Remember when? You too Jon...

Woot. We might win 8 whole games. Good golly. We are in the, what, 14th season of our coach. And we are skipping and jumping for joy over 8 wins.
I bet you could go back to 1999 and see the same dumb mistakes by KF he makes today. I still want him gone. Im ready to start over.
But I will take 8 wins. This team is sure playing over its coaches head.

In Hayden's 14th year we were 5-7, followed by a 6-6 and 5-5-1. We then got back to a 8 and then 9 win season.

For the Hawk fans that think 9+ wins has been some kind of regular occurrence in IC, you might want to think again. Hayden had 3 seasons of 10 wins, and 3 seasons of 9 wins over 20 years. KF has 4 seasons of 10+ wins and a 9 win season in 14 years.
Dean, they're the kinda people you sit behind at a game and ***** because we run this play and not that play, ect ect...

Or complain that Rudock doesn't snap the ball with 15 seconds on the clock and audibles into a play that gets us 15 yards instead.
Remember back in October when we were having issues with the numbers 1,3, and 4 defenses in the nation? Remember how many of you, including Jon, said the sky as falling, as the the rest of us level headed posters were TRYING to point out the obvious? Remember how we said "how about we just let the season play out", and we were called Koolaid drinkers, ect? Even if we lose this week, I say the season was much better than most of you predicted. 8-4 would be considered an outstanding season this year, and 7-5 would be pretty darn good, considering almost everyone except those inside the walls of Kinnick said we'd be lucky to hit 5-7....Time to eat your crow Jon. Id call out all the negative posters, but theres so darn many of you, that I quit caring...

I called this season in freaking 2010! That is, if the Hawks don't win another game.

If they do I'll gladly eat crow. If not, you can eat something else.
This is FANTASTIC. Iowa is one of the best teams in the nation right now. They've amassed a record of 7-4 after beating some of the best teams in the country that together have a combined record of 28-50. The best thing is Iowa beat TWO teams that have winning records, not one but TWO! Grab your hats boys, Iowa should be lining up for a National Championship in the comings weeks.

Honestly. Iowa has done better than most people have predicted, except for the few that want to be the outliers and predicted they would get 7-8 wins. Which they probably did just so they could start stupid threads about how amazing they are at predicting Iowa's success and try to hold it over everyone's head how positive they are and supportive they are.

Anybody with a brain in their head wouldn't have guessed Iowa would be 7-4 after last years horrible season and with a new, unproven QB.

Iowa has put together good quarters and that's it. This team has yet to prove anything except that Ferentz still can't manage a clock, Greg Davis is lost, and Iowa is as inconsistent as the NCAA on rules.

Lastly, I'm happy with the way that the season is turning out for Iowa, but you can't negate the fact that this team has some major problems.

Derp. Maybe some people actually saw how close to 7-5 this team was last year and thought that the ball would bounce the other way this year. Go ahead and just keep thinking those people don't have a brain though because I can tell it makes you feel so good inside to complain.
Good, I'm glad you're ready to start over. But with all due respect, you're an idiot and a moron. Oh noes, we lost in the 'Shoe. How many times have won there, like 2 in the past 40 or 50 years? Oh noes, Sparty and Wisconsin both have respectable ball clubs and we lost to them. It's not like we got embarrassed by them like Northwestern did with its high flying offense that defenses have figured out how to ground all year. We have one inexcusable loss and that was NIU. Every fan base wants 6 to 8 wins in the Big Ten, but the math don't work that way, bub. If we get to 5 wins in conference this year, I'll be freaking ecstatic. This ball club has bounced back in a major way after an awful season last year and if you're going to sulk and be angry about 8 win seasons, go cheer for freaking Illinois or something and see how impatient fan bases who demand coaching changes every year get rewarded. Hell, sticking with Ferentz through the lean times is absolutely critical in attracting our next coach because if we are competing against some SEC school for a highly sought after coach, he might be darn content knowing that the majority of our fan base will have some patience and won't demand his termination if he has a bad year.

And this attitude is why Iowa gets by winning 8,9,10 games in consecutive seasons then going into the 3 season funk. Then having 3 good seasons. BECAUSE we're Iowa. We cant win in the shoe. Because history tells us so. We should be happy with 8 win seasons, because we're Iowa and we should'nt expect any better.
Its stupid to be happy with 8. KF has leveled out. He won't get us any higher. 3 good seasons, followed by 3 bad seasons. Lets find a coach that takes us to thew next level. Or is that impossible because its Iowa.
Oh yeah, we cant win at OSU, so we may as well be happy to be in the game. Because, you know, it's Iowa and they should'nt be expected to win at OSU.
And how many more lean seasons do we stick with KF? At least 2 more down turns if he stays for the rest of his contract.

