Snyder’s a douche bag and was not popular in the locker room according to two other guys I've talked with who played at the same time as him. One was a teammate of Brandon's in HS, and one was from another area school up here.
He and his family wear their righteousness on their sleeves when and if it suits them. Snyder got a job back here coaching 9th grade baseball the past couple summers and there are two schools (that I know of) he’s told not to be at per their ADs. Absolute puke to deal with on a sports field and the exact opposite of the humble person he and his dad tried to portray him as after his booze issues. Koury Kramer (WL’s varsity baseball coach) actually kicked him out of the dugout of a varsity game. Last year I worked a freshman plate and Snyder was coaching first; the Sioux Center pitcher had a very borderline twitch back to first after coming set, I told his catcher he could go talk to him if he wanted, otherwise I was calling it the next time. I (and most umpires) give slight leeway with balks at the freshman level and give catchers a chance to talk to their guy first as a learning tool. Did it again, I called it, and Snyder goes “About time, sir, thank you! Seen that all afternoon but I’m not an official so thank you again!” Then he asks if I’m working the varsity game lol. Whoever West Lyon’s JV coach is called time and walked over there to talk to him and took over. His own fucking coaching staff can’t stand him but his dad's a principal and does a bunch of AD duties. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm not aware of too many people with a less than one year old OWI on their records who get voted off their team because of repeated alcohol problems, and then get a coaching certificate issued in the state of Iowa...hmm...And yes, in Iowa you have to get a coaching certificate from the state even to work as a volunteer.
But I digress on that issue...
It definitely runs in the family. This past season I was at the West Sioux vs WL basketball game Tim (his dad) was there standing at the baseline like he always does, chanting "one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand" at the top of his lungs because he thinks lane violations never get called. Does it all game. My buddy was an official and at the end of the game jogged by and goes, "Thanks for the help, Tim, we appreciate it," and he chased after all three guys down the hall and into the locker room dropping F-bombs. My friend should have kept his mouth shut, but chasing after officials like that is a huge no-no and just a generally douchey thing to do.
The whole family is a bunch of entitled shit stains who think they're royalty because they were at various points big fish/small pond. It's not unique to Larchwood, you've probably seen it in many itty bitty towns where sports is literally the only thing a school has. All of their sports coaches are either 2nd or 3rd generation players from that town and are bringing the 4th generation through right now. There's an air of douchebaggery with certain ones like the Snyders and others, and some are great like the Kramers.
The embarrassment Snyder laid on the town really brought the Jesus out in Brandon and Tim but funnily enough it goes away when the reporters or camera guys leave town...