Ross P to Alabama - For Real

You mean like South Carolina Missouri and Florida? All of whom Iowa beat in bowl games.

Riddle me this. If Iowa had to play South Carolina in a bowl game this year and Davis called any offensive play other than a QB kneel, could he be held liable for manslaughter if our QB died as a result of a hit by Clowney? I would convict him. The Big Ten has never seen the likes of Clowney.

I'm a huge B1G homer, but man, those OSU title games against the SEC schools were just downright scary. I think maybe when you get down around 3rd or 4th in the conferences, there might be some relative parity, but the top dogs in the SEC end up having a handful of guys who are just light years better than anyone in the Big Ten. I don't know that there is anyone in the B1G who could tackle any of 'Bama's starting RBs in the past 5 years one on one more than 50% of the time. And I think you'd have to go back to maybe Braylon Edwards to find a B1G WR who could get open and catch a ball against a dude like Honey Badger.
Stop calling this kid out for not being an Iowa fan. He was offered a full ride to the best football program in the country. You are lying to yourself if you say you wouldn't accept the offer if you we're in his shoes.

What I call him out on, specifically, is this: the tweet that two different times KF talked him into keeping his commitment, but this time he couldn't.

My guess is that the person who tweeted that did NOT hear it from KF or the staff. They heard it from the kid or his father.

For someone who wasn't going to comment after making the decision, this shows a lack of class.
Then I guess his word is worthless. It meant absolutely nothing to him. Since you agree with him maybe your word means nothing also? If he was not sure he should not have made a commitment to play at Iowa.
Then I guess his word is worthless. It meant absolutely nothing to him. Since you agree with him maybe your word means nothing also? If he was not sure he should not have made a commitment to play at Iowa.

And as such, he clearly made a mistake in committing too soon. Does that make him a horrible human being like he's being made out to be here? It shouldn't.

But at the same time, he didn't hold an offer from Alabama when he committed. Maybe he did feel sure at the time, but he was operating with incomplete information when he made that decision. When other options opened up, he considered them and ultimately took one of them.
Barkley Hill must go. We can't someone with such poor integrity involved with the program.


Do you mock and call out all the Cyturds on CyClownfanatic like you do to your fellow Hok fans around here? It seems your posting style has changed over the last few months, that you prefer to hang with your Clown brethren....WTF happened?
Do you mock and call out all the Cyturds on CyClownfanatic like you do to your fellow Hok fans around here? It seems your posting style has changed over the last few months, that you prefer to hang with your Clown brethren....WTF happened?

I'm on this site more often, and I typically post more in the off-topic forum on CF (it's way more active than the one here). I used to be very active in most of CF's forums, but I don't have time for that lately.

It just really gets under my skin to see people calling out a high school senior like he's the lowest form of scum because he backed out of a worthless verbal commitment. Especially when we currently have a player on the roster who backed out of a commitment to ISU; I guess it must be something in the water in Cedar Falls.

In most cases in this thread, this has nothing to do with whether the kid is honorable and an upstanding person or not. It's just a gigantic amount of butthurt.
I'm on this site more often, and I typically post more in the off-topic forum on CF (it's way more active than the one here). I used to be very active in most of CF's forums, but I don't have time for that lately.

It just really gets under my skin to see people calling out a high school senior like he's the lowest form of scum because he backed out of a worthless verbal commitment. Especially when we currently have a player on the roster who backed out of a commitment to ISU; I guess it must be something in the water in Cedar Falls.

In most cases in this thread, this has nothing to do with whether the kid is honorable and an upstanding person or not. It's just a gigantic amount of butthurt.

I agree with you about posters calling out HS players.....most of them are just blowing off steam though. They are frustrated at the state of the program, and losing an in state kid that as Iowa fans we take pride in. I guess I save my vitriol for Cyturd posters that are over here trolling......well and maybe OOTH or Freed when they get ridiculous. :)
I agree with you about posters calling out HS players.....most of them are just blowing off steam though. They are frustrated at the state of the program, and losing an in state kid that as Iowa fans we take pride in. I guess I save my vitriol for Cyturd posters that are over here trolling......well and maybe OOTH or Freed when they get ridiculous. :)

I know most of them are just venting, but at least they could stick to railing on Ferentz for blowing it or something along those lines. There's no need to come after RP the way many in this thread have done.
Hey OK4P, serious question here: Why isn't a verbal considered a legal contract (at least when verballed by a kid that's at least 18)? Isn't there precedent that entering into a verbal contract, while not considered as aluminum-clad (cuz nothing is iron-clad) as a paper contract with signatures, still should be binding if you can prove the verbal agreement took place?