Talk about an idiot and a moron. Raise your expectations. Dont settle for your fat, ugly GF. Maybe you could score a 7 or an 8. Or wait, those dont exist, because its Iowa. Nothing like settling. Its very comforting. And change is sooooo scary. (Not a personal attack on your GF or anybodies GFs. Just a comparison.}
In Hayden's 14th year we were 5-7, followed by a 6-6 and 5-5-1. We then got back to a 8 and then 9 win season.

For the Hawk fans that think 9+ wins has been some kind of regular occurrence in IC, you might want to think again. Hayden had 3 seasons of 10 wins, and 3 seasons of 9 wins over 20 years. KF has 4 seasons of 10+ wins and a 9 win season in 14 years.

Its hard to compare Hayden with KF. Hayden brought the program out of a major depression. Hayden earned a lot of capital doing that. Hayden was innovative and exciting. Hayden knew how to kiss up to the good ol' folks of Iowa.
KF took the program and should have done better. Better then he has. The foundation was laid. KF should have built it up. The teams have had good seasons. No doubt. Beaten some good teams. But there are those minor coaching things he hasnt figured out. Like clock management or half time adjustments. Things that help you win more games. Shoot, if we only had to play the 1st half of games we would be sniffing a national championship. Unfortunately, the game is played in 2 halves.

Raise your expectations. And maybe better things will come.
And this attitude is why Iowa gets by winning 8,9,10 games in consecutive seasons then going into the 3 season funk. Then having 3 good seasons. BECAUSE we're Iowa. We cant win in the shoe. Because history tells us so. We should be happy with 8 win seasons, because we're Iowa and we should'nt expect any better.
Its stupid to be happy with 8. KF has leveled out. He won't get us any higher. 3 good seasons, followed by 3 bad seasons. Lets find a coach that takes us to thew next level. Or is that impossible because its Iowa.
Oh yeah, we cant win at OSU, so we may as well be happy to be in the game. Because, you know, it's Iowa and they should'nt be expected to win at OSU.
And how many more lean seasons do we stick with KF? At least 2 more down turns if he stays for the rest of his contract.

Talk about an idiot and a moron. Raise your expectations. Dont settle for your fat, ugly GF. Maybe you could score a 7 or an 8. Or wait, those dont exist, because its Iowa. Nothing like settling. Its very comforting. And change is sooooo scary. (Not a personal attack on your GF or anybodies GFs. Just a comparison.}

No, you're an idiot and a moron, not me pal. The population of the State of Iowa is approximately a quarter of the population of Ohio. And about 80% of that population in Ohio are Buckeyes fans. Ohio State gets first choice of kids there, plus it has a long and rich history and a commentator on ESPN always talking them up, so they can go to other states and pluck very highly sought after ball players.

The State of Iowa produces very few BCS caliber football players, and many of those it does produce require 2-3 years of developmental work. It is a function of state size. So then we have to go to nearby states to get kids, but problem is, Mizzou and Wisconsin have good football programs, too. So we go to suburban Chicago and get about one stud every 3 years and then a bunch of busts who are marginally highly ranked, but who are really just above average MAC level players. It doesn't matter who our coach is, we have no recruiting territory and a very small fan base compared to OSU. Our revenues are a fraction of their revenues. I never expect to beat OSU because I am too smart to think Iowa will ever consistently be as good or better than them. That's why when we beat them in 2004, I stayed in Kinnick until they turned the dang scoreboard off.

What idiots like you don't understand is Ferentz has taken us to the top of where Iowa football can be in the modern era.
Its hard to compare Hayden with KF. Hayden brought the program out of a major depression. Hayden earned a lot of capital doing that. Hayden was innovative and exciting. Hayden knew how to kiss up to the good ol' folks of Iowa.
KF took the program and should have done better. Better then he has. The foundation was laid. KF should have built it up. The teams have had good seasons. No doubt. Beaten some good teams. But there are those minor coaching things he hasnt figured out. Like clock management or half time adjustments. Things that help you win more games. Shoot, if we only had to play the 1st half of games we would be sniffing a national championship. Unfortunately, the game is played in 2 halves.

Raise your expectations. And maybe better things will come.

Been an Iowa fan my whole life. The only thing higher expectations will accomplish is substantially more heartache. Enjoy the 2002s and 2009s when they come because they don't come often.
Its hard to compare Hayden with KF. Hayden brought the program out of a major depression. Hayden earned a lot of capital doing that. Hayden was innovative and exciting. Hayden knew how to kiss up to the good ol' folks of Iowa.
KF took the program and should have done better. Better then he has. The foundation was laid. KF should have built it up. The teams have had good seasons. No doubt. Beaten some good teams. But there are those minor coaching things he hasnt figured out. Like clock management or half time adjustments. Things that help you win more games. Shoot, if we only had to play the 1st half of games we would be sniffing a national championship. Unfortunately, the game is played in 2 halves.

