Ross P to Alabama - For Real

Unbelievable. You've got this guy on there wishing him a bunch of injuries. Grow up man-

I don't know the guy but I will say he is clearly an expert in totes kool eyewear.
Ross did us a favor by leaving. Look, if the recruitment process was so difficult for him that we "committed" and wavered several times, do you think he has the rocks to handle the pressure of big-boy college football? My wife trying to pick out an outfit for a wedding is more decisive that this guy. Bob is right, we shouldn't hope he comes crawling back. He made his deal with the devil, so make him live with it.
Ross did us a favor by leaving. Look, if the recruitment process was so difficult for him that we "committed" and wavered several times, do you think he has the rocks to handle the pressure of big-boy college football? My wife trying to pick out an outfit for a wedding is more decisive that this guy. Bob is right, we shouldn't hope he comes crawling back. He made his deal with the devil, so make him live with it.

Exactly. Nick Saban may offer some pretty nice things, but it is obvious he is in this world for one thing and one thing alone; To benefit Nick Saban. Nick Saban will use you for when you're important to Nick Saban, but when you conflict with Nick Saban's best interest, Nick Saban has no use for you anymore.

I honestly feel sorry for any family that gets swept up in his charm and falls for his BS. I can just picture him, strutting in your living room like he owns the place with his $100 haircut, giving the folks lots of "sirs" and ma'ams", talking a big game about how much family means to him, and his Christian faith, and how he'll treat you like a son. Yet, he's always got that knife ready to stab you in the back. Oh, you're injured and can't play. Focus on academics instead. Oh, and BTW, we pulled your scholarship. "Ross has decided to focus on academics at a school closer to home while recovering".
Nick Saban is just a sore loser after the Capital One Bowl. That is why he is over promising, over signing, and poaching players from Iowa. He will never get over it.
Tork: He gave his word to hold a spot for himself until something better came along. He is going to Alabama, fine, more power to him. I do not fault his choice, but rather the way he went about it. People this day and age don't value their word as a commitment. That is just sad.

It's easy to say that's what he did now, but he sat on that Alabama offer for quite awhile before making the switch. He was offered back in May and didn't flip until the past week. If he were just waiting for something better, why wouldn't he have jumped on the offer right away?
What happens if we go 8-4 this year and show signs that we're back? Does he flip again? Or does Kurt tell him no thanks?
GhostofBTT thinks not. He has indicated it is not a coincidence that a guy who would presumably play guard as a true freshman at Iowa had second thoughts after all of these Coe stories broke. Dude doesn't want to line up against ISU and Coe. Can't say I blame him.
How do you explain Saban's mediocre success at Michigan State, or less-than-stellar performance at Miami/NFL?

I'll give you a hint: ""best recruiter" is a code.

What KF SHOULD have done if show Ross video of Saban throwing his DB under the bus after the 2005 Cap One Bowl.
Then again, KF wasted more time on RP, probably, than he did Seantrel Henderson. He's gotta be getting tired of dealing with this crap.

First of all, NFL is a different ball game brother. That doesn't mean he isn't the best college coach around., because he was mediocre at MSU....15 years ago....he isn't he best now? I'll use 116-19 since MSU, as well as 3 of last 4 titles as my proof. Say what you want about him. I'm not a fan, he rubs me the wrong way all too often. But the results speak for themselves. And use the 'code' all you want. That is the reality of college football. RECRUITING. If you are in the south, you have the advantage. If you are in the SEC, you have another advantage. If you are at Alabama, you have even more of an advantage. Has Saban benefited from all that. Absolutely. But he has maximized every situation. Nobody else has done that. He is a machine. Listen to him. Watch him. He is detailed, a tactician. He is light years ahead of most coaches running a program.
Listen to him. Watch him. He is detailed, a tactician. He is light years ahead of most coaches running a program.
No, he's an amoral sleazebag who will do or say anything to advance his own self-interests. The only thing he's excelling at is covering his own tracks, which is why he can stay at Alabama while guys like Chezik, Meyer, Tressel, and Kelly have to leave their schools.
Saban will get his soon enough.
No need to terrorize the Kidd. Its his life and his choice. (There is life outside of Iowa) He's gonna have his work cut out for him down there. We all know that
It's easy to say that's what he did now, but he sat on that Alabama offer for quite awhile before making the switch. He was offered back in May and didn't flip until the past week. If he were just waiting for something better, why wouldn't he have jumped on the offer right away?
Who's to say he didn't give Saban his word then????? His family is from CF so I'm sure that carried some weight. He's gone, so be it.
Who's to say he didn't give Saban his word then????? His family is from CF so I'm sure that carried some weight. He's gone, so be it.

See, now you're just using some sort of conspiracy theory and jumping to conclusions that support the "Ross=Scum" rhetoric. What's more likely: That Ross privately committed to Alabama months ago and then led this three ring circus for ***** and giggles, or he spent a lot of time thinking about it and finally pulled the trigger last week (albeit leaving a trail of chaos in his wake)?

If you're thinking even remotely close to clearly, Door #2 should look very appealing.
No, he's an amoral sleazebag who will do or say anything to advance his own self-interests. The only thing he's excelling at is covering his own tracks, which is why he can stay at Alabama while guys like Chezik, Meyer, Tressel, and Kelly have to leave their schools.
Saban will get his soon enough.

What, in any of what you just said, contradicts the assertion that Saban is lightyears ahead of most coaches in running a program? Maybe he cheats like crazy, but he's way better at getting away with it. In what way does that NOT put him ahead of most coaches (I'm not talking about morals, I'm talking about coaching and running a program)?
See, now you're just using some sort of conspiracy theory and jumping to conclusions that support the "Ross=Scum" rhetoric. What's more likely: That Ross privately committed to Alabama months ago and then led this three ring circus for ***** and giggles, or he spent a lot of time thinking about it and finally pulled the trigger last week (albeit leaving a trail of chaos in his wake)?

If you're thinking even remotely close to clearly, Door #2 should look very appealing.
You don't know, I don't know, he's gone, end of story. It's just a different day and age when you promise something then don't follow thru. His verbal (promise-word) meant nothing to him when he made it. It's all water over the dam now.
You don't know, I don't know, he's gone, end of story. It's just a different day and age when you promise something then don't follow thru. His verbal (promise-word) meant nothing to him when he made it. It's all water over the dam now.

I don't want to get political here so I'm going to go against my instinct and not blame the guy in the White House for this, but I agree with what you say about it being a different age and stuff. The twitter has pretty much ruined kids.
Why does everyone think that HS kids changing their minds is something new. I know guys that coached D1 football in the 70s and they have stories about camping out in a kids driveway on signing day because he verb'd to them but another coach came in that day and they signed with them. Only thing different is now you hear about every one that happens. Not the first time it will happen. Not the last.

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