Oral Contracts: Do they carry any weight? | LegalZoom
I don't think this has very little to do with Iowa's record despite Pat Harty's ramblings. This has to do with a kid wanting a chance to win a national championship and its probably very hard for some kids to say no to Saban and Alabama. I mean you have a chance to win multiple national titles. What other schools can offer that?
Iowa will be fine. I know they are still in on another 4 star OT and it looks like their are a few good olinemen in next years Iowa high school class. I think if this were a skill position it would be a bigger loss.

Ol' Pharty just got kicked down the hill to prep sports and simply took this opportunity to pile on by calling Iowa football "irrelevant." He should be writing for the International Falls, Minnesota weekly.
Hey OK4P, serious question here: Why isn't a verbal considered a legal contract (at least when verballed by a kid that's at least 18)? Isn't there precedent that entering into a verbal contract, while not considered as aluminum-clad (cuz nothing is iron-clad) as a paper contract with signatures, still should be binding if you can prove the verbal agreement took place?

Oral Contracts: Do they carry any weight? | LegalZoom

I'm no lawyer but how bout this.

1. The NCAA clearly defines the National Letter of it's binding contract for college commitments. So verbals are just that... talk.

2. If a kid is under the age of 18, they're too young to enter into a binding contract, so their "verbal contract" isn't enforceable either. (that's why I believe a parent also has to sign the LOI if the player is under 18)

3. A school can pull their scholarship offer at any time, even after a kid signs. (we've seen this before) So I'm not sure an NCAA LOI is even a it's legal definition.
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I know most of them are just venting, but at least they could stick to railing on Ferentz for blowing it or something along those lines. There's no need to come after RP the way many in this thread have done.

I normally see--and expect--better from you.

How did Ferentz "blow it"? Good word, we offered early, he accepted, we didn't waiver, and from all accounts, KF TWICE convinced him to stay committed.

Or are you in the salary-envy camp and think Kirk should have "matched" Alabama's offer.

Frankly, I agree with those "venting". And I really won't be sad for the kid if Saban/Bama pull his offer if he has a mediocre senior year or he gets hurt or whatever. I don't wish him "good luck". This isn't a kid like French or Arrington who was NEVER a verbal, or an out-of-state who decided to stay home. He's an in=state kid who committed. If he didn't have the offer he wanted, he shouldn't have committed. If he is a lifelong Hawkeye fan (which he obviously was not), he wouldn't be "swayed" by Bama/Saban/SEC/national titles. He would be loyal to his state AND his verbal commitment. And since everyone says he is "young", then his parents should have stood up and said he wasn't ready to commit.

Face it, the kid sucks. End of story.
Hey OK4P, serious question here: Why isn't a verbal considered a legal contract (at least when verballed by a kid that's at least 18)? Isn't there precedent that entering into a verbal contract, while not considered as aluminum-clad (cuz nothing is iron-clad) as a paper contract with signatures, still should be binding if you can prove the verbal agreement took place?

Oral Contracts: Do they carry any weight? | LegalZoom

With a written contract which came first in the process - the words spoken out loud in speech or the words entered onto a piece of paper as text?

Isn't the written contract just a memorial of the terms of the contract already verbally agreed to?

Isn't a contract just an agreement? It would then seem that a verbal agreement is just a contract that has not yet been memorialized on a piece of paper.
I normally see--and expect--better from you.

How did Ferentz "blow it"? Good word, we offered early, he accepted, we didn't waiver, and from all accounts, KF TWICE convinced him to stay committed.

Or are you in the salary-envy camp and think Kirk should have "matched" Alabama's offer.