Raise your expectations. And maybe better things will come.

Hayden left the program in a shambles, lets just call it how it was. KF had to rebuild it to get to where he got. Fans raising expectations won't lead to a single win. It will lead to coaching turnover, but not necessarily wins. Look at Michigan with Rich Rod, and now Hoke. For every good hire, I could point to 3 bad hires, and changing coaches isn't a guarantee of anything.

So you go ahead and have unrealistic expectations based on the last 34 years of history of the Iowa football program. Which by the way those 34 years were much better than the years preceding that.
Hayden left the program in a shambles, lets just call it how it was. KF had to rebuild it to get to where he got. Fans raising expectations won't lead to a single win. It will lead to coaching turnover, but not necessarily wins. Look at Michigan with Rich Rod, and now Hoke. For every good hire, I could point to 3 bad hires, and changing coaches isn't a guarantee of anything.

So you go ahead and have unrealistic expectations based on the last 34 years of history of the Iowa football program. Which by the way those 34 years were much better than the years preceding that.

Yep, grew up in the 70s as part of the knothole gang.
I remember Bob Cummings and the cursive Iowa helmets. Horrid.
Hayden did leave the program in shambles. But he also lost every good assistant he had, including KF. He was done.
Haydens coaching tree is amazing. KFs, not so much.
I guess settling is easier to take. When you dont have high expectations, you dont get disappointed.
Am I wrong, but didnt one Bob Stoops want the Iowa job? Hes a pretty good ball coach. So I think Iowa has the potential to make a great hire. Good conference, very good facilities, rabid fan base, an administration that shows it will pay top dollar and guarantee that contract, weak press corp, oh, and a fan base with low expectations. That formula seems to add up to a plum job.
But, I guess my expectations are just too high. LETS WIN 8!!!
So Wisconsin beat a ranked team in Minny (they were 8-2) and ranked #25, so according to you, that is a "good win".....yet Iowa beat Minnesota when they were 4-0, but unranked, so that isn't a good win???

The whole beat a ranked team is overplayed and stupid. Where they end up at the end of the year is what should count, (kind of like the RIP, Kenpom, etc). Lets see how good your opponents were at the end of the year.

No, the fact people keep acting like beating Minny was a big win is overplayed. The goophers aren't any good they got fat on the type of schedule Iowa has next year.

This Iowa team likely ends the year at 7 and 6, with a loss to the bugeaters and a loss to an upper tier team in a bowl game. Can you imagine Iowa running into a B12 or SEC team with any type of O, I would rather not witness that type of beat down.
No, the fact people keep acting like beating Minny was a big win is overplayed. The goophers aren't any good they got fat on the type of schedule Iowa has next year.

This Iowa team likely ends the year at 7 and 6, with a loss to the bugeaters and a loss to an upper tier team in a bowl game. Can you imagine Iowa running into a B12 or SEC team with any type of O, I would rather not witness that type of beat down.
So, like, an offense kinda like OSU, or Wisconsin? Like, those types? Cause heres the thing, (PSST...they dont play defense in the SEC or Big 12, so the offense looks like, sooooo much better man)
So, like, an offense kinda like OSU, or Wisconsin? Like, those types? Cause heres the thing, (PSST...they dont play defense in the SEC or Big 12, so the offense looks like, sooooo much better man)

So, like, an offense kinda like OSU, or Wisconsin? Like, those types? Cause heres the thing, (PSST...they dont play defense in the SEC or Big 12, so the offense looks like, sooooo much better man)

PSSSSST, Have you watched the B10 play in bowl games against quality teams the last 5-7 years. PSSST they get rolled maybe I'll start a gloating thread that really isn't a gloating thread around Jan 3rd of next year to snap you back into reality.
PSSSSST, Have you watched the B10 play in bowl games against quality teams the last 5-7 years. PSSST they get rolled maybe I'll start a gloating thread that really isn't a gloating thread around Jan 3rd of next year to snap you back into reality.

Actually, I watched Iowa play the following: LSU, Florida x 2, The gamecocks, and GT. Cant quite remember how those turned out..OH, and how could I forget a number 10 ranked MO a few years ago....craaaaaaaaaaaap...
And yes, we got demolished by USC and OU....Pretty much played everyone else straight up
Actually, I watched Iowa play the following: LSU, Florida x 2, The gamecocks, and GT. Cant quite remember how those turned out..OH, and how could I forget a number 10 ranked MO a few years ago....craaaaaaaaaaaap...

Did you forget to fill your ******* at HY-VEE again?

This Iowa team would get rolled by any of those teams, the O just doenst cut it and the competition those Iowa teams were playing was 10X better then this years. Please join the rest of us on planet earth, at some point.

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