you say you've done in your life you'd be 385 years old. Taking parenting, educational, or medical guidance from you would be like taking financial advice from Terrell Owens.

We get it that you've published four books on virtual learning and it's effect on pre-teen brain development, and that academic paper on Kawasaki syndrome you co-authored last year with those researchers from MIT was ground-breaking to say the least, but we're gonna need more references.

LMAO.........Delivered again! So entertaining.

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