Frankly, I agree with those "venting". And I really won't be sad for the kid if Saban/Bama pull his offer if he has a mediocre senior year or he gets hurt or whatever. I don't wish him "good luck". This isn't a kid like French or Arrington who was NEVER a verbal, or an out-of-state who decided to stay home. He's an in=state kid who committed. If he didn't have the offer he wanted, he shouldn't have committed. If he is a lifelong Hawkeye fan (which he obviously was not), he wouldn't be "swayed" by Bama/Saban/SEC/national titles. He would be loyal to his state AND his verbal commitment. And since everyone says he is "young", then his parents should have stood up and said he wasn't ready to commit.

Face it, the kid sucks. End of story.
He blew it by doing an awful coaching job and having the program in it's current state in year freaking 14 of his tenure. You don't think that if Iowa was coming off even an 8-4ish season with higher hopes it would make the winning possibility at least a bit more apples to apples with Bama? As is he's comparing possible Nat'l championship with likely no bowls. It really isn't very hard to understand how KF blew it. The kid is 17 years old, get a life. Frankly you're not very bright, you're a sad KF fanboy, and you suck.
No positive spin on this stings and I don't know if it happens if Iowa wasn't 4-8 last year.

Sure there is. Odds are very high that this guy has never played against another D1/FBS prospect. You take a 2/3 star guy who played in Chicago, St Louis, Texas, or New Jersey and you know they have played against much better players than RP has played against.

This is going to be disrespectful to the state of Iowa but I would gladly take an all conference player out of Texas (ex: Anjeus Jones) than the very best player out of Iowa every year. I've seen too many highly recruited kids out of Iowa flop at Iowa to get bent out of shape about losing this guy.
I normally see--and expect--better from you.

How did Ferentz "blow it"? Good word, we offered early, he accepted, we didn't waiver, and from all accounts, KF TWICE convinced him to stay committed.

Or are you in the salary-envy camp and think Kirk should have "matched" Alabama's offer.

Frankly, I agree with those "venting". And I really won't be sad for the kid if Saban/Bama pull his offer if he has a mediocre senior year or he gets hurt or whatever. I don't wish him "good luck". This isn't a kid like French or Arrington who was NEVER a verbal, or an out-of-state who decided to stay home. He's an in=state kid who committed. If he didn't have the offer he wanted, he shouldn't have committed. If he is a lifelong Hawkeye fan (which he obviously was not), he wouldn't be "swayed" by Bama/Saban/SEC/national titles. He would be loyal to his state AND his verbal commitment. And since everyone says he is "young", then his parents should have stood up and said he wasn't ready to commit.

Face it, the kid sucks. End of story.

I never said I believed Ferentz blew it. But I don't care for people ripping a kid to shreds for no other reason than he decided to back out and not play for Iowa. We certainly welcomed Barkley Hill into the fold with open arms. We can't have our cake and eat it too. Why is RP's situation any different?

Oh yeah, because he's not going to play for Iowa so a bunch of people are nursing a serious case of but hurt about it.
I normally see--and expect--better from you.

How did Ferentz "blow it"? Good word, we offered early, he accepted, we didn't waiver, and from all accounts, KF TWICE convinced him to stay committed.

Or are you in the salary-envy camp and think Kirk should have "matched" Alabama's offer.

Frankly, I agree with those "venting". And I really won't be sad for the kid if Saban/Bama pull his offer if he has a mediocre senior year or he gets hurt or whatever. I don't wish him "good luck". This isn't a kid like French or Arrington who was NEVER a verbal, or an out-of-state who decided to stay home. He's an in=state kid who committed. If he didn't have the offer he wanted, he shouldn't have committed. If he is a lifelong Hawkeye fan (which he obviously was not), he wouldn't be "swayed" by Bama/Saban/SEC/national titles. He would be loyal to his state AND his verbal commitment. And since everyone says he is "young", then his parents should have stood up and said he wasn't ready to commit.

Face it, the kid sucks. End of story.

This thread is soooo full of butthurt. On the butthurt rating scale of 1 to 10 with 10 having the most pain in your butt, this is an eleven. Jeebus bob. Step away from the keyboard! Seriously! A kid sucks because he didn't pick your college to go to? Get a grip.

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